Click here for Season One BB Moments Season 2 is here - ignore the 'review' links - you won't be able to read them unless you are on my flist and they aren't all done yet. But BB moments are here!!!
201. The Titan on the Track
review Car chat - Brennan says she likes having her brother back and Booth tells her "Bones why don't you have a, you know, a little faith in me, ok. I've got a little background in the case, I'm gonna find your father." At the crime scene Brennan comments that Cam hit on Booth.
'Slappy BB' - when Booth turns the monitor on the platform towards him Brennan grabs and turns it back. In the diner Brennan steals food from Booth's plate - he slaps her away but she eats anyway.
Diner - BB have lunch and Booth explains why Cam makes a good head of forensics. "Angela says that you and Cam had a sexual relationship does that affect your view of her?" to which Booth replies "Wildly outta line, just so you know that!" Booth tells her McVicar is dead and she tears up.
Stake out! Booth puts his arm over Brennan to hold her in her car seat (twice!) and they "converse". Booth asks Brennan if she visited her mothers grave and tells her he visits graves. She taps him on the shoulder slowly and asks Excuse me, I'm curious. When you talk to the head stone, what do you say?. :) Booth puts his arm on Brennan's back, kind of half around her, as he leads her from the alley away from the drug dealer.
Booth: "Quit telling Bones who you think I've slept with..." (To Angela)
Booth sort of shows his dedication to Bones right away with Cam telling her "Bones doesn't intimidate! You've seen the way she stares at human remains before she makes a decision? Your human remains and she hasn't made her decision yet."
B+B get veryclose when they talk outside the interrogation room - Brennan tries to get Booth to force a confession, she grabs him, hands on both sides of him, "come on Booth, the part of you with the big gambling problem must love this idea ..... "right there, that's the reason you didn't get Cam's job!"
At the end Booth takes Brennan to her mothers grave and watches as she speaks with her mum and finds a silver dolphin her father left. When Brennan tells Booth he is tainting evidence after he touches the dolphin he says "It's not that kind of evidence Bones, it's evidence of something else, something that can't be tainted. And when she looks at the dolphin and says "It's beautiful." Booth seems to look towards Brennan before replying in agreement, "Yeah."
202. Mother and Child in the Bay
review Booth hands Brennan her jacket and follows her around The Jeff' as she gets her stuff together. He mocks her for having no TV, she says he doesn't read journals, he reminds Brennan that Cam is the boss and they generally bicker like crazy! When Rebecca calls Booth takes the call and Brennan tries to interrupt and pull Booth towards the exit. Even in the car the bickering continues as Booth complains about Parker spending time with Rebecca new boyfriend, Brennan doesn't understand and just thinks Booth is jealous:
Booth: "You have kids and we'll talk!"
Brennan: "It's a lot to ask for a little conversation!"
Brennan arrives at the diner whilst Booth is talking to Parker. She tries to get Booth to talk about the fact Parker is spending time with Drew, saying "New boyfriend spending a lot of time with your son?......I'm sorry.....It must be hard not getting to see him when you want to." Booth at first changes the subject but finally tells her how he's feeling. It's a good moment where Brennan shows an understanding of (people?) Booth.
At The Jeff' Brennan asks Cam if she wants children. They go back and forth until Cam asks if Brennan is pregnant, she looks at Booth and says no and a puzzled looking Booth asks, "Why are you looking at me?" His face is priceless!
At the water Brennan (diving) throws recovered golf balls at Booth.
As B+B again bicker in the car she brings up a bible "myth" and Booth says "You're gonna throw religion in my face right now?" When Brennan explains the story Booth asks "are you sure you're not religious? She says "Science all the way....Hey, even an empiricist can have heart Booth."
At the dinner B/B chat as Parker arrives with Rebecca and Drew:
Brennan: "Faith and hope right?"
Booth: "Right."
Brennan: "Angela threw in love!
Booth: "Love is good."
203. The Boy in the Shroud
review When Cam and Brennan's battle goes too far and Cam threatens to fire Brennan, Booth lets Cam know, "I'm with Bones, Cam. All the way! Don't doubt that for a second!"
Booth tries get Brennan to think about her relationship with Cam when he talks about the psychology of foster kids in a conversation he starts with "Do you have a list like Carter?" He talks about how foster kids "are really hard on themselves.....feel so alone in this world they loose that knack of trusting other people.............have a hard time letting themselves off the hook, they grow up with control issues..." Booth also lets Brennan talk with Kelly alone - just as he did with the other foster kid, Sean back in Boy in the Bush.
At the end Brennan talks to Cam to resolve their issues - she does it because of what Booth said to her about foster children, "Booth says.....he reads people....."
**204. The Blonde in the Game - 2nd Epps episode
review Booth asks Brennan what kind of pet she'd get and she says a pig. Hodgins tells Zack - "Booth thinks we should get together and buy Brennan a pet."
There are some lovely B+B moments in this episode. Subtle things like Booth holding up the 'Police Line - Do Not Cross' tape for her to walk under, Brennan tapping Booth on the shoulder, Booth slapping Brennan away as she asks, "Where's the siren?" The scene in Brennan's office where they discuss the religious medal is all dark and kind of ambient lighting - it seems like it's evening and they are alone and it's kinda sexy. Later at the lab Brennan struggles to focus and when she says she can't speak to the parents Booth is understanding.
Booth gives Brennan a gun without her even having to ask as they enter the abandoned postal building. Of course she ends up killing someone ..... to save Booth. Booth is there for her at the end to show his understanding and he gives her Jasper the pig. The way they look at each other is really intense in this scene and it seems that this connection, this shared weight, has bonded them in some unique way. (I swear Brennan looks down at Booth's lips in this scene!!!!)
Booth: "I got something for ya."
Brennan: "A bottle of hard liquor?"
Booth: "The next best thing."
(He holds out his hand, palm up - it is a small, plastic toy piglet.)
Booth: "Hmm? (grins) Meet Jasper."
(Brennan looks at the pig and her face softens. Her eyes meet Booth’s and she laughs and reaches out, taking the pig.)
Booth: You’re gonna be okay."
Brennan: "Yeah?"
Booth: "Definitely." ♥ ♥
**205. The Truth in the Lye
review Brennan calls Booth and Rebecca answers - "You don't think she thought ...." Of course, Brennan does 'think' ..... and Booth repeatedly denies he slept with Rebecca, first telling Brennan that Rebecca popped over for a comic for Parker. After Cam mentions to Booth he is back with Rebecca he asks Brennan why she was gossiping about him. She talks about "biological urges:
Brennan: "If you're not helpless then why did you sleep with her?
Booth: "Oh, I really don't recall saying that I did."
