Title: Sleeping Together
Pairing: Alex Cabot and Olivia Benson
Rating: mmm... PG-13
Disclaimer: Charachter's not mine.
Author's note, the first two are really short, so there are three this time.
Alex was stretched across the black Pleather couch when Olivia returned, slowly sipping black coffee and looking out the window. Olivia had taken her time, unsure how to reenter the situation, now that she was so exposed. All of her plans of covering up her vulnerability with apologies and humor faded as she watched Alex.
Her eyes were clouded with thought, and she lay propped up on one elbow, sucking on one of the earpieces of her glasses, a long expanse of pale leg glowing against the dark material of the couch and her shirt. Olivia could picture her this way on nights after trials, going back over her day, reliving it all. Her face became concerned when she spotted Olivia, and she stood up.
“Olivia, I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t bother you, I shouldn’t’ve gotten in your space-” She stopped as Olivia smiled and offered her hand. She took it, anxiously.
“Thank you Alex. I’ve never had someone do that for me.”
Maybe out of relief, maybe because she was exuasted, or maybe because they’d had so much contact that night, Alex took the hand she held and pressed it to her lips, gently, just as she had kissed Olivia’s forehead.
But the Olivia she was kissing was very different from the one who had sat on her couch in distant silence. Looking up, she found in Olivia’s eyes an expression that sent shivers down her back, and she dropped her hand.
“Olivia-” Olivia took a deep breath. She had also found a look in Alex’s eyes: one that she recognized well. She knew now, she was finally sure. She leaned forward, cupping Alex’s cheek in her hand, and then kissed her. When she began to pull back, Alex slipped an arm around her low back and pulled her close again. Before they had planned or even imagined it, Olivia’s fingers were tangled in Alex’s hair, their foreheads were resting against one another, and they were kissing as deeply as either of them had ever dreamed.
“Alex?” Olivia pulled away, unsteady on her feet, literally and metaphorically.
“Yes… what?” Alex’s fear, so far overwhelmed by other emotions, rushed back, taking her over. She stepped back, tripping over the couch and sitting down on it, hard. Ice seeped back into her features, like Olivia hadn’t seen at once. She felt like a perp on the stand, searching for the right words to say in the face of this ice cold being.
“No Alex, wait a moment, I, just wanted to ask you why you never told me.” She sat close beside Alex, who averted her eyes. “Sweetheart, look at me.”
Alex glared at her. “Why didn’t you tell me - you are the detective!” She stumbled, sounded flustered and embarrassed. “How exactly was I to know you’d might be interested in me, hanging off Eliot’s arm all the time. I-”
Olivia kissed her again, melting her iciness and cooling her anger. “Of course you couldn’t know. Of course. I’m just sad we couldn’t have this sooner.” She pressed Alex into the couch, kissing her heavily. Then it was Alex who twisted away, breathing heavily.
“You weren’t in love with him, were you?”
“I don’t like men. Not even the few like Eliot, who I trust.” She laughed. “I mean, really, Eliot?”
“Do they know? The secretaries and legal aids are tireless gossipers, and I never heard anything.”
“No, no one knows. They’re cops Alex, the men I work with.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve seen some of them joke that lesbian rape victims ‘got the education they needed’ and while I know Eliot would never think like that, and Munch has a lesbian cousin or something, news gets around. I could lose my job, or my respect in the force.” She looked at Alex guiltily. “But it’s out of character for me to hide anything. It’s hard.”
“I’m not out at work either, it’s no one’s business, and I never needed to be.”
“You never wanted to tell your friends?”
“Friends?” Alex gazed out of the window for a moment. “I’m a frigid bitch, remember. No one can tolerate me.” She made her nervous face - half smile, half grimace, and shook her head.
“Eliot likes me so long as I take his lead and agree with him, the other SVU detectives, they’re fine, but no one I’m close to. And the legal people, well, you never know if you will be facing them in your next big case.” She smiled, still coy and intelligent, but suddenly shy. “You though, have always been good to me.”
“Look what good it’s done me, too,” Olivia said, indicating Ale’s arms around her neck, and her own hands, one on Alex’s shoulder blades, the other on her soft inner hip.
Alex slid side ways, reclining against the high padded arm of the couch. Olivia followed, kissing Alex’s nose, cheekbones, eyelids, forehead, chin, and each corner of her mouth. Then she stopped, grinning playfully. “Hmm, I don’t know where else to kiss!”
Alex was warm and safe under the weight of Olivia’s heavily muscular body, and she threw her head back, laughing. She leaned forward and kissed Olivia. Olivia was caught off guard and did not separate her lips for her so Alex took her bottom lip in her teeth and bit it gently. Olivia gasped and Alex took the chance and kissed her deeply again.
They kissed and snuggled sleepily on Alex’s couch, until Olivia’s head was resting on Alex’s chest, with their arms around each other, and they watched the city lights together, until both of them fell asleep.