Response #1 to U2 Song Titles

May 06, 2008 20:08

Disclaimer: JJ’s characters. Although I honestly think they were better off without him in the end. Lolz.

I've lurked for some time and this is my first post here, and the first fic I wrote with less than 500 words. -_-

Set pre-series.

It was fun while it lasted.

Ten years. She couldn’t believe it. She spent ten years of her life pretending to be someone she wasn’t (cardigans, tea, homemade pie), someone everybody liked (she really didn’t want to make a list), and someone she hated (why did it have to be Laura whom Jack loved? Why couldn’t it be Irina?).

But, god, even if she did hate some aspects of Laura life, she wanted it. Who wouldn’t want to wake up to that man’s face, to laugh with him, to sleep with him, to make love to him… and to watch him with their daughter. Their daughter.

A knock on the door, “Hey, Laura. We’re going out for lunch.”

She declined with a smile. She felt that she should be alone at this moment - to think, to try to prepare herself… she shook her head. It didn’t matter. Her extraction was near. It would only be a matter of days.

Or maybe even hours.

Her phone shrilly rang. She set down her pen and reached out for it.

“Professor Bristow.”

The message was abrupt, and lasted only for a few seconds.

“Eleven o’clock.”

Tears started to sting her eyes but she held them back. She would be extracted, whether she liked it or not. She was going back to Moscow, she will be debriefed, she will be reunited with her mother and sister, and she will resume the life she left ten years ago.

It sounded easy. She knew it wasn’t.

She resumed reading the paper she was checking a while ago. But she couldn’t focus. Tears were blurring her vision. A drop fell on her cheek and she hastily wiped it away. She took a shaky breath and leaned back on her chair so that she could calm herself.

But a sob escaped her. A tear fell from her eyes, followed by another. She buried her face in her hands and cried. She’ll never have a chance to do this once she’s in Russia-her home.

Eleven o’clock.

Jack and Sydney. They were her real home.

Tick tock.

author: derevko child, challenge: u2 song titles

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