What CAN you eat then?

Nov 11, 2009 11:11

So! A list of foods I can eat for those foolhardy enough to try to feed me.

Savoury and/or healthy is better than sweet/unhealthy (overall your best bet is chopped vegetables and humous :))

I'll add things to this as I remember them, please ask if you want clarification. When in doubt, please check with me!

What I can't eat
• dairy eg cheese, milk, cream, butter
• coconut
• unfermented soy (including soy flour, tofu, soy protein)
• chili, paprika, red capsicum
• alcohol
• cocoa or cocoa butter, tea/coffee (even decaffeinated)
• artificial sweetners
• acid (this includes fruits like plums and citrus, most fruit juices, salad dressing, preserved veggies and pickles, soft drink, and vinegar)
• spring onions/leek/watercress/chives, peppermint
• beetroot
• fat (ie deepfried stuff)
• mustard
• kidney beans
• processed meats (including ham, sausages, etc)
• possibly pine nuts.

What I can eat
Overall: not sour, not fatty, but small amounts of acid or fat are ok.

Preprepared or easy food
• Pfeffernusse biscuits
• most white bread
• regular hummous (not spicy or fancy) eg Black Swan or Chris's brand from the supermarket
• unflavoured rice and corn thins
• most seaweed flavour rice crackers
• Boiled eggs
• Fresh salad vegetables with no dressing (not red capsicum, but I can always just not eat it if it's there)
• non-acidic fruit: melons, grapes, banana, pear, paw paw, lychee/rambutan, loquat, custard apple. Ok in small amounts: red apples, berries, cherries
• Marshmallows
• Mondo brand nougat
• nuts and dried fruit (not pine nuts, nothing too acidic)
• most meringues or pavlova (minus any toppings)
• Big Sister brand Rich Fruit Cake. NOT the "light" one, the dark one.

Trickier food I can eat
Savoury ingredients:
• Unprocessed low fat meat
• soy sauce, miso paste, fish sauce, oyster sauce
• Most liquid stocks (dry ones disagree with me for some reason)
• onion, garlic, ginger
• Herbs that aren't mint or chives eg parsley, oregano, coriander, thyme, rosemary, sage
• Vegetables: Ok with tomatoes, potato, pumpkin, zucchini, beans/peas except red kidney beans, green capsicum, carrots, cauliflower/broccoli, green leafy vegetables EXCEPT the spicy ones. NOT OK: red capsicum family, tops of the onion family (eg spring onions), or anything mustardy (eg watercress, rocket).

Baking/sweet ingredients:
• sugar and sugar surups (eg golden syrup, honey)
• rice milk, oat milk, almond milk
• dried fruit, fresh fruit, jam
• bicarb, baking powder
• Fake coffee made from grains eg Caro, Ecco
• Flavouring essences eg vanilla

Versatile ingredients:
• Any pure flour or grains except soy. NOT gluten free flour, it has wierd gums in it.
• eggs
• Small amounts of vinegar or citric acid in an otherwise non-sour dish
• Moderate amounts of vegan non-soy margarine eg Nuttelex
• nuts (NOT coconut or pine nuts)
• clear alcohol which gets cooked away: wine, mirin, rum, schnapps.
• some spices: salt and pepper, cinnamon, cardamon, coriander, tumeric, garlic/onion/ginger powder. Small amounts of nutmeg, cumin, or cloves.

Savoury dish examples:
• kebabs marinated in garlic and soy sauce. Mushrooms, onion and green capsicum are a vegetarian alternative.
• Baked, roasted, steamed, boiled vegetables (no dressing or glaze)
• Roast or grilled meat
• peanut butter sandwiches on white bread that doesn't contain milk powder

Sweet dish examples:
• Sponge cake (no lemon glaze)
• meringues/pavlova
• nut macaroons
• anzac biscuits minus the coconut

(Hee, note the date and time)

*-free food, info, just so you know, me, food

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