Brennan: "Well you didn't have to, I could hear it in your voice. I might as well have walked in on you having sex."
Booth: "Well you didn't and we weren't."
Brennan: "It's nothing to be ashamed of Booth. Humans act upon a hierarchy of needs and sex is very highly ranked. It's an anthropological inevitability."
Afterwards Angela comments that they are quiet and although Brennan says, "We're not, not talking" Booth requests two lists of possible victims' families saying, "we'll split up." *g*
At the FBI Booth admits he asked Rebecca to marry him and Brennan talks about sex being just sex ("all mammals need it") to which Booth says, "there is nothing 'just' about sex!"
When Booth decides to tell the women about their two timing husband Brennan stalls even though "you've been nagging me to do it for two days and now you get cold feet". Booth then throws her earlier comment back in her face, "It's an anthropological inevitability for women to gossip and nag!"
Brennan talks to Rebecca in this episode showing a real understanding of Booth and his feelings. She ask Rebecca why she didn't want to marry Booth whom she considers, ""an ideal candidate (for a husband), strong alpha male, good protective instincts." And tells Rebecca, "I think Booth thinks you didn't marry him because you think he wouldn't make a good father....he worries about it himself, what he does for a living, his past as a sniper..."
At the end Brennan asks Booth how things worked out with Rebecca:
Booth: "You know what Bones, it might be all anthropology to you but there are certain people that you just can't sleep with. I mean you can pretend that it's just sex, you can lie to yourself and say it's all good, but, er, there's just too many strings and too much at stake, you know.......too much to loose."
Brennan: "Yeah, I can see that."
Booth: "So, erm, I'd appreciate your support."
Brennan: "I will and if you should slip I will keep my mouth shut about it."
Booth: "Thank you, but I mean it's not like I'm gonna...."
Brennan: "I mean with anybody. I'm sure Rebecca's not your only option for satisfying biological urges". ♥
206. The Girl in Suite 2103
review B+B start out in the elevator "You like this song?" :)
Booth has a "nice moment, me translating for you" *g*
In the bar Brennan teases Booth that the girl wants to take him upstairs. They have a great partner moment as they take down the guy, Ramos and his bodyguard with Booth throwing her a gun.
Hodgins realises Booth slept with Cam and Angela also realises too as Cam asks Booth too coffee - Booth, however, puts his arm around Brennan and takes her for pie and coffee where Cam joins them later.
At the end Brennan tells Booth he can't trust Cam - he says Cam is a cop and just wants to catch the bad guy - but Brennan says Booth "did the right thing."
207. The Girl with the Curl
review Brennan is very gentle when telling Booth the victim is a child. He later apologises to Brennan for laughing when they discover the paper is an ice cream wrapper. They seem very aware of doing the right thing in front of each other.
At the lab Brennan seems to notice Booth and Cam be awkward. She doesn't say anything though (unlike Angela and Hodgins who are pretty openly mocking the pair by this episode).
At the dance class Brennan admits "I always wanted to take dance but I was always so gawky and uncoordinated." Booth is surprised and leads her, hand on her back to a seat. The mother of the girl who turns out to be the killer then asks them which child is theirs - assuming that B+B are a couple. After leaving her to talk to the girls Booth returns to haul up up to her feet from a sitting position.
At the end B+B discuss the case:
Booth: ""You know Bones I like to think that somewhere deep inside people really know what's important."
Brennan: "It's hard to believe when you see women trying to disguise or change themselves. I never understood that."
Booth: "Well, no of course you wouldn't."
Brennan: "Why?"
Booth: "It's just, you know, someone who looks like ... you ... well .... wouldn't. Just because of the way you look."
Brennan: "I don't understand what way do I look?"
Booth: "Well, you know, you ... you're structured very well."
Brennan: "As are you."
They exchange looks until Booth sees Cam leaving and stands to excuse himself. Of course he changes his mind and decides ot stay and help Bones with the paper work, suggesting they ditch the donuts and order in .... "thai food" ♥
**208. Woman in the Sand
review Right at the start Booth gets protective of his Bones by questioning why they were brought out to Vegas "on the word of a prostitute" - Brennan tells him "you're judging!" and he is annoyed saying "I'm backing you up!" He grabs onto Brennan as they walk down the slope to steady himself. After they find a second body and Brennan mentions heading back to the lab with the remains, Booth looks upset saying "you can't leave ... " as Cam listens on. Booth even closes the laptop lid on Cam after they agree Brennan will stay.
After questioning the victims husband Booth questions the wife beating theory of Brennan. Then as they enter the casino / hotel and Brennan remembers Booth is a gambling addict. "You can't be here, you're a degenerate gambler!" Booth tells her "Former gambler. Not degenerate. I've been through the program!" Brennan holds onto Booth as they walk, "Do you need to sit down?" Booth tells her craps was his game and when Booth finds Brennan counting cards he hauls her away from the 21 table.
Whilst on the phone with Hodgins Brennan slaps Booth's hand away from betting papers causing Hodgins to ask "Am I interrupting something!?" B+B also meet one of Booth army buddies, an old gambling buddy.
When they discover the fight clubs protective!Booth tries to keep Brennan out of the case but she talks him into helping. He comes up with an undercover story where they are "newlyweds, takings sin city by storm" suggesting Brennan can play "a school teacher" ... "not the spinster kind who lives with his sister, but, you know the hot one who makes the boys crazy" He hands her a dress he "picked out" and they bicker as she dresses in the bathroom until she enters the room in the dress leaving Booth somewhat stunned. As Brennan speaks on the phone with Cam Booth zips up her dress and "That's hot!" When Cam asks what is hot Brennan covers saying "Vegas, Vegas is hot!"
Undercover "engaged to be engaged" Tony and Roxie go to the gym and Tony spanks Roxie on the butt as they enter causing Brennan to throw her arm around Tony saying "That was completely over the top." T0 which Booth simply grins and says"Well, you know what, you play your role and I'll play mine." When talking to Sloppy Joe Roxie tells Joe "My man's in great shape" as she leans on him and rubs her hand over his chest, causing Tony Booth to say "Easy there honey!" She gets her own back and spanks her tiger as he shows off his boxing talent. And when it seems Joe isn't giving up the location of the fight clubs Roxie pulls a wad of cash from her cleavage and just about blows Booth's mind! "That was amazing! What got into you?"
Brennan admits in the car that she "couldn't sleep last night so I snuck off to play a little craps." This seems to imply she was sneaking away from Booth and the same room, the same bed???
Before they see the first fight Roxie hooks her arm with Tony's and Brennan chews gum and looks hella flirty. After the cop punches out Booth, Brennan ices his wound (having taken off her heals!). She then volunteers Booth to fight.
