Fic: Kindling St. Elmo's Fire 10/12

Aug 16, 2010 00:49

Title: Kindling St. Elmo's Fire

Author: Alex Foster

Characters/Pairing: Claire/Gretchen/Elle

Category: Drama/Crime/Romance

Rating: R

Summary: While trying to make amends for her time at the Company, Elle uncovers a revenge plot involving former agents. The investigation takes her to memories of a past best left buried, a villain thought powerless, and ultimately back to Claire Bennet.

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by NBC. No money is being made and no infringement is intended.

Previous Chapters: One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine

Chapter Ten

…Nicholas was Riley Lewis, a middle school teacher on his way to buy coffee.

Nicholas was Stewart Thompson, a plumber that was about to miss his last appointment for the day.

Nicholas was Allicia Mcleary, a mother of three out for a late afternoon jog. She stopped in the middle of the road, face blank, waiting for the van she knew was coming to pick her up.

Nicholas was Dave Brookberg, an army vet living on the streets.

Nicholas was…

Gretchen heard Claire come into their room over the spray of the shower. Ever since she told her about a phobia born from seeing Psycho as a kid, Claire made sure to cause a lot of noise when interrupting shower time.

She smiled into the flowing water and called, "Come in!"

Claire, already free of unneeded clothing, padded across the bathroom floor and peeked around the curtain. "Hey."

"Hey." Gretchen scooted back in the narrow tub. "Get in here; you’re letting cold air in."

The special didn’t need a second invitation and climbed immediately in, closing the curtain behind her. Gretchen made a happy noise deep in her throat as Claire’s arms tightened around her waist. She bent down to even their height difference and kissed her.

Claire was soft and yielding to her, parting her lips slightly. Away from the spray of hot water, Gretchen felt suddenly cold and shivered. Responding to that, Claire turned them and angled her head slightly, letting the water crest over and run between them.

Gretchen had missed this. All the worry she had carried for the past twenty four hours ran off with the water and swirled at their feet. Claire sucked her bottom lip before pulling back to catch her breath. They kept their heads together and eyes closed.

Claire pressed her back against the wet tiles; the weight and feel of her girlfriend against her was comforting and reassuring.

"I don’t think I’m ever going to take hot water for granted again."

Claire nuzzled against her collarbone and they stood like that for several minutes, letting the steam and mist whirl around them. "Me neither."

"You didn’t go for a cold swim."

"I didn’t really mean the water."

Gretchen thought hard about what she was about to say. "We need to talk about something," she said at last. If she was going to do this, now was the time. Tomorrow could be too late.

"Talking isn’t exactly what I had in mind."

"I know." She drew her hand up Claire’s back, feeling vertebrae underneath her fingers. "And I want to, but there’s something first."

Claire glanced around and humorously said, "You picked the strangest place for a breakup speech."

"Not a breakup speech! Kind of the opposite, really."

Hands firm on Gretchen’s hips, Claire pulled back and regarded her. "I know. I’m not worried."

Gretchen smiled at that and blinked water from her lashes. "I know you’re in love with Elle and I’m fine with it."

Whatever Claire was expecting, Gretchen guessed that wasn’t it. She opened her mouth, held the pose, and then closed her jaw without making a sound.

Gretchen pressed onward. "She feels the same, well, actually, I don’t think she knows how she feels, but I can tell. And it’s okay because you guys have history and you’re both specials…and I kind of like her too."

Claire finally found her voice. "I love you. I’m not going anywhere."

"I know that." Claire’s entire body was suddenly tense against her. Gretchen tightened her hold to keep the special from bolting. "But I'm worried she's slipping away and if we don't do something we're going to lose her forever."

Claire started to protest but Gretchen cut her off. "It’s true and you know it. She’s floundering and we need to do something about that. We need her to know that she has a place with us if she wants it."

For a long moment the only sound was the steady stream of water hitting the floor of the tub. The tension slowly drained away and Claire sighed. "This is crazy."

"No, it’s not."

"It isn’t supposed to work like that."

"Says who?"

"You…like her?" she said slowly.

Gretchen nodded.

"But she’s not easy to like."

Gretchen let out a laugh that echoed in their small bathroom. "Well, maybe a little abrasive if you don't know her. Believe me, I know better than most the pitfalls we’re looking at here," she said, sobering. "I’ve seen Sandstone. But I think it could be okay if the three of us work at it."

