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osoroshia April 11 2012, 23:31:10 UTC
Ohgod whyyy


If I'm not 100% broke after the next FJ box I'm working on,
you'll probably see me ordering more.


osoroshia April 16 2012, 14:29:22 UTC
Ohgod. ;__; Why does the only Poland/Russia book ever have to be pretty much $25?

At least I've seen and paid my FJ shipping now though. $210 later I should probably kick that one out.

I'll still do a couple more searches though. From the sounds of Ergo's blog finally being updated, there was some sort of doujin event on the 15th? Might be more updates on Tora through the week~


alexon_charm April 16 2012, 20:25:59 UTC
Well at least it has a lot of pages? I'm unfortunately used to paying those prices, especially for anthologies although I understand the pain, I had one anthology that was 2000+ yen and it took me forever to be able to get it because the price always drove my orders way too high. As always let me know what you decide~ XD

Yikes high invoice, but I guess you had a lot of items. Oh was there an event? They do tend to never end, one after the other and then of course the big one. I'm hoping not too many books I want come out, two of mine just sold out so I have room, but I really don't want to go over getting just a couple.


osoroshia April 16 2012, 21:00:22 UTC
xD It does, but at the same time half the samples are novel, so there's no way of knowing just how much will be comics...
Let's both be glad this book will likely stay out of our wants lists, then?
I think the book that's been worst on my bank account so far was this though. 400 yen commission, 600 yen domestic shipping, then a bank fee and EMS on top of it.... xD

\o/ Lots and lots of items~ When they get here I'll be posting another collection update and two CD rips that haven't reached the fandom yet, too~

I don't really know the details. But. The post was something about Ergo canceling their attendance at it since they weren't feeling well. ;__; I feel terrible about being annoyed at lack of updates now.
But Hetalia seems to be the only fandom their books cover, so if they were going to be selling at an event...
Beyond putting that together, the only other thing was mention of Nagoya. Might've taken place there. Idk.


alexon_charm April 16 2012, 22:14:10 UTC
Oh my god. DD: I hope none of my books ever costs that. Just ouch. Ah yeah for some reason paying domestic shipping for Tora always feels like three times the price for me. I don't mind paying it for auctions and yet, well it's probably because of noppin's commission rate now that I think about it. >.> Oh my gosh a maid!anthology, I would kill for one of those for USUK, I really like those outfits. <3 ( ... )


osoroshia April 16 2012, 22:57:45 UTC
1000 yen per stoooore D:
But you reach free shipping on Tora, and then you're already spending so much that the commission's nothing. xD

Hm... Yeah I do remember seeing him in the first of those books. He's in the last panel in Costume Play, too. I haven't actually paid attention to him. xD So. That's probably not much help. I can go reread it once I'm back in my room, and see if there's any speech.
I don't remember him really seeming like he was paired with anyone in particular though.

This at least looks kind of like he's keeping up the usual canon level of tsundere-ness?
Not that I should be saying that without translations. But.


alexon_charm April 16 2012, 23:16:31 UTC
lol yeah but a lot of the time I didn't reach free shipping. XD;; Nowadays though yeah I try to go for the free shipping or group orders. ;;

Oh well if it's not too much trouble, I've had great doujinshi before(America/Japan) but because it had France's arm around England it was gone. One time it was just a look I didn't like llOTL

Thanks for the link. That looks okay I guess. It's more England than I like involved in America/someone else but it doesn't irk me too much, that last panel kind of bothers me, but it is just a comic and not a doujin.. That's one of my major problems with blacksheep, the England is like his dad and just no, though I still want some of their books because they look cute, just have to find one without England. DX Yeah I'm pretty weird when it comes to this sort of thing. XD


osoroshia April 16 2012, 23:48:51 UTC
xD Aw.
Yeah idk, I don't mind the whole England and France as parents if it's little chibi bb!America and Canada.
:/ But if they're grown up, no, I'd rather see England as the big brother type if not half of the pairing.

In the first Triple Helical, England's only in two pages. Took pictures of every panel for you:
He's not around at all in Side L.

Though obviously Liet is going to be in the way. Whole story takes place around the outsourcing, and seems to be Liet stressing about being unwanted.


alexon_charm April 17 2012, 00:08:50 UTC
Yeah it bothers me less when they are small, because it's kind of hard to do it differently, but I don't like England and France together as parents(really don't like fruk XD;), but separate is okay though I prefer the big brother role more, at least from America's POV when he is small.

Oh wow you didn't have to take pics, telling me would have been just fine, but thank-you so much! ;__; That art is so nice. <3 Yes that's the perfect England too it eases my fears now I know I definitely want it. >.< I don't mind Liet of course, I mean it seems like it ends in America/Russia right? Well yeah it's just England I tend to be picky over in any case. XD


osoroshia April 17 2012, 00:36:31 UTC
I don't really know what it'll end iiiin. *flails at Ergo*
But my OTP is Russia/Liet so I'm sure we're hoping for entirely different things here. xD

Spoilery I suppose, but basically,
Liet ends up walking in on America and Russia by mistake. :< America doesn't notice. But. Russia does, so, he seems kind of guilty and hesitant for the rest of, well, everything.
Still, they're back at it in the second book as soon as Liet's away. So. Idk at all xD


alexon_charm April 17 2012, 00:45:32 UTC
Ah well then I hope it ends in yours too since it isn't my OTP either and you get so few well drawn ones. I think I might wait on buying it until the end to see what the main pairing is in that book. Plus I still have costume play and a couple of others to get from them so I'd be happy with just those(it's not like I can buy a lot of books that aren't my OTP to begin with XD). Lilium looks like another interesting circle too, might get one of theirs to see.

LOL at that summary though, after I try to defend that all doujin isn't about R content to my friend. XD;;


osoroshia April 17 2012, 01:03:20 UTC
R18 doujin are ALWAYS about R18 content. Obvs.

Hm. Well.
Worst case, I took photos of my copy of Costume Play for someone.
>o> I could link you that, and if you can stand that format (since it's kind of awkward looking at a photo of a book rather than a scan...), I'd be willing to do the same with Triple Helical and Triple Helical Side L...
If nothing else, it'd let you know exactly what you'd be buying? xD

l-lol. Lilium looked great, and then they went and put "Willy" in a book title, and now I can't take anything of theirs seriously. xD
I'm totally mature.


alexon_charm April 17 2012, 01:16:41 UTC
LOL yeah most assuredly OOPS is, I don't think they've ever done a book without R content. XD

Ah you are so nice to offer that, but no it's okay, I don't want to risk a crease or something on your books(plus I think it's quite a few pages, well for doujin anyway) and with your summary it sounds like I would be okay with it, it's just endgame is important to me so if it's not America/Russia then I probably won't get it simply because I buy too many books to keep one that I don't ship. xD Although if you already did this for costume play I'd love a link to that if possible. :)

I saw that! I think they really shot themselves in the foot with that one as it's what made me decide not to buy it first. I still plan to get some of their books, just yeah bad word choice. Then again I've gotten some really funky titles too so it won't deter me much. XD


osoroshia April 17 2012, 01:35:01 UTC
alexon_charm April 17 2012, 01:51:18 UTC
Ooh thank-you~ I'll have to wait to download it at my friends though. Unfortunately my internet sucks, I only get 2 gigabytes a month which basically amounts to no downloading. OTL Still as they say beggers can't be choosers.

LOL that would be kind of funny. XD Thanks, though shouldn't the main pairing be listed when it's released? Well better safe than sorry that's true.

So true just have to make sure that people don't see them or they will side eye me. XD;;


osoroshia April 21 2012, 18:00:28 UTC

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