The fight is HOT! Brennan bets on Booth and helps him win after which she throws her arms around him even though he is covered in blood. She later admits she bet on him because of her "beginners luck":
Brennan: "I haven't lost on anything since I've been here. So I figured if I bet on you then .."
Booth: "I couldn't loose."
Brennan: "Sounds silly right."
Booth: "It sounds familiar. Thanks."
**209 Alien in a Spaceship
review Booth lifts the 'police line-do not cross' banner for her again!
When the 'experts' on the gravedigger question how B+B can learn anything new from the bodies of the boys Booth states, "Dr Brennan, she's pretty good at making dead people talk to her."
Brennan annoys Booth by suggesting "you know the gravedigger is a lot like God" in the car. After they discover that the GD only meant to take one boy Booth snarks - "The gravedigger is not God Bones, because God does not make mistakes!"
When Brennan goes missing it is Booth who gets the call .... and he looks shaken (even though he's with Cam). The awesome shot of him as he holds out his phone replaying the message to the GD experts shows pissed!Booth. And once they find their crime scene Agent Booth never misses a beat dishing out the roles to the team.
Of course, it's not long before Angry!Booth is back - when he slams the journalist on the desk in his office he says "that deadline comes around and my partner is still under ground, I will end you!" He is even angry with the squints: "This is Bones ... and Hodgins. You really think they didn't find a way to extend their air supply!? .... You wanna give up on 'em because of math!? ..... I tried all the dumb guy normal stuff, all right, that's why I'm here talking to the brain trust ... think eggheads, work it!!"
The image of Booth running to the site of the explosion = amazing! ♥ As are the smiles they share after he has dug her up. And then, after he ordeal Booth caves and takes her to church with him:
Brennan: "I’m okay with you thanking God for saving me and Hodgins. "
Booth: "That’s not what I thanked him for. I thanked him for saving...all of us. It was all of us. Every. Single. One. You take one of us away, and you and Hodgins are in that hole forever. And I’m thankful for that."
Brennan: "I knew you wouldn’t give up. "
Booth: "I knew you wouldn’t give up. "
They share a look - mutual understanding and total and utter faith and belief in one another.
210. Headless Witch in the Woods
review Protective!Booth is present in the woods at the start when he tells Brennan, "you stay close, all right Bones? I don’t want you to get caught out here when it gets dark. Okay? Bones? Bones? Where the hell are you? Bones?" He lowers her down into the hole where the headless body lays.
When they talk to the victims brother, Will, he and Brennan connect as they both lost their parents. Booth quietly watches them bond. In the car after he asks a thoughtful looking Brennan, "You okay?". Brennan ponders what her life would have been like if Russ has raised her. Booth tells her, "But you know what Will said. He was right. You turned out okay." Brennan admits she is going to have coffee with Will:
Booth: "Oh, that was quick."
Brennan: "He understands something no one else I know does. People need connection, Booth. Even me. Obviously, you have one with Cam."
Booth: "What?" (innocent face)
Brennan: "I thought you’d mention it. I mean, isn’t that what partners do, tell each other about their lives?"
Booth: "Wait a second. Look, Bones, I...."
Brennan: "Sorry. I’m sorry. I forgot how self-conscious you are talking about sex."
Booth: "I am not. I’m...."
Booth never really gives her an answer more dodges her questions. But he doesn't lie this time - like he did when Brennan asked him if he slept with Rebecca.
Brennan teases Booth again as she leaves for her date telling Booth, "I can compartmentalize......same as you." as Cam walks over. When Brennan is out with Will she does her "Booth says....." in a new way, this time saying "My partner warned me to stay focused on the case, so..."
At the lab B+B discuss the case and whether the victim cheated on his girlfriend, Lori.
Brennan: "Lori was not Graham’s only girlfriend. He had lots of girlfriends, but he somehow managed to keep them secret from each other."
Booth: "So what would happen if a very jealous Lori found out?"
Brennan: "I don’t know. That’s more your territory."
Booth: "What? What? What, am I cheating?"
Brennan: (smiles): "I just meant that you use psychology. You’re very touchy. Perhaps because of all your skulking around."
Booth: "I am discreet, okay? It’s different. A gentleman is discreet, okay?"
Zack: "What are we talking about?"
Brennan: ""Nothing that concerns you."
Of course when we next see B+B in the car Booth finally admits he has been seeing Cam:
Brennan: "You’re very touchy lately, Booth."
Booth: "Look, Bones, I don’t know why I didn’t tell you about Cam."
Brennan: "Did I mention Cam?"
Booth: "I just didn’t want it to get weird, I guess."
Brennan: "Weird?"
Booth: "We’re partners, you know? Together all the time, right? You’re a woman and I’m a man. I never had a relationship like this where we two guys, except you’re not, you know, a guy. Yeah"
Brennan: "No. No, I’m not. Should I feel odd about....wanting to hang out with Will?"
Booth: "No, of course not. You know, because essentially, I mean, you’re a guy like me. But not really."
Brennan: "That would mean that, to me, you are essentially a woman. Yeah, I can see that."
Booth: "No, no, no, I’d prefer not to be a woman, if you don’t mind."
Brennan: "I’m merely trying to follow your reasoning, Booth."
This conversation sees B+B sort of ask 'what is our relationship?' It's the first time they've really talked about this.
When they learn Will is the killer Brennan is on a date with him and Booth has to make the arrest. He apologises to Brennan and he doesn't arrest Will until Brennan finally says, "What are you waiting for Booth?" and he watches her walk from the restaurant with tears in her eyes.
Of course once the job is done he returns to the lab to check on Brennan:
Brennan: "I sure know how to pick’em, don’t I?"
Booth: "Well, you know. Our perceptions are always colored by what we hope and what we fear, what we love. We do the best we can."
Brennan: "I’m afraid my best isn’t good enough. I can read bones, not people."
Booth: "Well, you had no trouble seeing through me."
Brennan:: "It’s a good thing I like being alone."
Booth:: "You know what? Bones, you’re not alone. Okay? Come here."
Brennan: "Booth."
Booth: "Hey, you’re my partner. Okay? It’s a guy hug. Take it."
**211. Judas on a Pole
review Starts with Booth dragging Bones out of Zack's meeting to defend his doctorate. On the rooftop Bones makes a joke, saying "He's very dead." and B+B banter away.
When Russ shows up and tells Brennan he thinks someone is following him she tells her brother: "I spend half my time with a sniper-trained FBI Agent. I feel safe." When Booth enters hearing Brennan sending her brother to her place Booth says: "Don't drink the Moroccan beer, it tastes like earwax." This suggestion that Booth has been spending time at Brennan's place is soon followed with a similar line from Brennan when they go into Delaney's apartment and Brennan tells Booth, "His place is much better than yours. Ten times better." indicating she has been to his place more than the one time in season one that we've seen her there! Also at Delaney's place, Brennan also tries out "some of the black ops stuff you taught me." Again suggesting B+B have been hanging out a lot.
