So I've Been Writing!

Jul 01, 2012 13:20

Which is weird to me, too.

What's even weirder is, by the time this thing is finished, it's going to be a monster.  It's a prompt-a-day challenge, and was just supposed to be drabbles.  Then I got this idea... anyway, by the time it's finished, edited, and re-written, it's probably going to be around 30-50k words.

Right?  Yes, you read that correctly.  WTF, Ali.

Anyway, I'm going to use this post as a link-trap for it, since I've put out 25 of the 30 prompts already and I no longer feel like, "Oh God, I'm going to jinx this so badly if I start talking about it to anyone."

Prompt 1:  Beginning

Prompt 2:  Accusation

Prompt 3:  Restless

Prompt 4:  Snowflake

Prompt 5:  Haze

Prompt 6:  Flame

Prompt 7:  Formal

Prompt 8:  Companion

Prompt 9:  Move

Prompt 10: Silver

Prompt 11:  Prepared

Prompt 12: Knowledge

Prompt 13: Denial

Prompt 14:  Wind

Prompt 15:  Order

Prompt 16:  Thanks

Prompt 17:  Look

Prompt 18:  Summer  (AKA, the one I need to re-write the most.  Ugh.)

Prompt 19:  Transformation

Prompt 20:  Tremble

Prompt 21:  Sunset

Prompt 22:  Mad

Prompt 23:  Thousand

Prompt 24:  Outside

Prompt 25:  Winter

Prompt 26: Diamond

Prompt 27: Letters

Prompt 28: Promise

Prompt 29:  Simple

Prompt 30: Future

Prompt 31:  Sanctuary

Bonus ficlets/timestamps:  Timestamp 1  Bonus 1  Bonus 2  Bonus 3 (AU Verse)  Bonus 4 (AU Verse)

supernatural, personal, side characters, dean/castiel, drabble, spn, what ali's been up to, writing

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