Numb3rs Fic: Hostage, Chapter 3/4

Jan 03, 2012 18:17

Title: Hostage
Author: aleo_70
Rating: PG 13+
Genre: Gen
Characters: Don Eppes with cameo by Alan and Charlie
Challenge: Clue Challenge #24, June 2011 at hurt_don . Prompts: Who? Don; What? Handcuffs; Where? Apartment
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just borrowed them. Numb3rs and its characters are the property of those that created them. No copyright infringement intended. No financial reward gained. All real places and organisations are used in a fictional sense. Original characters and the storyline are mine however.
Spoilers: nil.
Warnings: violence
Word count this chapter: 2424
Word count total: ~9,200

Summary: Don discovers a neighbour is more than he seems when he finds himself taken hostage in his own apartment.


“More?”  Parker asked, holding up the refilled glass of water.

This time he drank almost the entire glass before his throat warned him enough was enough.  He pulled away and tried a word, “Thanks.”

At the pained, gravelly sound Parker seemed pleased.  “You’re getting better.”

That earned the man a one shoulder shrug and a slight grimace, he didn’t feel much better.  It was all he could do to not start coughing.  He wouldn’t be trying any more words for a while if he could avoid it.

“Thanks for the toast,” Parker continued.  He’d helped himself to some food whilst waiting for time to tick by.  “They jumped me just as I was getting into my breakfast.”

Settling for another half shrug Don just looked at the man, it wasn’t like he had a choice in the matter.

“Well, thanks anyway,” Parker said again, correctly interpreting the expression on his hostage’s face.  “This doesn’t need to be any more unpleasant than it has to be.  As long as you do as I say.”  He added.

Don just held the man’s gaze at the latest threat.

Parker nodded.  “Good, we’re on the same wavelength.  It’ll be easier for both of us that way.  So, I think it’s time we got this show on the road.  Will they have isolated your phone yet?”

Glancing at the time on his microwave Don saw that only half an hour had passed.  It was barely enough time but possible.  He inclined his head slightly and shrugged.

“I guess we’ll find out.”  Parker picked up the handset, pressing the talk button as he did so.  He paced away as he waited for it to connect.  “Goodridge right?  My car ready? ... Well I’m giving you another five minutes. ... I don’t care, we’re on our way down.  Try anything and I’ll shoot the fed, you feeling me?”

Don couldn’t help the swallow at that, the timeline was impossible.  There was no way the demanded car would be ready, even assuming the police were prepared to give it to him.  Parker was pushing things and that only made it the more dangerous for all involved.  The man didn’t even wait for a response from the detective, hanging up and tossing the handset onto the couch beside his hostage.

“Up.”  Parker ordered.

Once he was on his feet he followed the flick of the gun and stepped slowly towards Parker.  As expected his arm was taken in a firm grip and he was marched over to his door before being pulled to a stop.  Taking the opportunity Don slid his feet into a comfortable pair of old sneakers he’d left by the door for his occasional run.  Parker allowed him the moment before touching him on the shoulder to draw his attention.

“I don’t want to kill you,” Parker started in contrast to his previous threat, his voice steady and calm.  “If you get me away I will let you go.  You gave me this chance so I’ll give you a chance.  I hope you’re smart enough to take it.”

Frustrated at his lack of voice Don once again held Parker’s gaze, his own holding no promises.  He wasn’t sure if he could believe the man, but then Parker had as good as acknowledged no ill feelings towards him other than as a means to an end.  If he achieved what he wanted he may well keep up his end of the bargain.  Either way there wasn’t much he could do about it at the moment.

Parker returned his stare as if trying to convince his hostage he was telling the truth before checking through the peep hole.  He gave the door a solid kick with his foot before raising his voice, “Back away!  We’re coming out!”

A few moments later after removing the chain and unlocking the door Parker checked the peep hole again, pulling away in satisfaction.  He positioned Don near the door opening and moved up behind him.  “Ready?”