B+B learn the victim is linked to Brennan's parents and Booth sends her home, "Okay. You go home and you be with your brother, alright?" Booth later shows up he tells Brennan and Russ it was their father who killed Delaney.
When Father Coulter shows up with Russ to give Brennan a "private message", Russ tells him "She’s just gonna tell Agent Booth anyway, might as well let him listen."
When Booth learns about the dolphin and realises it's an inside FBI job he tells Brennan her Dad killed Delaney to send a message:
Booth: "Don’t mess with Max Keenan’s kids."
Brennan: "Am I supposed to like that?"
Booth: Ya know, Bones. I’ll take a stand up crook over a crooked cop any day of the week."
When Booth learns Russ has broken parole he meets with him, they are shot at. Brennan asks why they were together to which Booth covers with "A man's gotta eat!" When Kirby suspends Booth he goes to the Jeff' and sulks. The squints rally around to help him, "Anyone that wants to help Booth, raise their hands." Brennan links arms with Booth in the hallway and tells him she "We need my father to give us the rest of the evidence he stole from that safety deposit box ... I'll drive." When Father Coulter tells them Booth has him under surveillance Brennan is pissed and they bicker in her office:
Booth: "No, you don’t. You got me. I’m your gun. You want equipment, here (he hold up handcuffs and puts them on the table) have these, alright. New division of labor. I shoot ‘em, you cuff ‘em!"
Brennan: "Why didn’t you tell me you had Father Coulter under surveillance?"
Booth: "It is my job to find your dad and put him in prison."
Brennan: "And you don’t think I’ll help?"
Booth: "What? He’s your father. I really don’t think I should have to ask you to help."
Brennan: "He abandoned me, Booth. And that’s the best thing you can say about him."
Booth: "Your father lives by a certain code, and part of that code is defending his family by whatever means necessary."
Brennan: "You mean killing people and setting their corpses on fire."
Booth: "Any means necessary sorta covers that."
Brennan: "You respect him?" (surprised)
Booth: "I’m just saying, in his world, he’s a very honorable man."
Brennan: "That’s ridiculous. There’s only one world; it’s this one."
Booth: "Would that be the one world where you’re mad at me for trying to catch your father or the other world where you actually want him caught?" (raising his voice and moving towards Brennan)
Brennan: "Neither."
Booth: "Well you have to pick one."
Brennan: "Either."
Booth: "Oh, umm."
Their bickering is interrupted by Caroline from who they learn Kirby is the bent cop and the go to Brennan's apartment but instead of finding Russ they find blood. Brennan hugs Booth and he holds her with her head buried in his shoulder.
Back in the car Booth tries to reassure Brennan:
Brennan: "It’s against the law…us not calling in a murder."
Booth: "It wasn’t a murder. It was a bloodstain."
Brennan: "That much blood…it’s mur-it’s murder."
Booth: "We call it in, the next thing is - we find ourselves under arrest."
Brennan: "That had to be Russ’s blood."
Booth: "You got a sample, right? We’ll check the DNA at the lab. Until then, hey - who’s the one that always says ‘don’t jump to conclusions’?"
Brennan: "Yeah, you’re right. Thanks. I wish you wouldn’t keep letting me hug you when I get scared."
Booth: "Hey, I get scared and I’ll hug you. We’ll call it even."
When Bones leaves the lab without him Booth leaves Cam sharpish saying "No, she can’t be going places without me. Not when it’s open season on Brennan’s." Via Caroline he learns Father Coulter is Max as Brennan is hearing the fact from her father. As Booth pulls up Max and Russ are pulling away and Max tells Booth, "You take care of her." His gun drawn Booth doesn't shoot - how can he when Brennan is pleading him not too. He goes to sit next to Bones on the bench and touches her shoulder.
When Zack gets his doctorate and the job at The Jeff' the squints head to the diner. Booth calls Brennan outside to tell her he got reinstated at work and about the second body. Brennan realises her father killed Kirby.
Booth: "I’m sorry..that you had to go through it again. Watching your family drive off, leaving you behind. I’m sorry."
Brennan: "My father is, is..."
Booth: "He’s your dad and he loves you."
Brennan: "You know, I’m just...I’m just one of those people who doesn’t get to be in a family."
Booth: (he places his finger underneath her chin and turns her face to his) " Listen, Bones, hey. There’s more than one kind of family."
**212. The Man in the Cell
review At the prison when Brennan is grabbed by a prisoner, Booth places both arms around her and puts himself between her and the cellmates. As they interrogate Caroline Epps in Booth's office Brennan says "We all have secrets in our past, Mrs. Epps. Admittedly, not as bizarre as yours, but you shouldn’t risk your life just because your embarrassed to tell your boyfriend the truth." Booth seems amused at Brennan's words, however, his grin soon turns to concern as he tells Brennan:
Booth: "You’re not safe either."
Brennan: "But I’m not unhinged. I can take care of myself."
Booth: "You and Epps-- Okay, it’s personal. You’re everything that he hates."
Brennan: "And what is that exactly?"
Booth: "Well, you know, you’re a smart, strong, confident woman. (Brennan smiles.) And, uh, figured him out. You made him feel powerless so he’s gonna want to, uh, prove that, uh, you’re weak and inferior. So, you are not to gout on your own, ever."
I LOVE the way Booth says that last line to her - slow and like he really means it!
Booth asks Cam to double security because he is scared Epps will go after Brennan (he does spare a moment for Cam but it's Cam who kisses him!) He then walks in on Brennan with the HUGE GUN!
Booth: "Where the hell did you get that?"
Brennan: "The mall."
Booth: "The mall?"
Brennan: "Yeah, it’s pretty big, right? Bigger than the one you have."
Booth: "Excuse me. It’s not the size that matters. It’s how you use it."
Brennan: "Well, I think size is pretty important."
Booth: "The point is that you shouldn’t have a gun in the first place!"
Angela: If you do have one, bigger is always better.
Booth: You’re not helping!
Angela: Right, yeah. This does seem like a private conversation. Angela leaves.
Booth: Yeah, private. Okay."
God bless Angela and her innuendos!!
Still at the lab they have the bone shards and when heart turns up and they work out the curry tie in and Booth practically shoves Brennan from the room, as she batters his hands away:
Booth: "You know, I could have the Bureau pull your license. "
Brennan: "Yeah, and I could assign Zack as your forensic anthropologist."
