[fic] to ashes

Aug 13, 2017 10:26

Title: to ashes
Pairing/Characters: Sam, Dean, past Sam/Jess
Rating: PG
Word Count: 855 words
Summary: He climbs back into bed and buries himself deeper into his thin, stiff sheets, trying not to breathe in too much of their mustiness, and he holds on tight. Like he's still back there, back then, and nothing went wrong and no one burned. Like he could ( Read more... )

ship: samjess, ch: sam winchester, fic, fic: spn

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Comments 5

madebyme_x August 14 2017, 11:10:16 UTC
Such a painful fic, but perfectly capturing Sam's grief and helplessness after Jess's death.

I loved the idea of Sam thinking if he tried hard enough he could dream her back to life - heartbreaking!

Thank you for sharing this beautiful fic. Take care :)


borgmama1of5 August 15 2017, 05:18:25 UTC
Oh man, this is wrenching, and it feels exactly as I think Sam felt at the beginning. Thank you for writing this!


jennytork August 15 2017, 07:12:26 UTC
Sharp, painful and poignant. This feels so realistic.


kalliel August 15 2017, 16:58:52 UTC
This is so incredibly, painfully wonderful, bb. I think it takes a lot to find that place, after so many years, after so many times this moment has been revisited, but you do it every time. It always feels immediate. The part I love the best is the bit where Sam's thoughts are cycling idly through thoughts of California drought, then to not being in California anymore, then to the ever-present conundrum: Jess still is. And isn't. Pitch perfect. I adore this. <333333


youaregonecas August 17 2017, 19:20:41 UTC
Oh man, this is so painful but so nice ;--;


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