Dare#029 All Through Life: Curious (extended) Family

Apr 21, 2012 11:33

Initially this idea started as "Cool! I haz a excuse for baby Curious brothers!!", but became a whole set of family portrait-ish picspam (to call it something rofl).

It's meant to sort of tell (my take on) the Curious family backstory using a more fun and dynamic way than just traditional family portraits, so hope it came out right. From Glarn and Kitty Curious expecting their first child, Jenny, to the moment when the game starts. (meaning adult, so elder stage is not included, but isn't mandatory for the challenge)


Jic, For me Glabe wasn't necessarily Glarn's first wife, and even if she was, I don't think he got abducted while married to her. I'm more of the idea that Glabe was either, his first wife when they were very young (and though their marriage didn't work, they were always friends some how), or, more often my take of it, she was his sister or a close relative (maybe a cousin, step or half sister, etc, but this is not specif here so there's space for interpretation). Also, Lola and Chloe aren't twins, and Glarn actually had them while married with Kitty. Either she knew about it or not, but Glarn always found a way to hide it at least from his children (long business trips, maybe??).

As for ages, Jenny is much older than all of them, Pascal is just a bit older than Lola, then Vidcund, and finally, Chloe and Lazlo are just about the same age. Glarn Kitty and Glabe are shown as part of the family, but only as background.  (only change of clothing for pregnancy and elderly, and their faces are mostly hidden or framed out)

That's what makes the most sense to me based on their ages and memories anyways. The original maxis pictures tell a completely story, but it's impossible to make sense of both at the same time. What really happened with this family will always be a mystery ;)

And, jic, because the idea was to include each one of these sim in each age, some of them got to have more than one makeover per stage. (always trying to show growth, like young teen/older teen). There's also a fake YA stage,  using young-looking adult clothing to make it simpler (making actual YA and dressing them with actual YA clothing required sending them to college and all. Too much trouble for this), and adult is the last makeover. (again, elder is not included here. It's ideal, but not mandatory, jic)







I took a bunch of extra picture I would like to share as well, but to keep this challenge entry clean, I'm doing a second post right after this one with a picspam just for fun!

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maxis_taste, strangetown

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