We see Bones with her gun and a lovely bit of fridge continuity from TBitL when B+B find Caroline Epps' head in a fridge (which Booth checks for booby traps!)
In the car the next day Booth and Brennan have an interesting discussion about killers:
Brennan: "I don’t know how one draws moral distinctions between killers."
Booth: "Listen, Bones, alright, there are crimes of passion, alright, crimes committed out of desperation, which are usually followed by remorse or acknowledgment of human failing. The key word here is “human.”"
Brennan: "The reasons for killing someone are unimportant. It- The life that’s taken is all that matters."
Of course right after this we see Booth looking for Parker at the fairground. When he finds Parker he is so angry with Epps that he shouts at Parker and shakes him. It's not until Brennan lays a hand on Booth's shoulder that he calms and hugs Parker apologising to his frightened son.
Booth calls Cam to cut into the head and hangs up on her. Of course he then feels guilty when the poison blows up in her face. At the hospital Booth looks to Brennan to translate what the doctor is saying every time she speaks. As Brennan watches Booth suffer she stands beside him and says, "Considering the relationship between you and Cam, I’d like to say the right thing, Booth . . . I don’t know what it is. Usually I’d-I’d ask you or Angela." To which Booth simply replies, "You just said it. Thanks." Booth stays at the hospital until Brennan returns with news and then decides he'll join Brennan and in a cute as hell attempt to take control says, "I'll drive."
When they find Caroline's body and the poison he man handles Brennan from the room and protects Zack from the explosion. He then goes to the hospital to see Cam telling Brennan to "go home and get some sleep". But he realises as soon as Cam mentions plaster dust that Epps is going after Brennan and we see B+B with guns on Epps at Brennan's apartment. Booth drops Epps from the balcony and when Brennan says, "I wish you'd let me shoot him!" A dejected Booth says, "No you don't!" and walks out saying nothing further but punching the door as he leaves.
Saturday and Brennan goes to find Booth at the fairground with Parker. No reason is given and Booth never asks why she is there but they sit on the bench and talk:
Booth: "You know, what happened to Cam happened because...we had a personal relationship. "
Brennan: "Had?"
Booth: "Yeah. People who work in...high-risk situations, they can’t be involved romantically because it leads to things like what happened."
Brennan: "High-risk situations."
Booth: "Every single day it’s with us. There’s this line, and we can’t cross it. You know what I’m saying?"
Brennan: "Yes. I understand. "
213. The Girl in the Gator
review Booth shoots the ice cream truck clown and Brennan has to work with Sully whilst Booth sees a shrink. We don't see much of B+B together at all apart from in phone calls. She is annoyed she might have to "break in this Agent Sullivan" to which Booth tells her "You never had to break me in!".
When Sully leaves her to work the crime scene alone in Florida she tells him "Booth helps!" to which Sully states "cos Booth can't relax!"
After getting to know Sully for a while Brennan calls Booth to ask "Can he really do all the things he says he can do?" Booth seems a little jealous that Brennan is working with someone else but tells Brennan Sully lost a partner so to cut him some slack.
It is obvious that Booth has told Sully to look after Brennan when he tells her "Take my lead!" before they find Monty dead.
Meanwhile in therapy Booth says his issues are not related to women, "My partner is a woman okay, a woman who needs my help ..." He is desperate to get back to work but finally opens up to Wyatt about Epps and his 50th 'kill'.
214. The Man in the Mansion
review Brennan asks Booth, "Do you have therapy today?" and she mocks him for wearing a "staid" tie. He explains to her that, "Gordon Gordon says, you know, that the wild socks and fancy ties are all just, you know, quiet rebellions, helping me suppress other impulses .... apparently all the other issues have to just rise to the top." When Brennan asks him why he calls his therapist Gordon Gordon - asking is it "like James, James Bond...." ...Bond, James Bond!" :)
Brennan tells Booth, "you know, you should ask your therapist about your issues with rich people!"
Brennan is really smiley and playful with Booth this episode. Maybe due to her love life!? She watches Sully plays basketball and asks Angela whether she should make a move on Sully. Meanwhile Sully asks Booth for advice:
Booth: "You just don't get it."
Sully: "I'm asking for guy advice ... you are a guy. What's not to get?"
Booth: "First of all guys, they don't ask for advice and second of all I'm not gonna help you get my partner into bed."
Sully: "Why not? It's not like you want her ....(Booth looks awkward and doesn't answer) unless .... do you want her?!?"
Booth: "Nah, come on. Bones, well, you know, she's my partner!"
Sully: "That is why you're in psychiatric treatment because you have the hots for your partner."
Booth: "It's not psychiatric treatment okay, it's an evaluation! Big difference!"
Sully: "I can tell that Brennan is the go slow type but you gotta help me out on how slow because too slow is worse than not slow enough ... "
Booth is uptight the whole episode - therapy - rich people - Hodgins screws with the case - Sully and Brennan - > Wyatt tells him to revert to the flashy ties and belt buckle which is "a modern day cod piece, it forces the eye to the groin"
When he goes to get Brennan for a new case he is back in the flashy socks and tie, "all escapes from my socio-ecomonic rage .. you know they help me deal with the irritations of people who are more privileged". Ironically, Brennan picks this moment to tell him "I slept with Sully last night." To which he awkwardly replies, "Oh I thought you already er ... " ... "No last night." Booth looks both awkward and a little sad as he stands and says to himself "Yeah, I'm gonna need a flashier tie!"
**215. Bodies in the Book
review Booth manhandles Brennan from the lab telling her publicist Andy is not based on him (yeah right!) and that she has someone, Sully, but that "he's sorta small" *g*
Booth confesses he has read Brennan's latest book, "You have time to write it I have time to read it." And when they find a murder victim killed like the first victim in Brennan's book at the marina protective!Booth shows up. He takes her to one side at the lab, hand on her back to guide her and asks, "Bones, how you holding up?" When Sully shows up Booth tells him "I got it covered Sully!" and seems kind of annoyed Sully is there. Sully asks Booth if he can help with the case:
Brennan: I don't need to be protected!"
Booth AND Sully: "Yes you do!"
After the "testosterone spill on aisle three!" Booth agrees to let Sully look at the fan mail and help with profiling.
Even when Brennan is still denying the connection between her book and the case to the squints she does say to Booth, "There are two other murders in the book." Booth looks concerned saying, "I know.". Before the scene ends body number two has shown up. As the triangle of B+B+Sully discuss how the murders may be connected Brennan gets agitated and walks out of Booth's office. Booth tells Sully, "She wasn't this emotional before you showed up!" To which Sully just hassles Booth, "I thought you weren't interested!?" Booth reply is simple, "I don't need that okay, believe me, okay!?"
