The mirror sometimes lies......

Feb 10, 2006 14:15

The mirror sometimes lies....



Chapter 25

They wake to the sound of crashing. Olivia’s eyes fly open. “What the hell?” She says.

“That’s my alarm clock.” Alex says matter of fact. “Kathleen is making breakfast.”

The sound of the frequency of this activity is not lost on Olivia. “Just how many times has she made you breakfast?’ Olivia asks.

Alex laughing, “Oh let’s see, this will make the fifth day in a row.”

“Five days. You have been here five days and I just now found out!”

“Well, it’s not like I could call you up and say, ‘hey it’s me. Want to do lunch?’”

“You’ve got a point.”

Alex reaches out to Olivia and gives her a hug. “We need to get up. Kathleen wants to talk with us before she leaves.”

Olivia reluctantly agrees and climbs out of bed. Walking to the shower she says over her shoulder “Front or back?”

“You know I like the front. It’s where all the heat is.” Alex races in front of her to turn the shower on.

“You aren’t kidding.” Olivia says chasing after Alex to the shower.


“I trust you found my assignment to your liking.” Kathleen says to Olivia as she puts the stack of pancakes in front of her. Passing the syrup to Alex, Olivia replies. “It’s okay. It can be exhausting though.” Olivia gives a shit eaten grin; Alex reaches over and swats her arm.

“Jeeze, you haven’t lost your backhand.”

“You weren’t complaining last night, this morning, in the..”

“Okay, okay!” Olivia says shyly. She shoves a fork full of pancakes in her mouth and chases it down with some OJ.

Kathleen sits across from Olivia. She takes a couple of pancakes off the stack and begins to doctor them to her liking. Butter, strawberries, syrup and whipped cream. Olivia raises her eyebrows as each layer is applied.

“No wonder you run all over the city.”

“Huh? Oh yeah. Well this is the one treat I allow myself. Mom always said stack it tall and eat it all. “Kathleen places an over grown bite in her mouth. She struggles to chew the whole thing without having syrup drip down her chin.

“I told you before; you’re going to choke on those big bits you take.” Alex laughs at her. “Antonio eats big bites like that.” Kathleen’s eyes grow wide has Alex speaks. ‘Shit’ Alex says to herself. “I didn’t mean to…I am sorry..”Alex tries to find the words to fix her slip.

Kathleen looking right at Alex waves off the comments. “Yes, when I visited you in Iowa, he did eat large bits and a lot of food if I am not mistaken.” Alex nods in acknowledgement.

“Most growing boys do.” Olivia adds. “Where is he by the way?”

“Can’t tell ya.” Kathleen says while drinking a sip of her coffee.

“Sure you can. You can trust me.” Olivia says looking between Alex and Kathleen.

“No we can’t. We don’t even know.” Alex adds. “Two weeks before Kathleen brought me here, the WPO’s took him to another safe house. They won’t tell me where.”

“Oh. Okay.” Olivia does not believe Alex. Antonio has lived with Alex since the “Ghost” trial. She would not give him away without knowing how to reach him.

“So, what do you need us to do while you are gone?” Alex asks while getting to her feet hoping to change the subject. She takes her plate to the sink and washes it. She set the plate in the dishwasher and then begins washing the bowls and pans.

“I need you to lay low. I need Olivia to act like she is on vacation till I get back.” Kathleen looks at the clock on the wall. 9:15. she’s got to get going. “You can do that can’t you?”

“We could just lounge around here, cause that’s what we usually do, or did.” Olivia says giving her lover her best cocky smile.

“Okay, that’s not going to work.” Kathleen is alarmed. “You have to act as if Alex is not here. Yes, you can stay here, but you have to be careful.” She looks to Alex for help.

“Olivia, you have to be careful. When you leave here, look over your shoulder. Make sure no one is following you.” Alex adds. “Remember no one knows I am here.”

“And they won’t. Don’t worry. Do you think I have waited three years for this just to screw it up and serve you to Hammond? Give me some credit.” Olivia rises from her chair and storms out of the room.

“Damn. That woman is a hot head.” Kathleen says clearing the rest of the table.

“You have no idea.” Alex says still looking in the direction Olivia traveled.

“Alex. I have to go.” Kathleen reaches for Alex’s arm. Alex turns so that they are face to face. “Walk me out.”

“Sure” They turn and walk towards the front door. Reaching the foyer, Kathleen again turns to face Alex.

“Alex, remember what I told you.” Alex is shaking her head in confirmation. “Here.” Kathleen opens the drawer of the small table just inside the door. Handing Alex an envelope, “I should be back by Monday. If I am not or if anything and I mean anything goes wrong, you are to use the information in the envelope.” Kathleen grabs Alex by the forearms. She positions her head so that Alex is unable to look away. “You go straight to Abbie. She’ll take it from there.” With that, Kathleen let go of Alex and opens the door. She looks out into the hallway to make sure it is safe.

Kathleen turns and to look at Alex one last time. “There is paperwork for that one too.” Thumbing in the direction of the bedroom. “I figured she won’t let you go alone this time.” Kathleen steps out into the hall and walks towards the elevator. Alex hesitates before closing the door. Kathleen enters the elevator just as Alex closes and locks the door. With her head pressed against the door, Alex lets out a sigh. “Be careful.” She says as a tear spills for her cheek.

As always feedback welcomed.
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