Moments In Between

Jul 22, 2007 21:11

Pairing:  Alex/Olivia
Disclaimer:  I still own nothing.

Note:  I was bored so I decided to write a couple more chaps.  So, here you go.  I hope you like it!

Chapter 8

Alex was in the middle of call when there was a brisk knock at her door.  She looked up and saw Serena poking her head inside.  She waved her in and held up a finger as she finished up the call.

"Yes, I will make sure I speak with him this afternoon.  Thank you.  Goodbye."  She let out a long sigh as she hung the phone up.  "Sorry about that."

"Well, well, well.... so you are still alive."

Alex looked at her strangely.  "Good morning to you too."

"Don't give me that look.  I've been calling you all weekend."

Alex smirked.  "Oh... my cell must be acting up again."

"Right.  I suppose your home phone was acting up as well?"  Serena said sarcastically.

"I suppose so."

"Cut the shit, Alex.  Don't think I don't remember that you had a date with Olivia on Friday and you've been MIA ever since."  She sat down in one of the chairs in front of Alex's desk and crossed her legs.  "So... how was it?"

"We had a great time.  Everything was perfect and surprisingly..."

"Yeah...Yeah...Yeah."  Serena interrupted.  "Enough about the date.  I'm talking about what happened after the date." She grinned mischievously.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Although her response was to the contrary, Alex knew exactly what Serena was talking about.  She and Olivia had made love for the first time after their date.  When they woke up on Saturday morning, they ended up spending all day together doing much of the same.  Since Olivia was on desk duty and Alex had no pending cases, they turned their phones off and shut the rest of the world out.  They were like two teenagers in heat.  It had been the best weekend she'd had for as long as she could remember.

"Come on, Cabot.  You've been missing since Friday.  You haven't been answering your phone and you're sitting here glowing like a goddamn night light.  Spill it!"

Alex shook her head.  "Why am I friends with you again?"

"Because I'm the only one crazy enough to be your best friend, now spill it."

Alex remained mum on the subject so Serena resorted to her best weapon.  She whined.  "Come on, Alex.  There have been numerous unfounded rumors regarding Detective Benson's so called legendary skills in the bedroom.  You are now in a position to confirm or deny them.  You can't hold out on my now.  Besides, I'm your best friend.  It's in the rule book.  You have to tell me."

Alex laughed.  "You're nuts and completely out of line."

"Fine."  Serena pouted.  "Don't tell me.  Just know that you have now forfeited your privilege of having my first born named after you."

"Oh my God!  When did you become such a drama queen?"

"Forgive me, but all my excess energy has to go somewhere.  I'm not the one getting laid."

"And who says that I am?"

Serena just stared at her.  Alex finally broke.  "Alright!  Maybe... something more did happen."  She blushed slightly.

"Tell me something that I don't all ready know.  That much is obvious."

"Really?  Do you think anyone else noticed?"  Alex asked suddenly feeling exposed.

"Nah.  I don't think the maintenance man on the third floor knows."

Alex tossed a wad of paper across the desk.  "Shut up."

Serena laughed.  "So... was it... you know... good?"

Alex thought before she answered.  She didn't know how she felt about talking about Olivia this way.... but Serena was her best friend.  They knew everything about one another.

"All I'm going to say is...there is at least one rumor about Detective Benson that is without a doubt the undeniable truth."

Serena's eyes widened.  "That good?"

Alex bit her lip.  "I was reaching for things that weren't there."

Serena's mouth dropped open.  "Wow."

"That would be a great way to describe it."

"Well, you have to give me details."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because...."  A sound knock coming from the other side of the door was music to Alex's ears.  "Come in."

They looked up and saw none other than Olivia Benson stepping through the door.

"Hey, Olivia!  We were just talking about you."  Serena grinned devilishly knowing that she was getting the famous Cabot glare.

Olivia smiled nervously, blushing as she met Alex's eyes.  "Really?  Do I need a lawyer?"

"Apparently, you've already had one." Serena mumbled under her breath.

