The Big Sim - Day 02 (Part 2)

Sep 01, 2011 00:23

Check out part one before continue

So each team picked up a plate,

and everyone headed back to the dinning room

to share the food they had just prepared.

(ehem! This is eating time, you two! EATING time!)

(much better!)

Justin is shamelessly stalkery, but he was trying his best! :P

As everyone finished eating, leftovers were put away, and dishes were cleaned, the sims started gathering in the living room,

until everyone was accounted for,

and they were finally left to their own devices.... (meaning, Big sim gave them 100% free will)

Some chilled,

while others looked for all sorts of ways to

.... relax

In the mean time, inside things weren't all that calm either. Frances was trying to watch his fav. soap opera,

but wasn't easy with all the loving going on behind his back

Justin was on his usual stalker mode, but when Beau didn't pay any attention to him,

he moved on to good old Carlos.

Marla, on her side, had been trying to connect with Frances (go figure!) but he's totally not amused by her.

or maybe he's just not amused at all...

Watching the object of your affection dancing like that with some one else is bound to get to you in a bad mood!

And I'm pretty sure the display of affection going on in the back there, didn't help Frances either. They look disgustingly happy!! XD

And so evening came.

The bunch having the most fun, tried to pretend like nothing had happened...

but some things you can't take back, Allegra! Too late for regrets now!!

Better just get dressed and head back to continue the party indoors.

Or mostly indoors, some of them still prefer to play outdoors,

and Frances... Continue in a very bad mood apparently! XD

You could notice how everyone was feeling hungry and tired as night came,

but there was one last thing to do before ending the day.

Vote for their least favorite house mate, so the one with the most votes is kick out the following day.

Some sims went to bed soon after voting,

others staid up longer

but by midnight everyone had already voted and gone to bed, anxious about the next morning, when the first elimination would take place.

(Justin doesn't mind being all smelly to bed, apparently lol)

They had less problems sharing beds now

but one still wind up in the floor... he's getting used to it! :P

Continue to Day 03


The votes were counted according to the system I posted about previoulsy, and there were was one clear looser, but I won't be telling who yet. We'll find out on the next update. ;)

Hope you enjoyed this.
Cheers!! :)

big sim, nonstory:big sim

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