10 More moments in Time *blush*

Aug 12, 2008 07:24

I don't know how this happened. But the encouraging words from the last post egged me on, I guess, so thanks! Or perhaps inspiration comes in 20 and not in 10. ;) I *really* think these are the last for at least a long while. Really. But for now, here I am with 10 more "Moments In Time". Generally PG-13, one flirts with an R, but no, not really.

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Guilty On All Charges

Her sense of justice satisfied, her brain told her it was a great win and her ego allowed her a rush of pride. 'Terrific work,' her boss will say. 'How does it feel putting a child-killer behind bars?' the press will ask. She'll smile and nod. And she'll respond as expected. These cases, after all, were what she wanted, right?

But as the jury was polled, Alex could hear the victim's parents weeping behind her. And she didn't know anymore what to feel.

Suddenly, she found herself wanting, needing, to be with the squad, the detectives. They'd understand.

She'd understand.

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Unexpected Delivery

"This is your fault, you know."

"Yeah, yeah."

It was a conversation they'd been having all afternoon and now into the early evening. The confession had been tossed. And Alex needed something by morning or the perp walks. So here they were, 13 years worth of their suspect's personal and business records to go through, 13 hours to do it in.

A deliveryman from a local Chinese place interrupted their slogging, "Here ya go," he said plopping a bag on Olivia’s desk.

Surprised, "We didn't order this."

The deliveryman pulled out and read the receipt. "An 'Alex' did. Says 'thanks'."

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New Year's Eve

Spending another New Year's Eve together.


Elliot's arm hangs loosely on Olivia's shoulders.



Munch is refusing to participate in the countdown.


Olivia laughs and shakes her head at Munch's stubbornness.




Fin tries not to let show how much he's enjoying himself.



Cragen, good-naturedly wearing a silly cardboard hat, raises his glass.


"Happy New Year, everyone," Alex murmured.

She then drew her attention away from the scene she imagined taking place in New York and back to the reality of her empty living room in Wisconsin.

Facing another new year alone.

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Just Wait

Olivia had blurted out the invitation two days ago, somewhat surprising both of them. But Alex had graciously accepted, and now here it was Friday night at Olivia's apartment, Olivia placing the dinner she'd cooked on the table.

"God, Olivia, it smells wonderful!"

Smiling, Olivia leaned over to grab and fill Alex's wine glass and in doing so accidentally, unconsciously, brought her breasts in line with Alex's gaze. "Just wait until you get a taste," she said, not realizing her double entendre.

Alex swallowed hard and looked up, catching Olivia's eyes. "I'm sure I can't wait," Alex finally choked out.

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Olivia's eyes were glazed as she looked over the document in front of her.

Serena stood by. She couldn't believe it was only four months ago that she'd been in this very office doing this very same thing. Only in reverse. And only then it felt positive, rather than being one of those heart wrenching details that has to be dealt with in the aftermath.

Finally Olivia picked up a pen and signed her name. Without looking, she handed the pen to Serena who signed as the witness. And with that, Olivia's power of attorney was transferred back to Cragen.

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Maybe It Was New

Maybe it was new. That had to be it. That would explain why he hadn't noticed before.

Notice how Olivia's face lit up when Alex entered the café where she was meeting them. Notice that Alex sat closer than necessary to Olivia in the booth. Notice the strangely intimate gesture of Alex plucking a fry off Olivia's plate without asking or notice Olivia's gaze follow Alex's departure longer than it should have, a trace of a smile touching her lips.

"So," Elliot cleared his throat, bringing Olivia's eyes and attention back to him, "When were you going to tell me?"

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The ride back from the first follow-up appointment had been silent until Olivia finally spoke, "I'm still in a lot of pain."

"I know."

"And I don't have any energy."

"I know."

Pause. "You didn't say anything when I told the doctor differently."


Olivia stared at the blonde.

Alex glanced at Olivia before looking back at the road, "I need you to know that I won't betray your confidence."

Olivia nodded slowly, trying to keep unexpected tears at bay. Quietly, "I'll make another appointment. I'll tell him the truth."

Alex chanced another glance, "I already made one for tomorrow."

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Mister Softee

They had all the time in the world.

So they were going slow. Enjoying the build-up. Enjoying the tease.

Like when Alex dragged Olivia over to the ice cream truck after court.

And it was subtle at first, an innocent flick of the tongue to catch some melted ice cream. But it got less subtle; the way Alex ate that ice cream. She had Olivia enthralled.

Olivia eventually realized Alex's game. "You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?"

Alex took another long, slow, lingering lick of her cone, "Yep," she said unapologetically.

All the time in the world, they thought.

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That One Time

As she packed her briefcase for the night, a slow smile crept onto Alex's face

"What's the smile for?" Olivia asked with a curious smile of her own.

She shrugged shyly, "I was just thinking about that one time you took me to Central Park and surprised me with a moon-lit horse drawn carriage ride. It was just so sweet and so romantic."

Olivia's smile became a frown, "But, I've never taken you on a carriage ride…"

"Oh, that's right. You haven't." Alex pinned the detective with a hard stare until they both broke into laughter.

"Subtle, Counselor, very subtle."

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A Whisper

Olivia hovered, propped on one arm, looking down at the beauty in her bed. Her fingertips grazed over the planes of Alex's cheek and jaw, down the valley between her breasts, across the taught skin of her abdomen. Her gaze followed the movement of her hand before looking back to meet crystal blue. Her expression one of awe, of wonder, of disbelief. Of unworthiness.

A whisper, "You make me so happy."

Olivia exhaled, her face transformed.

And Alex knew there was nothing she could have said to Olivia in that moment that would have been more right. Or more true.

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length: drabble, rating: pg, series: moments in time, rating: pg-13, author: redwingx, rating: r

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