The health status of the disgraced priest John Privalov deteriorated

Feb 11, 2013 23:49

Priest John Privalov, a former rector of the church of the village of Candlemas Zaostrovye in the Arkhangelsk region by experienced stress
associated with their harassment, was hospitalized. Acute lung process was stopped, but the next day after leaving the hospital began worsening of other chronic diseases.
(Священник Иоанн Привалов, бывший настоятель храма Сретенья Господня в селе Заостровье Архангельской области был госпитализирован от пережитого стресса, связанныого с преследованием. Острый процесс в легких удалось остановить, однако на следующий день после выписки из больницы началось обострение других хронических заболеваний.)

John served Privalov Zaostrovsky abbot of the temple for 20 years. Remember that not so long ago on the site of the Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church had been published on the Diocesan Council extended its translation “under surveillance” in Ilyinsky Cathedral Arkhangelsk.

John Privalov was accused that he rector follower of the teachings of St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute priest Georgy Kochetkov ,
and translated by “special pastoral care” rector of the cathedral in order to achieve from him, “bringing repentance in church innovations”
and “breakdown of the system of parish life.”

Decision of the Diocesan Council was preceded smear campaign , deployed on the site “Russian Folk line.” Within two weeks of the
materials from this resource with false accusations against John Privalov in the “split”, “heresies”, “sectarianism” propagate media fundamentalist orientation, according to the publication of information and journalistic portal Arkhangelsk region “Dvina Land.”

Commented on the current situation of the former mayor of Candlemas Church Sergei Mashyanov. Here’s what he said in a statement that results site : “On Friday I took the father of John the hospital. Outwardly, it looks as ever, but one feels that it is very hard about what is happening . said that “over the last week was much less power - it is difficult to read, it’s hard to have visitors, it is difficult to answer calls, the letters and text messages.” He says that “the impression is that somewhere there was a hole in his chest and out go vitality. “Very thanks all for your prayers and regrets that he can not thank everyone. Thankfully, bronchitis stop in time, but the high levels of stress woke old diseases.”

It is known that John Privalov, except diabetes and chronic bronchitis are suffering a rare vascular disease, about which he is already 7
times had to undergo surgery. Strong tension provoked a disgraced priest flash thrombosis in the injured foot. There were also the first problems with the heart.

Meanwhile Zaostrovsky parish was one of the most significant in the Arkhangelsk diocese. Witnesses and eyewitnesses active parish life there noted that the public authority large rural parishes today - a rarity.
“Rural parish for many years for organizing their fellow villagers and residents of the nearby big city meeting with people such as the actor Sergei Jura, singer Helen Kamburova, writer Lydia Chukovskaya editor” RCD Bulletin “Nikita Struve - a phenomenon in our church out of

the ordinary” - so spoke of life in the church member Zaostrovsky Resurrection Orthodox Brotherhood Alexander Naumchenko. A characterizing priest John Privalov, she stated that the Orthodox pastor, “who decided to twenty years ago, despite the slander, threats, and resistance, to put it a rule that in recent years has become, finally, the rule for the whole of our church - not t baptize people without training - deserves at least a sincere respect. “

Источник: Russia News

пресса, о. Иоанн Привалов

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