Welcome & Rules

Dec 12, 2009 14:45

Welcome to alice_icontest

I am anticipating that this community will generally focus on the SyFy Miniseries: Alice, however, this may change later on depending on community input.

General Rules Applicable to All Challenges
* All entries must meet LJ specifications (under 40kb, 100x100, etc.)
* Entries are to be in .jpg, .png or .gif format only
* Please include both the image and the URL when submitting your icons
* It should go without saying that you should submit your own work
* Icons must be newly made for the contest
* It is recommended that you use a place like photobucket or imageshack to host your icons as LJ can be faulty from time to time.
* Please refrain from showing your entries elsewhere, including uploading to your userpics, until the voting period has ended.
* Unless otherwise stated, animation is NOT allowed
* Unless otherwise stated, each participant can submit up to 4 icons
* Unless otherwise stated: blending, textures, text and brushes are allowed

When you are submitting you may do so as follows:

<*img src=""*>

<*img src=""*>

<*img src=""*>

<*img src=""*>


<*img src=""*> <*img src=""*> <*img src=""*> <*img src=""*>

General Voting Rules
* It would be nice if all participants could also vote, but I won't make it mandatory.
* Voting will usually take place via an entry post with screened comments.
* Place votes will be weighted; a vote for 1st place earns 5 points, a vote for 2nd earns 3 and a vote for 3rd earns 1 point.
* In the event of a tie (involving more than two icons) a tie breaker will also take place
* Generally speaking, the more entries will mean more categories to vote on. The below is just a guideline.

Voting Awards
up to 15 entries: 1st through 3rd Place, Mod's Choice
up to 21 entries: 1st through 3rd Place, Mod's Choice, Crop and Color
up to 30 entries: 1st through 3rd Place, Honorable Mention, Crop, Color and Mod's Choice
31 entries and up: 1st through 3rd, Honorable Mention, Crop, Coloring, Additional Special Category (or categories if necessary) and Mod's Choice

* Honorable Mention is determined by the runner-up to third place or the icon that just misses placing

** Special Categories include: best use of text, best texture, best hush, best use of theme, etc.

;;mod post, ;;rules, ;;welcome

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