The Johnson Family Legacy - Generation Three - Chapter Seven

May 11, 2010 20:47

Hello! Welcome back to the Johnson Legacy! Sorry there's been long gaps lately, I haven't had as much time to go on the Sims, than usual... But anyway, on with the chapter!


Last chapter we saw the death of both Isaac and Alana, unfortunately, they both died on exactly the same day... So sad.. 

We also saw both the children of Generation Three, age a life stage, and they were both as pretty as ever! 

I didn't like Riley's old T-shirt, it didn't suit his personality, this new one suits his Genius trait a lot better! :) I think he likes the change!

Riley: Actually, I don't give one, I just wanted something that covered my chest

Riley: Oh so this is what chess is...

Riley: Wait a sec, I just LOST! But I'm not even playing against anyone! This game is crap..

Riley: No Riley! Don't give up, I can beat the damn good invisible chess player!

Yes! Look like there's a new baby on the way! Or Toni is just about to throw up her breakfast in the toilet...


Don't worry, she is pregnant, doesn't matter how many waffles she ate,

Rick: Damn you Isaac! No I have no-one to look up to in my career...

I thought you didn't like Isaac?

Rick: I was lying

Daisy, why did you sleep in your brothers bedroom?

Daisy: Because there was a spider in mine!

But I though you weren't scared of spiders..

Daisy: Are you kidding me?!

Daisy: How could you not be scared of those big long legged black crawly things!

 Did the spider go away?

Daisy: Yep! All I had to do is play the song about the spider falling down the drain and it scuttled off

Toni spun maternity! I couldn't wait for a new child in the house!

Alana was out for the first time! She didn't do anything though, she was quite boring...

Back to the scene of the crime ey?

Alana: I remember that day! Good times!

How was it good? You AND your husband died and left behind your growing family!

Alana: Whatever 

Now I am remember why I kept this bedroom!

Riley: OMG! Grampa! I just had the best idea EVER! let's play tag!

Rick: I don't think that's a good idea, since my back-

Riley: BRB! I sense a unclean plate lying in the kitchen counter just ready for me to lick it!

Riley: Oh joy! I was right!


Riley: Wait a minute, someone spat on this plate! YUCK! 

Riley: Who gives, it tasted nice!

Toni: Riley, I've got something to tell you, very soon, your going to have your very own little brother or sister to play with!

Riley: OMG! Serious?! If you joking I'll kick your ass!

Riley: I'll play with it everyday! And I'll feed it, and hold it all the time! I promise!

Toni: I'm sure you will! Sure you will!

Everyone was gathered in the kitchen enjoying Ricks music, even though Rick isn't on the picture, he was there!

Mason: Yay! I've got my first ever game today! Wish me luck!

Good luck Mason! Hope you and the llama's so well!

Toni's belly wasn't coming on well, she was on the first pregnancy stage for at least a full whole day, it's usually less till she reaches the second stage...

Toni: Right Mason, I'm pregnant! And there's a new child on the way, however I've already promised this child to Riley, I'm really sorry but I promise you can have the next one!

Mason: How could you promise them to that rat of your boy!

That rat is your son by the way,

Mason: Oh whatever, as long as I can be Co.owner..

Toni: Agreed

What does Co.wonder do?

Mason: If Riley dies, I get that baby!

What a nice thought about your son.

LOVE! <3

Toni: Thanks for the massage honey, my backs been aching a lot recently,

Mason: No probs

Toni: Uuhhhhh,,, this is good!

Attractive face

Marie: I'm fed up of people standing infront of the beloved dishwasher!

 Marie: Move would you! Give it some space!

 Yay! Mason finally mastered the athletic skill! Hooray! 

 Isaac made his first appearance our of the grave!

Isaac: DAMN! Your still there?!


 The first thing he did was haunt the food on Ricks plate, can you see it?

Rick: This floating bit of food is really aggravating me, can I eat it or something?

Isaac: Muhahahahah! I shall haunt the food on your plate for ever!

Rick: Well, if Isaac's there or not, I'm still putting this plate in the dishwasher!

Isaac: Okay then whatever, you put the plate in the dishwasher... But know that you killed my fun! You just killed it!

Isaac: Boooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 


I thought I'd show you Mason's level 10 muscles!

Mason: Hey ladies...

Mason your married, and it wouldn't work anyway,

Toni couldn't be pregnant without spending some time in the sprinkler!


Higher than who?