As the arm settled around his shoulders Don didn’t feel the need to answer.  The next few movements happened quickly with Parker turning the handle with his gun hand and jerking the door open before lifting the weapon to rest against the side of Don’s neck.  When the door had swung wide enough open to let them through they moved out into the hall.  They spun quickly first one way then the other as Parker surveyed the hall for police.

They were there.  At either end of the hall waited a group of officers, SWAT members at the forefront sheltering behind bullet resistant shields with their rifles at the ready.  It was an intimidating picture and Don really wished he was on the other side of one of those rifles.

“Back away!”  Parker shouted, spinning again to face the opposite end of the hall.  No matter which way he faced he was going to have guns aimed at his back.   “Back away!”

One reported the situation quietly into a handset clipped to his vest but other than that they didn’t move.  Parker seemed to understand that he wasn’t going to get anymore space as he started moving towards the elevator, constantly turning to face both groups of officers.  Don had to work hard to keep his feet under him at the rapid movements.  At one point Parker’s arm slipped almost to a choke hold but he quickly adjusted his grip as Don gagged.  Finally they reached the elevator and they stopped for a moment, turned so that Parker had his back to the elevator doors.  The gun was then pressed firmly against the side of Don’s head in a clear message to hold still.  The restraining arm left his shoulder and he heard the call button being pressed.  The arm returned to its firm grip and Don was twisted around and pulled backwards until Parker bumped against the opposite wall.  Clearly he was prepared for the possibility of officers in the elevator.

Fortunately the elevator car was empty and Parker again spun them around so he backed inside, dragging Don with him.  Forcing Don against the wall he reached out and stabbed at the button for the basement before pressing the button at the bottom of the panel to close the doors.  They started down.

Don took a deep breath as they descended and Parker briefly backed off.  He wasn’t sure what they were going to find as they reached the basement.  The police would naturally be expecting the elevator to stop on the ground floor but had they made any contingency plans?  Would they be waiting on the floors either side or had they even pressed the call button on the ground floor to ensure the elevator did stop there?  There was just no way of knowing until they got there.  The increasing tension as the floor numbers counted down made him twist his wrists against the restraints around them, serving only to increase his frustration.  As they reached the third floor Parker reached for him, pulling him around and taking up his position behind him again, ready to face off with any waiting police.  As the lights counted down the tension increased until they stopped at “B”.  Don felt Parker relax slightly as the elevator car stopped.

“Left or right?”  Parker demanded sharply before the doors could open.

Don indicated left with a careful movement of his head.

The doors slid open and no one greeted them, the basement was clear.  Don had no time to figure out if he felt disappointed or relieved or some of both as he was being propelled out and over towards his car.  He understood the urgency, the police that would have been waiting just one floor above would know where they’d gone and would be racing to catch up to them and put paid to Parker’s escape.  Parker had no time to lose.

Shoved hard against the driver’s side Don held still at the latest warning press of the gun against the back of his head.  He heard keys jangling and felt pressure against his left wrist.  A second or so later the cuff around his wrist loosened and Parker backed off.

“Get in.”  Parker ordered as he pressed the unlock button on the remote.  “Hands on top of the steering wheel and don’t even think of trying to lock the doors.”

Don pulled his left wrist free of the cuffs and opened the door, climbing up and into the large vehicle.  By the time he’d placed his hands on the top of the wheel Parker had slammed the door shut and was already moving quickly around the front of the vehicle, gun aimed through the windshield.  Don waited as instructed as there wouldn’t be any point to locking the doors, not with the remote in Parker’s possession.  There was also the fact that the windshield offered him no protection from the gun at this range.  After a final look around Parker climbed into the passenger seat and held out the keys.

“Now you can lock the doors.”  Parker ordered as Don took the keys.  “Good, now drive.”

Before doing anything else Don took a moment to lock the loose cuff around his right wrist, the dangling end a hazard when driving.  He had more than enough hazards ahead of him to need one more.


