All about Josef

Nov 25, 2007 23:34

I am still thinking about episode 1.09 "Fleur de Lis" . My initial reactions were quite muddled but after "sleeping on it" I am slightly disappointed and angry with Mick. Oh Mick, please make up you mind!!! Mick seems to be hung up on Coraline whilst having a thing for Beth too. The Mick/Coraline scene in a shower was a classical Dostoevsky-like double-thoughts and double-intents extravaganza. Mick (being crazily attracted to Coraline on one hand) stepped into that shower with the additional purpose of finding out more about her. And when he found out that she was CORALINE he was happy that he didn't kill his BIG LOVE but at the same time he was very much interested in finding out how she became a human. At the moment Mick is The Mister Confused. And I am confused with him. :D

But my personal highlights of the episode were the scene between Josef and Beth and the moment when Beth stabbed Coraline. HEE! I have to admire Beth's focus and drive! She is so much not a double-intents girl and this totally rocks. It is not as if I advocate stabbing but.. And Beth and Josef? Talking about Josef's feelings under pretence of talking about Mick's feelings??? This is like a big beautiful chocolate cake for my torn soul. :D

Let's talk about Josef! My favourite secondary character at the moment and hunky Logan in the past!! This character study is dedicated to petzipellepingo (who gave me the idea a couple of weeks ago).

Happy birthday, dear petzipellepingo!! Many glasses of virtual champagne accompanied by strawberries your way!!! And all the best wishes!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Josef Konstantin

Age: 400 going on 30 (St.John (2007)).

Nationality: Vampire. Past Nationality unclear. "General consensus, most likely central European extraction? Probably Catholic" (the_grynne (2007)).

Occupation: Something to do with making wagons of money. Unclear.
Update: According to CBS (2007) Josef is "hedge fund trader".

Character: Ruthless and free from moral scruples but loyal to his friends. Fully embraced his "inner vampire" (Konstantin (2007))


1. His reputation and money (in any order)

2. Beautiful ladies of different varieties

3. Fast cars, painted red

4. Pseudo-Buddhist proverbs

5. Cocktails.

6. Life


1. French literature. "It is a little too French for me" (Konstantin (2007))

2. Unnecessary adventures. "...Can't we just HIRE someone to do this?" (Konstantin (2007))

Apartment: The Tower. Expensive but grim.

1. Kitchen: Not meant for cooking

2. Garden: Consists primary of improved varieties of common Ficus.

3. Office: Strongly resembles a cock-pit of a Concorde plane. Bullet-proof and can withstand a direct hit of a nuclear bomb.

4. Art collection: Very dark-ages.

5. Ceilings: Decorated

6. Outdoor swimming pool: Habitated

Hobbies: As many man of substance Josef prefers golf to any other human pursuits

Wardrobe highlights:

1. "This is what I wear when I go to a club".

2. "This is what I wear when I am out adventuring with Mick"

Health and Fitness : In the best of health


1. Mick St. John. Best Friends and loyal buddies.

2. Lola. Long lasting relationship but not strong enough to make Josef risk his reputation

3. Beth Turner. They met only two times but both were memorable and exciting.

1. Beth meets Josef : meeting one.

Josef looks very impressed. As if he wants to make some "fang on flesh" (Konstantin (2007)) contact.

Beth looks very impressed too. As if she thinks that Mick should have introduced her to his friend earlier.

2. Beth meets Josef: meeting two:

Josef looks .. soft??

Beth looks .. flirty??

Beth: "that's your idea of love?"

Josef : "Well, what can I tell you, I'm a romantic". (Here I am dying of squeee)

Josef: Thoughtful


Konstantin, J. (2007) Full collection of aphorisms by Josef Konstantin. Not yet published.

CBS web-site (2001) Moonlight [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 November 2007].

St.John, M. (2007) Collection of Mick St.John's voiceovers. Not yet published but should be.

The_grynne. (2007) Question for you russologists (i know you're out there) [online]. Available at: [Accessed 20 October 2007].

PS Feel free to share your insights on the character of Josef!!!!!!

moonlight, screencaps, josef

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