Lassie Are Ya Tunin? (Written @ NorWesCon 2010)

Apr 04, 2010 19:21

Reposted from filk and chaoswolf, with Aja's blessing.

Story: I had a copy of the official Heather Alexander Songbook at my feet. Molly is trying to figure the chords to a previous song. I ask her if she's tuning, then Creede sings "Lassie Are Ya Tunin?" and this abomination song came into existence. A few filkers later, I made it's debut.

Lassie Are Ya Tunin? lyrics © chaoswolf 2010
TTO: Laddie Are Ya Workin'? © 2002 by Heather Alexander

Filkers singing to the sky in the morn
Moonlight fadin' as the circle is born
Songs are sung about an island of green
Claps and chat and tunes in between

Tune her low, bring us round
Nylon strings tightly wound
Sing the songs to the morning lark
Songs of your dreams in the dead of dark
Lassie Are Ya Tunin?

Sunlight o'er the tunes of the land
Songs are sung not always as planned.
Who'd be thinkin' that they end from that start?
Chord and tune are shredded apart.


Song clouds gather as the hands to the field
Singers scatter as the dawn makes them yield
Capos separate from their long skinny necks
While filkers become tired weary wrecks.


Stars are twinklin as the sun's rising high
Filkers wait for the sunlight to die.
Songs will linger of the emerald isle,
Sing and sleep and dream for a while.


Last Chorus:
Tune us low, bring us round
Steel strings tightly wound
Sing with your soul by the morning lark
Lie with your dreams in the dead of dark
Lassie Are Ya Tunin?
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