Brennan and Sully have a fight and Brennan tells him they are "just having a fling." Booth picks up on the tension at the FBI building and asks Sully "Everything with you two, er ... never mind?" As Brennan interviews Oliver both he and Brennan ask "Did he / you say Brennanites?" *g* When Brennan is due to leave for her reading she and Sully fight again and Booth sits in the middle looking amused but saying, "I don't wanna get involved." He agrees to take Brennan to her signing - "Fine! ... Fine! ... Fine!"
When a fan runs for an autograph Booth pulls a gun on him! He leads Brennan, hand on her back and tells her, "Far be it for me to stick my nose into your bedroom but I've known Sully a long time and, believe me, he's one of the good guys" ...."I know Sully, Booth" .... "and I know you, somebody gets too close and you just wanna push 'em away!" He later tells Sully, "Listen, don't let her bully you into leaving, man! Alright!?"
Booth and Brennan discuss the ending of the case versus the ending of the book. Sully arrives and tells them "You guys make a great team." Booth reluctantly leaves them alone and after speaking to Hodgins looks back to see Brennan and Sully kissing.
216. Boneless Bride in the River
review Booth dons his COCKY belt buckle for the first time. :) I love that it shows up when Brennan is seeing Sully - poor guy needs to reinforce his ego! Booth tells Brennan his therapy is going well saying it is helping him deal with work and when Brennan says, "We do everything together! What exactly do you have to contend with on the job that I don't?" Booth laughs and says, "You Bones. You don't have to contend with you."
Booth looks kinda sad when Brennan heads off on vacation with Sully and spends much of the episode trying to get her involved in the case. He goes to the boat to get her several times, interrupting her vacation. The first time telling Sully, "I got a bone." To which Sully looks annoyed and says, "Tell me about it!"
Angela tells Booth, "You're a romantic of a narrow kind, you live to catch bad guys. Sully lives wide." Booth seems kinda jealous, "I live wide too. Far and wide, right. There's nothing wider than Seeley Booth."
Booth returns to the boat with the Chinese book and Sully and Brennan decide to "pitch in" to help solve the case.
In the car B+B bicker and Booth gets annoyed with Bones telling her, "You know we talked about you in therapy!" but he won't tell her what was said. They bicker a LOT for the rest of the episode and have to pretend to be brother and sister when they visit a Chinese lady who grabs Booth's cheek.
Sully tells Brennan he is going away to the Caribbean on his boat and asks if she will go with him. She tells Booth and he looks slightly stunned but when she asks him directly "You think I should go?" he finally manages to look at her and says, "Yeah. Yeah, you know, it's one year out of your life huh. I mean, a person's gotta live wide. This is kinda narrow."
In the car waiting for Sully to signal, Booth tells Brennan, "You know, Sully is a nice guy ... I'm just trying to be nice okay ... I'm complementing the fact you got a good one this time .... the physicist who couldn't tie his shoes, oh, the former professor who was, er, jealous of your success, should I stop ... the guy you found on the internet who ended up being some kind of recruiter for a cult, oh and this is my favourite, the guy who cut of his own brothers head because he thought he was possessed by a witch! ... look I'm just saying, a guy who wants to take you away from all this on a sail boat, that's a step up."
As Booth questions the murderer Sully talks to Brennan:
Sully: "You know, Booth is a really good guy."
Brennan: "He said the same thing about you."
Sully: "Really? Because I figured he was the one talking you outta going with me."
Brennan: "No, he told me to go."
But Brennan tells Sully she is not going to go with him. When Sully asks why, "Please, tell me what is holding you here." - Brennan looks up and flicks her eyes towards Booth through the glass, she looks away and says nothing.
As Brennan watches Sully sail away she turns to see Booth. He puts him arm around her as they walk along:
Brennan: "What are you doing here?"
Booth: "I'm waving goodbye. See?" (he waves)
Brennan: "What do you want?"
Booth: "Breakfast."
Brennan: "I'm not hungry."
Booth: "Oh, come on, huh? What are you gonna vomit when we come across one of those, uh, horrific cases?"
Brennan: "I don't vomit."
Booth: "Give it time, Bones, okay? Give it time. Everything happens eventually."
Brennan: "Everything?"
Booth: "All the stuff, okay, that you think never happens - it happens. You just gotta be ready for it."
They smile at one another and Booth raises his eye brows. *g*
217. The Priest in the Churchyard
review With Sully gone Brennan and Booth bicker at work even more than usual - this time it's all about religion after they find a body in church grounds:
Booth: "Okay, you know what, I can’t work with you on this case."
Brennan: "What, what do you mean? The victim was clearly murdered; we investigate murders. Together."
Booth: "I’m not working the whole case with you attacking my beliefs. You should have just sailed off with your boyfriend."
Brennan: "Funny, a man who believes in an invisible super-being wants to run my personal life."
Booth: "By the way, 90% of the world believes in God."
Brennan: "And at one time, most people were certain that the sun revolved around the earth."
Booth: "You see what I mean? I don’t think this is about religion at all. We obviously have issues, okay, that are affecting our working relationship. And you’re afraid to deal with them, so you just lash out at my religion."
Brennan: "Can’t you just be satisfied that if I’m wrong about God, I’ll burn in hell?"
Booth: "It’s tempting."
Brennan: "Good. How about we get back to work? You know, I think we both still want to find out who killed this man."
In the car B+B bicker some more:
Booth: "We’re definitely not working well together."
Brennan: "Because you are bossy and judgemental."
Booth asks Brennan if she will go with him to therapy with him:
Booth: "Bones, just... come with me to go see Dr Wyatt, once."
Brennan: "No. Therapy is a vague and inexact process. The man shouldn’t even be called a doctor."
Booth: "Well, he helped me. I mean, are you so threatened that you can’t even do a favour for someone you call a friend?" He shoots her his charm smile and she agrees.
B+B meet Wyatt at the diner, "Booth says you could fix us .. " Wyatt tells them "religion provided the flashpoint you needed to expose an underlying issue - I will find out what that issue is, help you resolve it and set right the balance of light and dark in the universe."
Whilst "Dealing with a few work issues" Booth takes Angela to the church with him. "Trouble in paradise? ...... Did you two sleep together? .... this feel like a couples thing, and now that Sully is gone ..... " Booth tells her "it's a work thing." Angela asks Hodgins is he has noticed anything between B+B too.
Wyatt talks with Booth at the lab telling Booth - "So your problem with Dr Brennan is that you don’t know what will or will not catch fire, or where you stand."