Holding up a placating hand Don started the engine, shifted into drive and released the park brake.  They’d just started to roll as the stairwell door crashed open and officers ran out, shouting orders with their weapons raised.  The words were lost in the loud music that streamed from Don’s speakers; he’d had it turned up to keep him awake on his drive home only a few hours before.  He reached out a hand to shut the music off but Parker was quicker.

“Keep going,” Parker ordered in the sudden relative silence as officers moved up in an attempt to block their path.

A moment later Don jabbed at his brakes as a pair of SWAT officers dashed between some parked cars and made it around in front of them.  Parker abruptly reached over and jerked the steering wheel to one side as he saw a gap.  With his other hand he pressed the gun hard against Don’s temple.

“No stopping,” Parker snarled.  “Hit it.”

With a gap before him and the briefest moment before it would be filled Don obeyed the instruction, pressing his foot firmly on the gas pedal.  He lined up on the roller door at the exit and wondered for a moment what Parker intended for him to do at the obstruction as they rapidly approached given the order not to stop.  It became clear enough a moment later as Parker pulled the gun away before he pushed himself back in his seat and braced against the dash.  Clearly he wasn’t to stop and press his tag against the sensor inside the door.  Looking through the mesh panels as best he could Don couldn’t see anything on the other side as he pressed his foot harder on the gas.  With a sound of screeching metal they hit the door and ripped it free from its track, the heavy SUV bulling its way through and out into the street.

Parker turned to look back but Don had no time to do likewise, forced to swerve abruptly a number of times to avoid collisions with surprised traffic.  A heart pounding few seconds later he was safely in a lane and pulling away from his apartment complex.  Now he could spare a glance in his mirrors to see no pursuit.

“For someone who didn’t want to help me you’re doing a good job.” Parker crowed as he faced front again.

Don flashed the other man an angry glare as he ground his teeth.  After a brief glance down at the gun still aimed his way, the sole reason he was ‘helping’ the man, he stared out the windshield.

“That’s why I like these so much,” Parker commented, once again contemplating the gun.  Pleased at their escape he continued, “People will do almost anything when one is pointed at them.”

As he sped past the other cars on the road Don spared a glance at Parker as he was given his first solid understanding of the types of crimes the man was wanted for.

“I prefer a .45 but anything will do in a pinch.”  At the narrowed gaze focused his way Parker seemed to realise he’d said too much and got back down to business.  “I’ve said it before and it still stands, the deal is you get me away before they find us and we’ll go our separate ways.”

Another look in his mirrors showed only his building disappearing behind them, still no sign of any vehicles in pursuit.  He looked back over at Parker as he thought it through again.  As he saw it things had changed but not exactly in his favour.  There was an option of pulling up and tossing his keys out of the SUV in the middle of the next intersection but he quickly gave that thought away.  Parker seemed to read something in his face as he abruptly waved the gun around to encompass the people around them, both in cars or on the sidewalks.

“If you want to try something go right ahead, just be sure you pick the right spot.”

He’d just decided against trying anything for precisely those reasons but the threat was clear enough.  Parker was desperate to escape and was threatening now not just to kill him but anyone else that got in his way.  The expression on Parker’s face also made it clear that he knew that as a federal agent Don couldn’t take that risk.

Not seeing any other choice Don took the next turn with an angry jerk at the wheel and then the next after that, deliberately turning to the left each time.  Upon losing sight of them any pursuer was more likely to turn right following the natural instinct of the pursued in an effort to locate them.  The LAPD would assume the agent would also turn right.  It was help he hadn’t wanted to give but there was nothing for it.  After a third turn, this time to the right and onto another main thoroughfare he raised his right hand palm upwards waving it across in front of him in a clear question.

“Where?”  Parker looked around before pointing west.  “Up there, the hills.”

Last chapter: here

charlie eppes, don eppes, alan eppes, numb3rs, fanfic

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