quest one | you'll never get me lucky charms!

Mar 17, 2010 16:00

CHARACTERS | noobtrampolines and anyone participating in the quest
DATE | March 17th, 2010
RATING | PG? No NPCs were hurt in the start of this log. But there's no guarantee that'll be true by the end. :(
SUMMARY | A grumpy GM mans the quest kiosk for the St. Patrick's Day event in Mac Anu square. Harass at will, but please don't get ahead of yourself on those achievements all right!?

It'd been a long day. All the days were long, really, but he especially didn't look forward to event days. He'd lost the coin toss and ended up manning the Quest Kiosk, feet propped up and hands laced behind his head in a casual slouch, tipping the simple chair back on two legs. The look in his eye was daring any passerby to actually approach the small wooden desk and apply for the quest, but a slightly deeper look would reveal him practically begging for it.

Kain was bored stupid. He'd been sitting there most of the day with absolutely nothing to do but wait for the players to get together and go for the quest. It was pretty obvious they didn't realize just how valuable the final item was, if they weren't climbing over themselves to get the area words from him. It was called "limited edition", didn't they know what that meant? Damn it.

His impatience got the best of him, and he changed positions once again. Feet down, one leg crossed over the other as the chair thumped back onto all fours. He rested an elbow on the desk, chin in his palm, as his left arm settled half-on, half-off the edge and tapped his fingers rapidly. Kris really had it made today, even if she got three-quarters of Kain's pile of paperwork added onto her own while she was looking away. Just a bit at a time, so she wouldn't notice. The brat was starting to think he'd rather do paperwork than this boring crap-- but he was interrupted by what looked like the first group of noobs approaching. Normally he would've sneered at the thought, but this was a Godsend. An absolute miracle. If he weren't going through his rebellious phase, he might've even made a quick promise to pray tonight and thank Someone up there.

( Any and all are welcome to join in and threadjack! Quick action tags are acceptable, as are prose. Go nuts! )

(persona 3) amada ken, (samurai warriors) gracia, (07-ghost) hakuren oak, (code geass) nunnally vi britannia, (di[e]ce) koutake haruki, (gm) kain, (sonic the hedgehog) shadow the hedgehog, !quest, (touhou project) hatate himekaidou, (mega man) thetis, (persona 4) yosuke hanamura, (gm) kris, #open, (di[e]ce) naruse kazuki, (tegami bachi) gauche suede, (yureka) lotto

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