Wyatt then talks with Brennan in the interrogation room (after Booth has thrown her out). She tells Wyatt, "I’ve learned a lot from him about people ... It’s not that Booth has a sixth sense. There is demonstrably no sixth sense to have. Obviously he reads minutiae of body language, pupil dilation ... " Wyatt suggests she wants to learn how Booth does it "So that you can do it without Booth. So that you won’t need him any more." She says no, telling Wyatt:
Brennan: "Observation isn’t just seeing, Dr Wyatt, it’s experiencing. Ideally I prefer being inside Booth’s head. You know, seeing and feeling things the way he does. Then maybe I’d understand."
Wyatt: "Be one with him."
Brennan: "In a scientific sense."
At the diner they bicker some more as Brennan tells Booth "You have no analytical skills. I mean, you’re all about emotion and feeling ... They say that means you have a well developed feminine side!". Wyatt shows up to find them quarrelling and tells them he knows what their problem is:
Wyatt: "I knew what your problem was right off the bat, if you’ll forgive the cricketing metaphor. The meetings were for fun. Booth never knows where to stand when he’s in the lab, feels like teats on a bull whenever he’s there. Ditto Dr Brennan in the interrogation room. Simple geography, sense of belonging, et cetera."
Booth: "But that’s not the main problem."
Brennan: "He can’t possibly know."
Wyatt: "Yes I do. (pause) You’re both afraid that the reason Dr Brennan didn’t sail off into the sunset with her boyfriend Sully might have been because of her ties to Agent Booth. (Brennan looks across at Booth who can't look her her in the eye and looks out of the window) You are both quite wrong." (The pair now look at one another)
Brennan: "Why didn’t I go with Sully?"
Booth: "How’s he supposed to know?"
Brennan: "Sully is perfect! We communicated well, the sex was incredible (Booth looks awkward), he invited me to sail around the South Seas in a beautiful yacht for a year. I mean, why would anyone turn that down?"
Wyatt: "In my opinion, you are unable to lead a purposeless life at this stage in your psychosocial development. Which, by the way, is an issue you should address, because a certain amount of purposelessness is necessary to lead a full life."
Brennan: "I hate psychology."
Booth: "You don’t like it because he’s saying that all this tension between me and you is ... your fault."
Wyatt: "Mmm, on the contrary. If anything, your issues are more pronounced, given that your behaviour is being affected by what turns out to be a quite irrational fear of being responsible for somebody else’s destiny."
Brennan: "That makes sense."
Booth: "Oh, now you like psychology."
Wyatt: "I think you’ll both be able to work together just fine, now that your minds have been set at ease."
Not five minutes later after 'feeling something' they have figured out what is going on with the case and both realise, "we're back!" and high five!!
When Angela and Brennan meet Wyatt, Wyatt asks Brennan, "So, you and Booth, you making any further assumptions about each other?" She says no and leaves to meet Booth who collects her from outside the diner. Meanwhile, Angela tells Wyatt "You got it right with Hodgins and I, that’s fine. But we both know that you are full of it on the other thing. ... Brennan didn’t run off with Sully because she cannot live a life without focus. She stayed because of Booth." ♥
**218. The Killer in the Concrete
review Booth has a tooth ache and Brennan tells him to go the dentist. After a few mentions she takes him in her hands in her office and looks into his mouth confirming his left anterior molar is infected. Booth tells Brennan she should think about forgiving her father.
In Booth's office after a bout of bickering and talk of cement head and ice pick, Brennan sticks her tongue out at him! *g*
Brennan: "So - you think Ice Pick might still be alive."
Booth: "As a friend of mine likes to say “Don't jump to conclusions until all the evidence is in." (he gets up)
Brennan: "But if the facts are in, then it's not jumping to conclusions. So I never said that."
Booth: "I never said that the friend is you, okay?"
Brennan sticks her tongue out at Booth.
When Booth and Cam are on the phone to Booth (with the bounty hunter) Brennan constantly answers for Booth.
When "Booth is missing!" Brennan turns to Max for help. When they find the bounty hunter and Booth's tooth Brennan whacks the girl hard and shouts at her. Poor Booth is tortured ("Ah, I've been tortured worse.") as Brennan and Max close in on his location and Brennan "Lied your (her) ass off to the FBI!" She rescues Booth who tries to arrest her Dad and complains when Bones let him drive away.
Later at the diner they sing Keep On Tryin' by Poco.
220. Spaceman in a Crater
review Booth places his hands on Brennan at the crime scene. Later he drags her (literally) from the lab.
At the lab as they discuss the space agency and the unwillingness Brennan suggests a little coercing - much to Booth's approval:
Brennan: "I bet if you told the agency you were going to identify Colonel Howard to the press, they'd be a little more cooperative."
Booth: Yeah. You know, I have been a wonderful influence on you."
B+B bicker in the car about whether or not the government may be involved in the killing of the victim:
Booth: "our government does not kill people. Okay, Bones?"
Brennan: "You were a sniper. Wasn't it our government who sent you to kill people? Just saying." (Booth looks unamused but doesn't respond)
At the end Booth comes to the Jeff' to take Brennan to dinner:
Booth: "Did you eat yet?"
Brennan: "I said I'd wait. How did you know that James would tell me?"
Booth: "Oh, man loves his wife. He may not be strong, but he has a conscience."
Brennan: "See, I can't tell that stuff."
Booth: "And I can't tell the difference between coral and bone, so I guess we make a great pair. Hey, speaking of marriage, Hodgins is gonna propose to Angela tonight."
They walk out of Brennan's office.
Brennan: "Huh."
Booth: "What?"
Brennan: "I guess right now it looks to me like marriage is having someone who will slap your enemies and then toss their dead bodies out of airplanes."
Booth: "Try not mention that to Angela. "
221. Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House
review At the site of the victim Brennan mentions that discuss Angela said no to Hodgins and Booth thinks she is weird, "It’s just, you know, weird, you know, talking about uh, marriage when we’re, you know, trying to avoid radiation poisoning."
But as they walk, suited up towards the crime scene Booth speaks again:
Booth: "People fall in love and they get married. That’s what people do."
Brennan: "I thought you didn’t want to talk about it."
Booth: "Look, I’m just saying! You know, you believe in love, don’t you?"
Brennan: "I believe that dopamine and norepinephrine simulate euphoria because of certain biological triggers like scent, symmetrical features..."
Booth: "Symmetrical features."
Brennan: "Yes, it’s an indication of a good breeder. You appear to be a very good breeder."
Major: (interrupting) "How long have you two been going out?"
Brennan: "What?"
Booth and Brennan: "We're .. (Brennan and Booth accidentally knock the helmets of their radiation suits together, pause, and glare at each other) ... We’re partners!"