"We need…rules or something, right? I mean how would it work? You guys draw numbers for every other Tuesday through Thursday?"

Gretchen pushed hair away from Claire’s face. "We could do that, or figure out something less mathematical. Number one rule though is honesty. There are no secrets between the three of us. Secrets are what break up things like this. We have to all be in agreement on that or it doesn’t happen."

Claire nodded. "How are you calm about this? It’s like you have experience with this sort of thing or something."

Gretchen shrugged against the slick tiles. "Well, what happened that summer can be a story for another shower."

A look of realization spread over Claire’s face and Gretchen leaned down to kiss her again, taking unconcealed joy at wiping that expression away and replacing it with a different one.

The GPS in Noah’s car guided him through Trenton. He hadn’t programmed a destination but midway up the Parkway it had activated itself and began giving him instructions where to find Micah.

Technopaths, he thought.

The helpful navigating voice led him around road construction and early evening traffic jams. It wouldn’t show him the final destination and several times he was tempted to ask like it was a living thing. He’d never met another technopath with Micah’s level of control and couldn’t tell if he was showing off or if the special had interlaced himself with technology so much that this was merely second nature now.

Noah wasn’t sure the extent of what the special learned during his campaign against Building 26 years ago.

He traveled along State Street, past the areas of commerce and management for the capital. After a time the GPS told him to stop along an innocuous looking three story brownstone. "You have arrived at your destination, Agent Bennet," the GPS happily said. "Please enjoy your stay."

Noah glanced over at its use of his name. That was not a standard feature.

He pulled along side the curb and parked. There were no identifying signs or features of the small office building. Shades covered all the windows, even the large one facing the street. He couldn’t see them but knew there were cameras hidden around the area.

The front door opened as he started up the walk and confirmed all his suspicions. Molly Walker stood in the open doorway, older and taller since the last time he’d seen her. She wore an oversized sweater that she hugged around herself against the evening chill.

Her hair was pinned back and face freshly scrubbed and makeup free. A pang went through him and he thought of Claire from just a few years ago.

"Please come in."

He was expecting a standard office inside the brownstone, official and plain, but wood paneling, high ceilings, and soft recessed lighting caught him by surprise. A wall between the reception area and one of the larger offices was missing, creating a wide living space. Chairs and a sofa sat in a semi circle in the center of the great room. Three TVs hung on the wall and showed different news reports from around the world, all muted with closed captioning running along the bottom of their screens.

Noah stared for a moment.

"Would you like something to drink?" Molly asked. "We have tap water and…well that’s it."

"I’m fine, thank you." He gestured to the room, walking deeper inside. "This is…"

"Home," Micah provided, appearing from one of the dark offices. Under his arm he carried a computer tablet. "Or at least a getaway for those that need one."

The young technopath walked up to them, briefly touched the small of Molly’s back affectionately, and then held out a hand. "Welcome, Agent Bennet."

"Call me Noah." They shook hands and Micah led him to the sofa.

"I’m going to get ready," Molly said. "If you’d excuse me?"

"Of course." He was left alone with the technopath and recognized it as a setup. When she was gone, having ducked down a hall, Noah helped himself to a seat. "So this is new."

Micah shrugged and sat across from him. "I needed an out of the way space where I could put people up temporally if I had to. To the outside world, this is a branch of an investment firm out of Southeast Asia-explains the late night hours-but in actuality I have room to comfortably house over two dozen people."

"As Rebel?"

He shook his head, curls swaying. "Nothing so organized. Specials and nons come and go as they need to."

"I didn’t realize your rebellion against Building 26 paid so well."

Micah stared at him with a serious expression. "This office space used to belong to Arthur Petrelli; I convinced some of his personal banks accounts to switch sides."

"You’re reviving Pinehearst?!"

"No, no. There are no names, hierarchy, or plans for government take over."

Noah leaned forward. "The Company started the same way. Things have a tendency to spiral."

"The Company’s focus was specials, learning about powers, and keeping the world from knowing about them-I have a different view. We’re all in this together, Mr. Bennet. Specials and nons have to figure out how to work together or neither of us are going to last. Something is coming, I know you feel it too, and it is going to try and divide all of us."

"This isn’t my first recruitment speech, Micah. Promises of togetherness and cooperation won’t work on me-it always ends up the same way between specials and nons."

