Criminal Minds

Aug 13, 2007 21:39

EDIT: Heh, I was in kind of a funny mood when I wrote this. Also: SPOILERS. Sorry!

I swear to god, the next time I see a "Women/children who suffer abuse are doomed to become irredeemably screwed up and a force for ill (with their only sliver of hope the chance they may briefly redeem themselves before dying tragically)" plot I will hunt the writer down and hit them in the head.


In short: I came in halfway through an episode of "Criminal Minds" about a rapist. A female team-member kept having flashbacks to being almost killed by a serial killer and being irrational, culminating in her ruining the investigation. I was there saying "Well, at least she'll be back next episode right as rain, which has the message that you can overcome this sort of thing in time" and then she shot him. (And got away with it which is odd message really. I wonder if there'll be repercussions later)

This post has been brought to you by the coalition to encourage Sophie to express her anger rather than bottling it all up and feeding it into hatesinks. The subcomittee to make sure Sophie doesn't spout too much unjustified crap would like to admit that I haven't watched enough of the show to be able to make anything approaching a informed judgement, but I have seen an awful lot of plots of this type. Also, in case anyone starts making assumptions, I haven't experienced anything more than the bare minumum of sexual harrassment one is doomed to as a woman, but I've known people who have. I'm also just starting to get narky about the way disabled people are treated in fiction. Stupid brain, it's not like I didn't have enough stuff to be pissed off about.

EDIT 2: So, in the second episode the boss figures out it was her but has no proof. She decides to leave, they are all sorry to see her go. Not too bad given the corner they'd painted themselves into I guess.

tv, rant, thoughts, gender

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