Broken: Chapter 2

Mar 24, 2010 12:58

Title: Broken
Chapter: 2
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: I'd say...R. 
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Law and Order: SVU.
Spoilers: None.
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the positive feedback. While I'm still a newbie to the show and the fandom, this fic will probably not be heavily case driven. Though, I feel if you want a story involving a case you should watch the show: this story is merely background personal stuff with a hint of a case. Perhaps when I get more familiar with it, there will be more case work. :) I'm working on it, so do not fear. I hope you enjoy this second chapter. Thanks again for the awesome reviews. :)

Chapter 2

Olivia found herself hovering over the toilet at 6:00am that morning. She emptied out what little she had eaten the day before. Her head was pounding, of course. She was clearly hung over and she realized she hadn’t had a thing to eat for dinner the night before. How stupid could she be?

And as she reached for her toothbrush, she found a certain rectangular shaped container that had been unopened the night before.

“Shit.” She cursed, double checking to make sure she hadn’t forgotten. But she had. “Shit, shit, shit.”

She quickly leafed through her closet to try and find something to wear to work that day and without grabbing a thing for breakfast she headed out to the corner pharmacy. Once the morning after pill’s after taste was washed away by the awful station coffee, Olivia began to feel more like herself. She was ready for the newest case that had just come in.

“Fourteen year-old girl, gang banged at St. Vincent’s Academy.” Elliot exclaimed to the unit.

“Isn’t that an all girl’s school?” It was Alex Cabot who spoke next.

Olivia’s stomach churned and she wasn’t sure if it was from hunger, or an odd sense of unease upon seeing the blonde so early and so surprisingly entering the room. “What are you doing here?” Olivia looked the counselor over, eyeing her impeccable wardrobe. She was dressed in a form fitting black pencil skirt and a tight, light-blue shirt underneath a black jacket. She looked beautiful. And today she meant business with those dark-rimmed glasses.

“I have a meeting with Cragen. Don’t look so happy to see me, Liv.” Alex playfully bumped in to Olivia’s chair on her way to the coffeepot.

“So what all do you know about this gang bang?” Olivia shifted forward in her desk, still not feeling up to par.

Elliot eyed her questioningly, but she gave him the ‘I’m okay’ look and he moved on.

“It looks like she stayed late after school and a group of boys from the nearby public school happened to catch up to her.”

“Any leads on the boy’s names?” Olivia sipped her coffee and watched as Alex went to Cragen’s office. He motioned for her to come inside and then she closed the door behind her, baring Olivia from seeing her further.

“We have an eye witness who works across the street at a grocery store and he says he can identify one of the boys. His mother is a regular customer at the store and he tags along with her sometimes. The name’s Brock Houser.” Elliot read the name from the case file.

“Let’s go talk to Mr. Houser.” Olivia grabbed her coat off the back of her chair as she stood. She fought off the urge to throw up. She kept having delusions of climbing in to her bed and sleeping, but knew that it was her own fault for feeling so awful. There would be no heavy drinking tonight, even if they cracked this case before six.


Brock Houser had actually hit her. Olivia was surprised that a boy so young could get so defensive, but when she’d tried talking reasonably with him, he’d actually slugged her in the face. It was like adding insult to injury. She’d picked up his case file and had exited the room without looking back. She was done with him. Elliot could take over.

She tossed the file on her desk and made her way to bathroom, ignoring Elliot yelling after her to see if she was all right. She closed the door behind her and examined the place where Brock’s small hand had made contact with her skin. It was stinging, the skin aflame with bruised nerve ends. There would be a bruise there the following day.

She wished she’d stayed in bed. Her stomach still hadn’t settled and as awfully as the previous night had gone for her, she secretly wished she had someone to have sex with again that night. Her body was wrought with need for physical contact.

“Nice shiner.” A familiar voice exclaimed behind her and Olivia quickly turned to find Alex coming out of a bathroom stall.

“That fucking kid punched me.” Olivia grunted, turning again to study her cheek.

“I guess it’s not your day.” Alex came up beside Olivia to wash her hands.

“It’s not.” Olivia sighed, her hands coming to rest on either side of the sink before her. She felt suddenly dizzy.

Alex reached for a paper towel and turned to lean against the sink, studying Olivia. “You look like shit. Are you all right?”

Olivia shook her head. “Rough night last night.” Olivia tried to give Alex a smile through her pain. She didn’t want to go in to all of it with her, and didn’t really feel like she needed to.

Alex turned away, tossing her paper towel in the trashcan. “Well I hope you feel better soon.”

“Thanks.” Olivia straightened up, wondering why Alex was suddenly racing away from her and out of the bathroom.


“We got a confession out of him.” Elliot explained later that afternoon. “We’ll hand this over to the D.A.’s office.” He exclaimed, tossing the case file towards Munch’s desk.

Olivia looked up from her paperwork, surprised that they had gotten a confession so quickly.

“We got him for hitting you, too.” Elliot glanced down at her. “Are you all right?” He studied her bruised cheek.

“Just peachy.” Olivia rolled her eyes and went back to the rest of her forms.

“You look like you could use some sleep.” Munch noted.

“What the hell is this? Gang up on Olivia day?” She mumbled, turning a sheet of paper over to make sure there weren’t blank spaces.

“We’re just looking out for you.”Elliot tried to sound playful, but she could tell he was genuinely concerned.

“Well I’m fine.” She exclaimed, wishing to be left alone to do her copious amounts of paperwork in quiet.

And soon the office began clearing out for the night. Olivia wanted to get ahead for the week so that if another big case came through she’d be ready to tackle it. Unlike her male colleagues, she liked to keep ahead of the game. It was no surprise to her when she glanced up to find a certain blonde staring in at her. She has smelled her expensive fragrance long before she’d sensed her there. At first she’d thought she was imagining the scent for want of the younger woman, for at the moment Olivia felt empty and alone and in need of a companion. She had wished Alex present and as if they had secret telepathy, the other woman had appeared.

“Working late?” Alex pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes.

Olivia nodded, putting her pen down.

“I suppose you’re not going out with the boys for drinks tonight,” her question was more of a statement.

Olivia shook her head. “I don’t feel very well.” She ran a hand through her hair.

“So you wouldn’t be up for some sushi and wine tonight?” Alex sounded almost embarrassed in her proposal.

Olivia glanced at the clock on her desk. What she felt like doing was curling up in bed and sleeping, but she had wished for Alex’s company…”I’m not sure.” She looked up apologetically at Alex.

Alex waved her hand. “Don’t worry about it. You look like you need some sleep. Go home.” She swiftly came over and flipped off Olivia’s desk light. “Go.” Her voice was firm yet playful.

Olivia smiled for the first time that day. Though she felt her heart begin to race when Alex’s hand gently grabbed her chin and turned her face to the side.

“And I’d ice that if I were you.” She was studying Olivia’s cheek.

“Right away, ma’am.” Olivia laughed, moving to take Alex’s hand away from her chin. “Thank you. I really would love to have sushi with you, just not tonight.”

Alex nodded, a warm smile still present on her visage. “It’s all right.” Neither seemed to realize they were holding hands until Alex adjusted her purse strap and shifted her briefcase from one hand to another. “Good night, Liv.”

“Night Alex.” Olivia got up and grabbed her coat from the back of her chair. She turned just in time to watch Alex walking out of the office. Olivia’s brown eyes seemed transfixed by the blonde’s retreating form.

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