Micah didn’t look surprised and shrugged again. "I wasn’t exactly offering a job. I know what the government has you doing these days. I was thinking more of a sharing of information between allies."

"Such as?"

"Not every special is happy with the way of the world now; not every non thinks specials are here to destroy the world. Of those fewer still have the drive or ability to make others think the way they do. It’s those few I’d like to know more about."

Noah smiled in spite of himself. "For someone who isn’t trying to restart the Company, you sound an awful lot like a couple of its original founders."

Micah set his computer tablet down. He looked older than Noah remembered, changed by his time as Rebel and Claire's revelation to the world. "I can promise you that is exactly what I’m not. Partner with me and you’ll find that out."

Every TV started showing video of a protest between two religious groups outside congressional hearings about specials.

Noah looked at each screen, thinking. "What exactly did you want to know?" he asked.

Micah smiled. "What can you tell me about the Church of the Nephilim?"

Elle figured that the best thing for a head injury was alcohol and plenty of it. The bar was close enough to the motel but still a far enough walk away from where she left the stolen car to not have to worry about prison and keeping that bitch promise to Gretchen.

She smiled as a stray dirty thought entered her mind.

Plus it gave her something to do while waiting for Noah. Sitting in the motel room while Claire and Gretchen played prisoner and guard just a few doors down didn’t sound like fun to her.

Elle lined five peanuts up in a line on the bar, squinted at them for a moment, and then proceeded to zap them with a small jolt from each finger. They exploded into bits and left behind a burnt oily smell. She smiled at the result of her little game.

Down the bar’s length from her, the bartender glanced her way and at the light show and immediately turned his back. Save for a couple of quiet drunks the place was empty. She doubted the bartender wanted anything to do with a special in his establishment.

She was about to call for him to actually do his job and pour her another when the door opened and Claire and Gretchen walked in from the night.

Elle turned slightly on the barstool, away from them, and cursed under her breath. "Way to lay low, girls," she mumbled.

Both were freshly showered, hair still wet, and clad in clean clothes. They stood in the entranceway for a moment, arms wrapped around each other, presenting an air of happiness and confidence.

Elle watched them out of the corner of her vision. One of us one of them, sprang to her mind for some reason.

They started for the bar, walking directly to where Elle sat. She sighed. Did Claire-bear not get the message earlier?

Gretchen ponied up to the bar on one side, Claire the other, and Elle felt them both press against her legs. Heat rolled off them and she felt a wave of confinement roll through her.

"Didn’t think you two would come up for air so soon," Elle said. "Is the magic gone?"

Claire smiled and shared a glance with Gretchen. "We were missing something in the room and decided to head out to pick it up."


Instead of the joke making Claire back off like she planned, the cheerleader shrugged. "Something like that."

Gretchen caught the bartender’s attention and waved him over. She showed her driver’s license and ordered a round of drinks.

The bartender gave her a look. "I don’t want any special trouble in here," he said. "One is one thing, but three is pushing it. I don't want you freaks fighting and tearing this place apart. Maybe you should take your drinks and go."

Elle opened her mouth to protest, Claire next in line, but Gretchen beat them to the punch. "Oh you won’t have to worry about us staying long," she said. "Or spending much money. But you should really get your specdar checked because there are two specials standing in front of you and I’m not one of them."

He looked over and Elle let power crackle around one hand for emphasis. "Care to guess which one of us is the nice one?"

The bartender paled and turned away to get their drinks.

Gretchen shot Claire a wink and pushed from the bar. She walked to an old jukebox in the corner, drawing a couple of mistrustful stares along the way.

"She is quite the girl," Claire said.

"Yeah," Elle agreed. She thought for a moment. "I made a move on her, you know. But she was thinking about you and wouldn’t cheat. Not in the slightest. She loves you."

"I know...all of it...but thank you for telling me." The two specials shared a long glance-Elle looked away first.

Music filled the bar, old and sad and slow. Gretchen walked from the jukebox to the center of the room, holding both hands out.

Claire took a draught of her drink. "I do believe I’ve been asked to dance," she said.

Elle smiled in spite of herself, oddly happy for her former antagonist. "Have fun, Cheerleader." She was making plans to return to the hotel early. Maybe with earplugs.