Riley: You!

I'm not swinging... I thought you were a genius?

Riley: Genius or not, I still inherit some of my families absent mindedness,

Riley: But still I'm going higher!

Riley: I'm scared! Why do I have to sit on this scary bus!

Because you need to get to school...

Riley: I d'wanna!

Riley: Oh great, now there's an alien on the bus...

RILEY! Don't be mean to your sister like that!

Riley: What? She called me a dog poop!

Daisy: In my defence, he had just touched some brown icky stuff on the floor,

Maybe that was mud?

Mason: Alright! Getting those girls pregnant, with all your muscles! Oh yeah Mason! Yeah!


Toni: OMG! I'm pregnant!

And you didn't already know that? Your probably going to burst today...

Toni: OMG! I'm gunna blow up!

Your just as stupid as your daughter

Why are you in your brothers room? AGAIN?

Daisy: This is my brothers room?! I thought this was the kitchen?

You need some help... 

Riley: Okay, I can admit! I'm addicting to plate-licking!

Marie: No leave me alone you damn police! I'm free riding!

Riley: No way momma! I can totally catch your ass!

Toni: Wait a minute, hold up guys... I'm giving birth!

Riley: Wait a minute mum, let me just finish this last race...

Marie: OMG! SHE'S GIVING BIRTH-Wait a minute I'm about to loose the race, BRB!

Riley: No wait grandma! Mummy's in pain!

Mason: Oh god! HELP! SHE'S DYING!

Toni: Not helping guys! 

 Toni: Oh yay! The pain has stopped!

 Toni: Kid, when you get out, I'm giving you a beating!

 It's a girl! 

 Everyone meet Alisha Johnson!
She rolled Genius, and Friendly! I can imagine her and Riley to be very good friends! :)

 Time for Alisha's first birthday! Can't wait to see what genes she caught onto!

 Marie is starting to remind me A LOT of Isaac with that creepy smile.. It's cute though!

 Riley: Cool cake! It's nice to have a warm fiery one than that boring icing!

What fire!?!?!

Riley: That one on the cake of course!

Crap! A fire! Run Toni! Save Alisha!

Toni: What you on about?




For some reason, the only person who stepped up was Daisy, go Daisy!

Daisy: Oh the hell am I doing this? I don't even remember how I picked it up!

Whoooop! :D It's going!

Firefighter: Why do I always miss the fire! Life's so unfair!

Take two! And sorry about the cabinet being blue, I forgot to change it has it went back to it's original style when I replaced it, I'll change it later! :)

 What the hell! Another fire twice in a row! Will Alisha ever be a toddler...


Riley: Sis! Help! Do what you did with the last fire!

Daisy: I forgot what I did with the last fire!

Daisy: Grandma! What do I do?!

Marie: I think death is out to get me

Toni: Don't worry mummy! I'll put it out!

Rick: Hold on! Do I point it to my face or what?

Okay take three!

Toni: If this doesn't work I'm moving,

Luckily it worked! :D

Marie: Yay no fire!

Riley: Yay no fire!

Daisy: Yay no fire!

Rick: Yay no fire!


She grew up with her dad's hair, and her mum's eyes! She's a cutie! :3

I love her look! I think she looks a lot different with that ponytail, I think she's my favourite child so far this generation!

Mason: Who's this kid?

Your youngest daughter?

Mason: Well, she's my favourite!

Mason! You shouldn't have favourites! But yeah, she's mine to!

Mason: Why does it smell of baby poop...

Cause your holding a baby?

Alisha: I didn't do it! That was him...

Alisha: Daddy, don't go yet!

Alisha: Whatever, I'll just chew on this

I love it how all the children have different features from each parents, Daisy has, Rick's eyes, and Toni's hair, Riley has, Mason's eyes, and Rick's hair, Alisha has, Toni's eyes, and Mason's hair! Everything except Marie's features..

Sleep tight... <3

 Oh yeah, I forgot to show you Alisha's room, here it is! I like the purple/red and light blue theme :)


 Top view!

 Toni: I'd really love another child...

Mason: Same here, I promise I'll pay more attention when the next one is born...

 :) Baby four!

That's it for this chapter! I hope you liked it! Tell me who's your favourite child so far! And remember to join The Johnson Family Legacy, and add Alex Avo as a friend on facebook! This chapter is dedicated to rihannaratedr ! I wish you good luck in your legacy! :D

Thanks and comment!

generation three

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