Would you rather...
1. Spend 3 months in Azkaban or be given Veritaserum in front of your parents/significant other/boss?
Well, I don't have a boss or significant other, so that would leave Dad...I think I'd have to take the Veritaserum. I haven't got any huge secrets that he can't find out. Some embarrassing ones, maybe, but nothing serious.
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Comments 21
And all my answers are exactly the same as yours :D
Ah, the comet/meteorite/meteor. Again, that is cool. I can imagine that being beautiful. But I kind of have this fear of meteorites ever since I heard on the news about one that crashed through a lady's roof in Auckland. I mean, what if it had landed on someone? Owie.
Well, I figure if you can see it, it's not going to hit you. Because it's far away. =D
That's true. =D
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Also - centaurs speak English, so they can talk to people. =D Being a merperson must be pretty limiting in some ways.
Thankaly Dankaly! You should do it too, it's not hard. Well. I'm probably not in the right position to say that. But I'm interested to know what people get. you just pick the right form of the word, it's not grammar rules that speak in conjunctions and collective nouns and stuff.
The only positive is that I didn't lose them. Otherwise I'd feel really guilty because they cost money. No, I have contact lenses, but you can't sleep in them and I like watching TV before bed. Glasses are just easier to wake up and whack them on, & take them off right before falling asleep.
Dubai is insane. The urban development is abosolute psychotic over there. You can hardly get around. You're either going 120 km/h or bumper to bumper. And the construction is unbelievable. They're at it 24/7, building 200 skyscrapers at a time. Insane.
PS. I love Remus naked too.
PS I know - how could you not?! =D
I wouldn't drink Veritaserum either, I preffer getting cozy at Azkaban (I've been in worst places, believe me) because if my family asks the right questions they may get truly horrified.
Oh and when I read 2. Have a Pensieve or a Time Turner?
I understood "Have a PEVENSIE or a Time Turner?" I was WTF for a few seconds before re-reading, LOL. I'd much rather have a Pevensie... he he.
And I'm using my favorite P/R icon because our X-Men discussion is SO NOT OVER. I'm going to win you over to the Ryro side of the force, even if it's the last thing I ever do.
LOL I'd take the Pevensie too!
I do like that icon. LOL I was watching it with Liam and Lachie, My Dad's girlfriend (Anne)'s kids, and they'd seen it. So they were telling me who the chatacters were and such, but I knew a lot of them already. So Liam's like "That's - " and I'm like "Yeah, Ryro. I mean Pyro." LOL
I'm currently leaning towards the Logan/Scott side of the Force, because they are OMGSOHOT. And Duh, teh mansexings. =D
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