"Oh, I intend to." Claire slipped an arm around Elle’s waist and turned her around on the stool. "Let’s go."


Claire pulled Elle to her feet and led her to Gretchen. The taller woman took her hand and began dancing, forcing her body to follow. Elle looked between the two, extremely confused. I’ve finally snapped, she thought. I always thought it would be different than this. Well, not really. Better music maybe.

Claire moved along side them, in time but separate save for a hand on Gretchen’s waist. "Who would have thought you’d be so uptight?" she said.

"Who would have thought you wouldn’t be?" Elle countered. "What the hell was in that drink?"


Gretchen tightened her hold on Elle and led their dance. "We’re being honest," she said, amused.

The cheerleader moved in close. "Are we out of line?"

Elle thought about it and eventually said, "I'm not sure."

Claire kissed her. It was hesitant and exploratory at first, nothing like the demanding frenzy Elle had fantasized about but it sent a charge through her just the same. She was mindful not to let too much of the power channel into Gretchen.

Elle pulled back, turned her head, and found Gretchen waiting next. The brunette ducked her head and caught Elle’s mouth with hers. She was braver than Claire and let her tongue sweep along the special’s bottom lip. Elle opened her mouth and deepened the kiss.

Hands rubbed along her back, slipping lower to rest just above her ass. Her head swimming, Elle had no idea if that was Claire or Gretchen touching her.

Claire was suddenly there and nipped at the corner of Gretchen’s mouth. Elle turned slightly, bumped noses with them twice while trying to coordinate it properly, laughed, and kissed them both. It was sloppy and messy and scandalous enough for the health department to probably shut this small town bar down.

Elle loved every second of it.

Gretchen hadn’t lied to the bartender-the three of them didn’t stay very long after that.

The atlas was old, its bindings frayed, and opened to a map of the tri-state area.

Micah had setup a small work area in one of the unused offices in the brownstone. There were maps of various cities from around the world, cups overflowing with tacks, and satellite photos down to the street level. There were cardboard file boxes stacked three high in the corner, filled no doubt with dossiers of those Rebel had decided to keep close watch on.

Noah also noticed a fine layer of dust over everything. He didn’t know what caused Molly to turn away from her power, but could guess. Both the Company, Claude, and Rebel had used Molly in the conflict between nons and specials. It had been a long time since her ability belonged to her alone.

She sat cross-legged in the center of the room, the atlas before her, rolling a tack between her thumb and forefinger.

Micah dropped to his haunches next to her. "Ready?"

Noah stayed back in the doorway, letting the two specials have as much privacy as possible.

She took a deep breath, released it, and drew another. Eyes closed, her head rolled until her chin touched her chest.

Noah had seen her use her ability before, knew it was usually quick and without flash. Seconds stretched and Molly didn’t move. He traded a glance with Micah and the technopath could only shrug.

Her hand started moving, the tack’s point sliding along the map, and both Noah and Micah breathed a sigh of relief.

Molly’s eyelids began to flutter, slow at first, and then with increased ferocity. Her hand twitched and jumped between counties on the map. She stabbed the tack down, cutting through several pages at once.


Still lost in her ability, she jerked away from Micah and lunged for one of the cups filled with tacks. It toppled over sending them spilling across the floor. Scooping up a handful, Molly returned to the atlas and began jabbing them into the map.

Micah looked up. "Help her!"

Noah rushed forward and dropped to his knees. "Molly! Snap out of it."

She didn’t seem to hear and kept working on the atlas.

Micah reached to stop her, but she savagely pushed him away with both hands. He stumbled back and landed among spilled tacks.

Noah grabbed her arms from behind and pinned them to her body. He stood and dragged her up, not letting her get enough leverage to break free.

Micah climbed to his feet and began calling her name. He took her face in his hands and made her look at him.

Eventually the spell broke and she stopped fighting. Noah let her go. "What happened? Did he see you?"

"I don’t know. I don’t think so." She sounded dazed, not yet fully back in just one place.

Micah hugged her. "It’s okay-you’re okay. You are okay."

Noah turned his back on them and looked down at the atlas.

"It was like there was more than just one of him," Molly finally said.

There were at least a dozen tacks sticking out of the map, all centered on the town where he had left Claire.

"Kane is everywhere."


heroes, fic, claire/gretchen/elle, threesome, kindling st elmos fire, femslash

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