(no subject)

Mar 07, 2006 19:15

Working Title: Take Another Look (Part 1 of 4)
Pairing: A/O
Rating:PG, for a tiny bit of language
Season/Spoilers: None, no direct refrences to any episodes.
Summary: How it all began between A and O during a case you won't see on TV.
Author's Notes: This is my first fic,let me know what you think and the next part will move rapidly towards an R rating. I'm looking for a better title and welcome suggestions. Also, if anyone wants to beta the next part let me know.

The whole team stands around Cragen as he gestures to a map of the city on the white board-
“As you can see we have a constellation of rapes here in the Village, they are linked by signature but we don’t know the connection between victims. . Benson and Stabler, I want you to consult with John and Finn who have been working these already. We’re up to five women and I want to get this solved.”
Munch pulls out the pictures of the victims and begins to tape them to the board, one by one until all five are up. Olivia studies them and sees the connection right away-short hair, collared shirts, no earrings. But she hesitates to share a hunch based on her gaydar alone. Instead she follows the captain’s direction to go back and talk with the first victim, because she seemed hesitant during her talk with Munch and Finn.
“Now tell me exactly what he said to you” Olivia gently prompts.
The victim, Sadie Henson, hesitates, afraid to expose herself to discrimination, until she sees the look on the detective’s face. “He called me a “damn dyke” and told me that he would show me what it was like to have a real man”.
“Now I want you to know, we respect your privacy, but we need to know for our investigation: are you a lesbian?”
Sadie nods her head because she knows on instinct she can trust the detective. She adds, “but I’m not out at work, I teach kindergarten and I don’t want to deal with angry parents.”
Olivia reassures her that they will not out her, but she knows that if it comes time for a trial, Sadie may have to chose between being out and testifying against her rapist.
The next day, the team gathers back around the board, to talk about possible connections. There seems to be no over lap between their jobs, ages, or habits. Then Munch volunteers “Have we considered that they all frequent the same girls only establishment?” Finn jumps in “Yeah, don’t they all look a little on the masculine side to you?”
Elliot says: “If you two mean that you think they’re all gay, then maybe you’re right, two victims told us yesterday they were lesbians but I didn’t know the others were”
Munch chimes in that other three were not shy about disclosing their orientations.
The captain realizes they may have found their connection -“Well it’s a possibility we have to consider, all of you go back to your notes, lets find some proof.”
Before 30 minutes pass, they have all confirmed in their notes that all five women mentioned being lesbians, but they didn’t seem to frequent the same places. But by the end of the day, the team discovers they have all been to a women’s club within a month of their rape.
“So, did you two find anyone who stood out to the women at the clubs?” Cragen asks the team after they have spent several days interviewing bartenders and regulars at the three major lesbian bars in Manhattan.
Munch volunteers that “we heard about a lot of guys who were into lesbian chic, if you know what I mean.” Finn adds, “but they all seemed more pathetic that dangerous.”
Olivia’s face darkens as she recounts to the team that she and Elliot found a guy who seemed good for the murders. “By all accounts he is a pretty nasty guy, we heard about him calling women some pretty nasty names.” Inwardly she flinches because she knows how it feels to be called a dyke.
Cragen directs them, “Well, name calling isn’t going to get us this guy, all of you go see what you can dig up on him.”
Stabler goes to see if the guy, Norman Harris has a record, and quickly discovers a long rap sheet with 2 assaults counts against women. Unfortunately, both were dropped for lack of evidence.
Olivia sees on Sadie’s face that she knows which picture on the photo line-up belongs to her rapist.
“It’s him” she says, her voice wavering. “But I can’t testify, these rapes are in the media now and I would have to…” Olivia understands her fear of being outted, “I know it’s okay, the other victims can testify.”
But as they interview the victims they discover that Sadie is the only one who got a clear look at his face, he got all the others from behind and covered their eyes before they could get a good look. Two of them do pick him out as a creepy guy they saw hanging around the bar.
“Alix it is so frustrating, we know this bastard did it but our only witness is afraid to go before the grand jury” Olivia tells her as they walk down the precinct hall late that night. The ADA pushes, “But don’t you have DNA or something?”. “No, Sadie is all we’ve got” Benson firmly tells her. They stop walking and Cabot looks directly at her, “Why is Sadie so afraid?” The detective returns her look, “She is afraid of being outted” and then she looks away “I understand her fear.” Alix meets Olivia’s eyes directly and whispers “ me too, me too.” In that moment, they realize they both have been sharing the same secret and move closer, their eyes still locked together.
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