The Johnson Family Legacy - Generation Four - Chapter Eight

Aug 26, 2010 17:31

 Authors Note: Hey y'all! :D Hope your all having a good last week of August ( I know it sucks :( ). Yep, chapter eight already! This generation is flying by! Alisha and Cedric still aren't married, because I kinda forgot, but I'll do it soonish! Plus Richelle get's to be on this title picture because everyone loves here :) Anyway, enjoy chapter eight! :D

~~~~~~Generation Four Chapter Eight~~~~~~

Last chapter, ghosts came back, people got makeovers, Cedric glitched up and we met Ace's future spouse, Richelle.

Missed Something?

Chapter One ~ Chapter Two
Chapter 3.1 ~ Chapter 3.2
Chapter 4.1 ~ Chapter 4.2
Chapter Five ~ Chapter Six
~ Chapter Seven ~

Cedric: I'm begging you Aurora, please say something!

Aurora: *pouts*

Cedric: Please honey? Otherwise your mother will kill me...

Aurora: I dun' wanna!

Cedric: *sad face*

Aurora: How bout' if I say moon?


Cedric: My daughters going to be an astronaut! I'm so proud!

Aurora: Okay daddy that's going a bit far...

Alisha: Come on Ava, you can do it!

Ava: But it smells of poopoo in here, and daddy's watching me...

Cedric: I don't appreciate you teaching my daughter to talk in the bathroom.

Alisha: And I don't appreciate you making a number two right behind me.

Cedric: You make a valid point. Okay I guess were even.

Alisha finally recieved the call about making the simbot. And she needed ten life fruits. So I cheated a little and used 'testingcheatenabled true' to get them. It's a lot easier than reaching level seven in gardening skill XD

Alisha: I don't like cheating =(

Well would you rather do it this way, or read a hell lot of gardening books and travel round town looking for seeds?

Alisha: Good point.

LOL! I love funny shower hairs XD

Toni: I love how my hair grows in the shower =)

But Marie's has to be one of the funniest! XD

Marie: If you dare laugh. I'll come and kick your ass.

So here's the deal. I invited Richelle round again, and somehow she's a young adult... I don't know how because she was a child a few days ago. But I wasn't going to give up, so I put her up for download then downloaded her, and aged her down to a teen again. This will mean however there's two Richelle's both of which Ace is friends with... Which will get a little confusing, but least we've still got Richelle!

Ace: Ew yuck! She's older enough to be my mother now!

Here's teen Richelle. Looking like she did.

Ace: So were going to be future husband and wife. Okay?

Richelle: Do I know you?

Ace: Well no. But one day you'll be knocked up with my baby, and I will send you to that spa down the road.


Richelle: Oh your crack me up! You really do!

Ace: I bet my face is better than yours!

Richelle: YOUR ON! Mine totally kicks your faces ass!

That sentence is wrong in so many ways...

Looking snazzy there Mason. What's the occasion?

Mason: I just completed my life time wish! *smiles*

Ava: Who is that strange man walking through my door?

Mason: It's you grandpa Mason! You may not recognize me because of my fancy outfit.

Ava: *evil glare*

Cedric: *faints*

Bald: Ooo... How embarrassing to faint on the job!

Ace: Dad wait, I'm tired! Can't I ride in grandma's fire-truck with you?

Poor Ace..

Cedric: No one will ever find me!

PinkBunny: WHY AM I HERE?!

Cedric: I am the master of disguise...

Cedric: AHH! The damn birds blew my cover!

Oh yeah like hiding behind to floating bushes didn't.

Cedric: Shut up! Just because you couldn't hide from a blind person in a pitch black room!

Well I could hide better than you.

Cedric: I better change position. I don't want to be attacked by those pigeons again...

Townies: *oblivious to the fact that Cedric is listening into there conversations*

Cedric: I hope the birds don't get me here... *pouts*

Cedric: AH! Oh shit they did it again! But oh my, that lady has a tight ass..

Jeffrey: You know what? I don't like that cheeky smile of yours!

Jeffrey: *slaps*

Boy do we have some rude people in this town...