"Um... what can I do for you, Detective?"  Alex asked ignoring her friend.

"Oh, Cap asked me to bring these to you."  She handed the files over to Alex allowing her fingers to linger over the blonde's just a bit longer than needed.  "It's the updated info you requested on the Robinson case."

"Thank you.  I really appreciate you bringing this by... really."  Alex said grinning like a school girl.

"It was my pleasure, Ms. Cabot."

Serena glanced between them and noticed the smoldering looks passing between them.  She cleared her throat rather loudly.  Olivia blinked and finally tore her eyes away from Alex.

"Well... I should go and let you two get back to.... whatever it was that you were doing.  Serena, it's always good to see you.  We should all get together for dinner sometime."

"I think that's a great idea.  It was good seeing you too, Olivia.  You're looking great, by the way.  You're practically...glowing."  She said making no effort to hide her smirk.

"Thanks."  Shooting a quick glance over at Alex, she smiled.  "I'll see you later."

"Have a good day, Detective."  Alex said softly.

"You too, Counselor."

When the door closed, Serena turned back to Alex and laughed.  "Oh my God!  You two have got it bad for each other."  She shook her head.  "The way you guys were looking at one another, I thought I was going to spontaneously combust simply by being in your line of sight."

Alex couldn't seem to stop grinning.  Serena looked at her for a moment.  "You really are happy, aren't you?"

"For the first time in my life.... I think I am."


Olivia sat back down at her desk and tried to get her focus back on her paperwork, but she was finding it hard.  Every few minutes a flash of Alex's body appeared in her head.  And now that she'd seen her in the flesh, it was even more difficult to concentrate.

"You alright over there, partner?"

Olivia looked up.  "Yeah.  Why?"

Elliot laughed softly.  "Because you're about to fill out that form upside down."

"Huh?"  Olivia blinked and looked down.  Sure enough, there was an upside down form.  She quickly turned it upright.  "Thanks."

"Cabot got you wound up pretty tight, huh?"

She wanted to be pissed at him for bringing up her personal life, but she knew he was just concerned.  She sat back and ran her hands through her hair.  "There are a million reasons why this could blow up in our faces."

"I feel a but coming on."

"But... I don't seem to give a damn about any of them."

Elliot leaned forward on his desk.  "You love her?"

"You already know the answer to that."

"How do you feel when you're with her?"

"Better than I've ever felt in my entire life."

"You want it to work?"

Olivia nodded.  "More than I've ever wanted anything."

"Well, there's your answer.  Find a way to make it work..... and do it before you're off desk duty.  I don't want you out on the street with me if you're going to be this distracted every time Cabot gives you some."

Olivia's mouth dropped open and her face turned red.  "I... I never said..."

Elliot laughed.  "You didn't have to.  You might as well have worn a neon sign that said I got laid last night."

Olivia suddenly remembered how to be pissed at him.  "Shut it, Stabler."

"Or should I say, all weekend since you were obviously with her."

"Elliot..."  Olivia warned but she could tell he was going in for the kill.

"So... is Cabot as thorough in the sack as she is in court?"

That was it.  The gloves were off.  She pinned him with a deadly glare.  "Elliot, if you ever talk that way about her again, I'm going to take my gun and shoot you in a place where you better pray grows back."

Fin was walking by and heard the remark.  He winced.  "Damn Liv!  That's just cold.  You don't say that to a man."  He glanced at a still stunned Elliot.  "Yo El... whatever you said, you'd better not say it again.  I don't think that particular body part regenerates, if you know what I mean."

Olivia smirked and suddenly felt better.  She went back to her paperwork while Elliot wiggled in his chair.

Chapter 9

"I thought desk duty meant that you wouldn't be here at all hours of the night?"

Olivia instantly recognized the voice.  Pulling her eyes away from her work, she saw Alex leaning in the doorway.  The image before her brought a smile to her face.  Even after twelve hours of work, Alex still looked incredible in her neatly pressed suit.

"I didn't want to leave these reports unfinished.  My ADA can be a real hard ass about it."

