Late Response to Challenge "Crack Pairings"

May 19, 2008 12:40

Sorry if this is a bit late.

A little over 500 words...

The first time Francie saw him, she was buying apples in the organic market a few blocks away from the house she shared with Sydney (who was in New York on a business trip). He was a blond, wearing one of those suave aviator-type sunglasses and looking at the bananas in the other stall. He looked cute, she thought as she smiled to herself and paid for the apples. When she turned around to look at him again, he was gone.

The second time Francie saw him, it was early morning and she was entering her favorite coffee shop. He was by the door, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. She felt him stare at her and when she looked at him, she saw a handsome young man with bright blue eyes. It was funny, she thought, what a coincidence that she saw this beautiful man twice in one week in random places. She smiled at him as she walked out of the shop, and made sure that she tells Sydney (who was still in New York on a business trip) about this.

The third time Francie saw him, he was enjoying a glass of wine in her restaurant. He was seated in the corner, alone. It was nearing closing time and there were only a handful of patrons left. She looked around to see if anyone’s watching before she went towards his table and sat down in front of him.

“I don’t mean to sound rude, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I’ve seen you three times in random places in the past week.”

His gaze was intense, “Well, I do hope that it’s not a coincidence, because you’re a beautiful woman.” She felt even more surprised when she heard his accent. She didn’t expect that.

Though he seemed a lot younger than her, he was very appealing.

Her cheeks reddened, “Well, thank you.” She smiled at him, and then excused herself before heading towards the cashier.

Two hours later, she saw him outside, standing by the lamppost. Alarmed, Francie reached out for the pepper spray in her bag, readying herself for an assault.

When he saw her come out, he went towards her. He gave her a smile and Francie relaxed a little. He didn’t look dangerous.

“You are starting to creep-”

He moved so fast that she didn’t see it coming. The beautiful, blue-eyed man was kissing her with lips that were rough, demanding and gentle at the same time. And she kissed him back.

She didn’t know how long they stood outside the restaurant, but when they pulled away from each other, Francie couldn’t believe what they… no, what she did.

“You know, if you weren’t such a good-looking-”

He gently touched her lips with his finger to silence her. He looked at her face intently, as if memorizing her features.

“I will never pass up the opportunity of kissing a beautiful woman.”

When she arrived home a few minutes later, when she had locked the doors and was safely in her bed, she thought that if given another chance, she won’t pass up the opportunity of kissing that beautiful man again.

I didn't really have any intention of answering to the challenge since I couldn't think of any crack!pairings but yahtzee63 gave me a menu (of crack!pairings) and I couldn't resist. lolz. :D

author: derevko child, challenge: crack pairings

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