Bob: *confused*

So FINALLY it's Ace's birthday!

Ace: You'd think I' d be happier. But Richelle couldn't make it to my celebration into manhood!


Ace: I know - I want to sleep with Richelle!

Ace: Shewwwww


Why are there no sparkles?

Ace: Cos I'm too cool for sparkles!

Ace: I'm one skinny teenager...

Ace: Can't...breathe...too...many...sparkles!

Ace: What's up with this hairdo? I mean COME ON!

Ace grew up pretty well! He did gain a few pounds but there's nothing wrong with that.

Ace: You mean... I'm fat!? What if Richelle rejects me?! D=

Your not fat! And there's nothing wrong with being fat anyways.

It seems Ava was waiting for the peg box. What bad parents...

Aurora: I'm sorry, but I was here first!

Ace: I've got a lot of work to do here...

Ace: I need to find something that doesn't emphasis my waist..

Ace: My nails aren't too bad. Least I didn't chew them.

Ace: I'm gunna make me self look fineee!

Ace rolled Loser as his fourth traits... However he shaped up well!


Somehow Lauren's still a toddler...

Lauren: Why is everybody screaming?


Toni: Are these really my granddaughters?



I've only just realised that before Elijah got married, he used to wear his tux nearly all the time, now he's married with kids. He always walks around topless..

Aurora: The wellow one goes in the triangular hole!

Aurora: Aren't I a clever girl daddy?

Aurora: SEE! I told you it went der.

Aurora: YAY! I was right! *coughcough* Obviously I knew dat... *looks suspiciously*

Aurora: And de blu one, goes in middle hole!

Ava: She tinks she's so cute with her getting everything right.. Well I'll show here! I can smile to!

Ava: See look! I'm smiling. I'm even cuter dan here!

I don't know what happened but Richelle is pulling this face at Ace.

Richelle: How rude!

Ace: I'm really sorry! Please forgive me, because I want to marry you some day!

Richelle: Okay, okay! I forgive you...

Ace: Well, now you've forgiven me, watch this!

Ace: See this big clump of dirt?

Ace: NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM! You like that? Does it turn you on?

Richelle: I think I'm going to be sick!

Ace: She came into my house... INTO MY HOUSE!

Ace: That's so friggin' exciting!

Ace: Since were gunna get married when were older enough, do you promise to stay single until we become an item?

Richelle: Eh, okay whatever.

Ace: So know we've set down the rules... How about we start flirting?

Richelle: Oh god...

Ace: That shirt really makes your breasts looks tiny...

Richelle: Thanks, I do try..

Awee, there so cute together!

Richelle: You know Ace, at first I thought you were a sick crazy pervert. But your not half bad.

Ace: Awww thanks! That's so sweet.

Ace: Massage?

Richelle: Okay, but this doesn't mean you've knocked me up does it?

Ace: No! Not yet anyway...

Richelle: That was the best massage EVER! 

Ace: *smooch*

Richelle: Ahh shucks, you've made me blush now!



My guests keep saying they have to go, then walking outside, and standing on the porch! It's really annoying...

Mason what good could possibly come from making noise in Alisha's bedroom. Big mistake.

Mason: I got to work those muscles back! And if that means she has to detonate the TV, then so be it!


Cedric: Are we making noise in Alisha's room?YES! IT'S DANCE TIME!

Cedric: ♪So I put my hands up, They're playing my song, And the butterflys fly away Noddin' my head like yeah Moving my hips like yeah, And I got my hands up, They're playin my song I know I'm gonna be ok Yeah, It's a party in the USA! Yeah, It's a party in USA!♪ I love Miley Cyrus!

That's it for this chapter, sorry it was shorter than usual. Next chapters longer! I've decided I might wait till the teenagers are YA until I have the heir vote, because Ace is nearly YA anyway, and I got some new skins which haven't showed out of CAS yet, and they'll only show when I age them up, so I want you all to see them then. Yes it's a long time away! Should be after Chapter Thirteen =)
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generation four

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