...and all the other TV series seem poor imitations

Feb 29, 2008 09:30

I still haven't seen the new Lost episode (I hope to see in in a few hours though), but yesterday while I was watching the E.R. episode "Scoop and run" (13x09) I came across a scene that I can only interpret as a tribute to Lost.

Spoilers for ER 13x09 and Lost pilot )

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Comments 2

polvodestrella February 29 2008, 13:20:59 UTC
LMAO!!! You're not seeing things! And if you do, then I see things, too. The scene is really Lost-like. Maybe they did that on purpose as some kind of tribute to Lost, but it looks more like a copycat action.

And to get a good lost scene, they forgot something: the hot looking guys!


alemyrddin February 29 2008, 16:24:46 UTC
LOL. Maybe we are not the most objective people when it comes to Lost... but it really is incredibly similar! Save for the hot guys - which is a huge deficiency ! (and anyway the original Lost scene was so awesome that it can't be really replicated, imo)

I called it a tribute because, of course, it's just a copycat scene, but they say imitation is the highest form of admiration... There must be a Lost geek among the ER directors/producers/whatever. Or, in 2005/2006 it was simply impossible to ignore Lost success. :)


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