Major: "Huh. Me and my partner talk baseball." ♥
There is lots of relationship stuff in this episode with Jack and Angela moving forwards and Brennan and Booth talking about it both together and with others. Booth asks Cam "Aw, come on, Cam. I mean, when we were together, you didn’t think that we could, you know... " To which Cam simply replies honestly, "You want to know what I felt, Seeley? I felt... satisfied. Very satisfied. And grateful that I had my own place, my own single life... and you were too."
When Angela and Brennan discuss marriage Ang asks about Sully, "Don’t you regret letting him go?". Later Ang apologises for bringing up Sully and Brennan opens up:
Brennan: "It’s just... If a relationship seems more than casual, I feel that I need to posit the potential problems. Probabilities of success and failure, or..."
Angela: "You get scared."
Brennan: (nodding) "But I miss so much, don’t I?"
Angela: "I want to say no, but... yeah. You do. And so does whoever you’re keeping yourself from."
Hodgins quizzes Booth about relationships saying, "You put on that macho front, but inside you understand .... It means a lot, knowing that you get it, man. Most guys... not secure enough to admit that."
Booth finds out Brennan took Sully to Carly's restaurant and seems vaguely jealous. Booth is all about food this episode even eating lunch on the job as they question the sushi guy - much to Brennan's disgust! Of course, all the talk of Mac N Cheese ends up with Brennan cooking him a home cooked meal - which has added significance since he had earlier said to her that "Well hey, I mean, that’s what family dinners are all about, right? Those are some of my, uh, my best memories." and then follows this discourse:
Brennan: "I’m not as cold as everyone thinks, Booth."
Booth: "Okay, that was a leap."
Brennan: "Just because I think marriage is an antiquated ritual doesn’t mean that I don’t want Angela and Hodgins to be happy. I have an appreciation and a need for emotional and physical intercourse, just like you."
Booth: "Yeah. Sure. I mean, okay, good for you with that."
Brennan: "Did I make you uncomfortable?"
Booth: "No. Not at all. I just wanna focus. Let’s just focus on the- on the case."
Brennan: "I did make you uncomfortable."
Of course Brennan brushes off the dinner as being nothing:
Booth: "Wow! Bones! This- this looks fantastic!"
Brennan: "Yeah? Really?"
Booth: "Oh, I mean, you shouldn’t have, I mean, all this work just for me?"
Brennan: "What? No, I mean. It wasn’t that much. "
Booth: "Mmm. (He eats and gazes happily at Brennan) This is unbelievable"
Brennan: "You like it?"
Booth: "I’d like to be alone with it."
Brennan: "She said I could go with my instincts, so I put in a little fresh ground nutmeg. "
Booth: "Well, she taught you well. Thanks, Bones."
Brennan: "Yeah, well, you know. We have to eat, right?"
Booth: "Yeah. Gotta eat. Always gotta eat."
222. Stargazer in a Puddle
review At the crime scene B+B discuss Angela and Hodgins decision to get married:
Brennan: "I’d like to marry you."
Booth: "Kind of sudden, Bones. Let me think about it."
Brennan: "What? No, Booth, that’s what Angela told Hodgins."
(Booth laughs)
Brennan: "You’re joking. You know, a lot of psychologists say that jokes are the way we manifest our hidden desires."
When Brennan picks up the stone with I Love You written on it Booth says the words out loud to her.
In Brennan's office whilst discussing how the neck bone is connected to the shoulder bone .... Max arrives to see his daughter because "I heard you were getting married." Booth arrests Max much to Brennan's annoyance and when he asks for her help she replies, "I don’t want to handcuff my own father. Plus, remember when he saved your life?" Booth apologies for arresting Max and Brennan tells him "It's okay."
In interrogation Booth tells Max "You abandoned her as a child. You don’t think she feels that, every time you pop in and out of her life?" When Caroline tells Booth they can't prove Max is Max Keenan he has to let him go and Max spends some time visiting Brennan - he gives her her grandmothers ring and a video tape of her mother. Later when the evidence comes in Booth looks torn and tells Caroline, "She gets it!" to which Caroline simply replies "You hope she gets it!" Booth has to arrest 'Arthur' at the diner and again apologies to Brennan.
When Brennan is confused by her feelings for her father she talks with Booth at the diner:
Brennan: "Do you like your father?"
Booth: "I love my father."
Brennan: "I think I love my father."
Booth: "Well, that’s normal."
Brennan: "But he ran out on me and Russ. He robbed people. He’s a murderer. He got my mother killed. You know, how does he expect me to...?"
Booth: "It’s hard to trust someone who’s abandoned you. Especially a parent."
Brennan: "Am I...Am I terrible for not...wanting to let myself care about my own father?"
Booth: "Look, Bones, your father is going to do something tomorrow that’s going to hurt you. How do you forgive that?"
Brennan: "I’m not a bad daughter? Bad person?"
Booth: "You’re not a bad anything"
They both smile.
As B+B question the mother of the victim Brennan looks at the star charts and mentions the dolphin constellation, saying it was her favourite because she and her mother loved dolphins.
As the wedding plans form Hodgins asks Booth to be his best man:
Hodgins: " ... Tongue-kiss the maid of honor at the reception when people clink glasses."
Booth: "Nice. Excellent. Okay,who’s the maid of honor?`"
Hodgins: "No idea, but most of Angela’s friends are really hot."
Brennan: "Well, I’m the maid of honor ... Why?"
As Booth arrests Max they fight and Max admits "You can take me. You’re right. I’m not going to abandon her again."
After staring then near drooling over Brennan in her bridemaid dress Booth escorts her down the aisle. He starts to explain what happened with her Dad but before he has time they reach the front of the church:
Booth: "Listen, I’m, I’m sorry, I had to arrest your father."
Brennan: "We don’t have to talk about that right now. You did your duty. I understand."
Booth can't let it go and wants to tell Brennan what happened so he continues:
Booth: "He could have gotten away."
Brennan: "What?"
Booth: "We got into a fight. Your dad could have escaped capture."
Brennan: "So he beat you in the fight?"
Booth: "No, I didn’t say that."
Brennan: "You beat him, but you gave him a chance to get away?"
Booth: "No, I didn’t say that"
(he steps to her and they’re now standing where the bride and the groom are supposed to stand)
Brennan: "I don’t see any other alternative."
Booth:" No, Bones, your father chose to be arrested because he felt if he abandoned you again, he’d lose you forever. I just thought you should know."
(Brennan looks touched and suddenly hugs Booth)
Brennan: "Thanks, Booth."
Angela: "Hi. I’d like to get married now."
B&B look at each other, release from their hug and step back.
After Angela and Hodgins leave the church B+B are left standing at alter and Brennan looks at Booth and asks, "What do we do now?"
Click here for Season Three BB Moments