Yeah, I figured people might hahah :) But what's the fun in this challenge if you don't work with what's randomly given to you? That's all I did, hah. I personally wouldn't have chosen "Cheryomushki District" for the band's name, I would've gone with something awesome, like a chemical or an animal's scientific name (though CD, as it shall henceforth be known, is kind of awesome too). The photo is all right, but it wouldn't have been my first choice either. And the quote is pretty random as well, it originally speaks of old people so I kinda just warped the meaning :) I worked with what I got and made it the best I could! That's my mantra *puts on hipster glasses*. But seriously, it was random. I promise :)
You're right, using what you're given and warping the meaning is what this challenge is all about! Seeing how you can make three totally random things come together to work. And it's surprisingly not that difficult! People Are Works of Art? That's just epic. Tbh I would actually consider naming my real band/album using this method. It would be a great topic of conversation in an interview!
Yes, the quote was pretty epic. I love the fact that I got that photo with the girl, who (even though she's beautiful) is not the definititon of a covergirl and not a size 0. I honestly find her to be very pretty, so I think the photo goes perfectly with the title, especially because she doesn't look like your average model. And about using this for naming your band, I'm actually starting to believe this is the method some indie bands use for choosing their name hahah. I totally would, though.
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