
Call for submissions signal boost.

Apr 12, 2011 10:34

Found via friends: a call for submissions... I'm not involved with this at all, but it seems charming and like something many of you might be interested in. I'm reposting verbatim. Signal boost!

Subject: Call for Submissions: Buffy Verse Anthology from Erin Lyndal Martin

I am seeking submissions for Buffy Verse, an anthology of quality
poetry inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I am looking for lively
verse that engages with the Buffy mythos. For example, you may choose
to revisit a certain episode, examine the intersection of some aspect
of Buffy and real life, or simply write a poem with a relevant Buffy

Submissions should be sent either as a Word document or pasted in the
body of an email to me at No cover letter
or bio is necessary at this time. Please put "submission" somewhere in
your subject line.

I will be reading submissions until August 1, 2011.

I have already sent a proposal for this book to several agents and
presses, but if any of you are involved in publishing and would like
to discuss this project, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for reading this, and please do circulate this call for
submissions around your friends, colleagues, students, etc.

I'm looking forward to reading your work!


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