Alex raised a brow and smirked.  She made her way over and leaned against Olivia's desk.  "Is that so?  Maybe I should talk to her about that.  I can't have her keeping my girlfriend here so late."

Olivia grinned and leaned back in her chair.  She made no effort to disguise how she was shamelessly admiring the pair of legs in front of her.  "So, I'm your girlfriend now?"

Alex's cheeks colored slightly.  "I had hoped that after this weekend, that much would be clear."

"Oh it is."  She looked around and made sure the squad room was empty then pushed herself out of her chair.  She stepped close to Alex and slipped her arms around her waist pulling her close for a deep kiss.  She pulled back and rested her forehead against Alex's.  "I think we covered that several times."

"So... any chance of getting you to come home with me tonight, Detective?"

"I don't know.  You think my ADA will cut me some slack on these DD-5s?"

"I think she will."

Olivia stepped back.  "Let me clear this up and we can go."

Alex nodded and took a seat at Elliot's desk and watched as Olivia packed up.  She found herself letting her eyes wonder over the detective's body.  Her mind flashed back to the previous weekend when she had traced every single inch of it.  It still surprised her how lean and toned she was without being hard or rigid.  Feeling that familiar fluttering in her stomach, Alex tried to shake the thoughts away.



"About today...with Serena.  I hope she didn't embarrass you.  That was just Serena being Serena."

Olivia glanced up and smiled.  "As long as you didn't tell her every detail about last weekend, I'm not embarrassed."

Alex blushed.  "I didn't, but she's my best friend and she knows me better than I know myself at times."

"I know what you mean.  Elliot had a good time laying into me today.  Apparently, we're pretty easy to read."

"We should probably talk about that."  Olivia nodded already knowing where Alex was going with this.  "I don't want to hide what's happening between us, Liv, but..."

"We have a job to do and we can't let what happened today happen again."

Alex nodded.  "I couldn't concentrate on a thing."

"You were all I could think about."  Olivia added.

"Any suggestions on how to handle this, Detective?"

Olivia sat back down in her chair.  "There really isn't a guide for something like this, is there?"

"No, there's not."

"Well, I guess we're just going to have to play it by ear.  We're both adults and we're both professionals.  Why can't we just agree that work is work and everything else is separate?"

Alex raised a brow.  "You think it will be that easy?"

Olivia chuckled.  "Not hardly."

"But we don't have a choice, Olivia.  If we're going to have this relationship... and I do want to have this relationship... we can't allow it to affect our jobs.  I need to be able to have a difference of opinion or disagree with you when I need to and know that you're not going to hate me afterward."

"I could never hate you, Alex."  Olivia said sincerely.

"You know what I mean.  I don't want anyone to think that I'm showing you special treatment simply because we're sleeping together.  And I know that you need to be able to challenge me or whatever the case may be and not worry that I'll hold it against you later."

Olivia nodded in agreement.  "Okay... how about we make a pact then?  While we're at work, you'll be Counselor Cabot, our ADA, and nothing more."

"And you'll be Detective Benson... nothing more."  Alex added.

"And outside work, we'll be Olivia and Alex."

"So we leave the arguments and disagreements here?"

Olivia nodded.  "Work is kept strictly professional and no talking shop at home unless it's absolutely necessary."

Alex shrugged her shoulders.  "It might work."

Olivia stood and moved around Elliot's desk to stand in front of Alex.  "It has to work... because I don't think I could walk away from you, Cabot...even if I tried."

"Me either."

"I'm willing to try if you will."

"You've got yourself a deal, Detective."  Alex extended her hand.

Olivia took her hand and brought it to her lips to kiss only to have Alex pull it away. Olivia looked confused. Alex shook her head.

"None of that until we leave work.  Remember our deal?"

Olivia smiled and gathered her bag and jacket.  "Come on, Counselor.  I'll share a cab with you.  Maybe we'll run into that girlfriend of yours outside."

"I have a feeling that we will."


length: ep!fic, author: alphagirl007, title: moments in between, rating: r

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