The Big Sim - Day1

Aug 19, 2011 16:02

YAY!! I managed to get this lit' (150+/- pics) update done before leaving.

There wasn't much of a plan for the first day, just basically time to meet each other (some of them really got the mission seriously, tho lol), so I'll be letting the pictures speak for themselves. (don't expect me to actually write something out of this :P!)

First a quick reminder of who is on the challenge (see the full post here)

And, Jic, the day was pretty much, arrival, chat in smaller groups to start meeting each other, and then free will for the evening with pizza for dinner.

At the end of the day there are four very obvious pairings forming.
- Klara/Chester who only seem to have eyes for each other,
- Beau/Tina, no matter how much Frances tries to interfere! rofl
- Sharla/Cho who are the only three volts and feels like she literally has a spell on him!
- Rainelle/Julien who turned out to be really cute together.

John and Alegra are kind of getting together, but no too clear yet, because he appears to be very interested in Betty too.  Carlos is hitting both Sharla and Rainelle, but none of them seem all that interested in him. Justin, in other hand, is drolling crazy over both Carlos and Cho, but they only look back at him as a somewhat annoying, but still entertaining friend.

The rest are forming friendships and mingling a bit with everyone, but Frances barely interacts with anyone but Beau, who he follows around a bit too obsessively. At this rate, he may wind up being one the first sims to leave, but the relationship scores won't be weighted until the end of the second day, so he may still have a chance.

Also, I'm using the sleep in floor hack to compensate for the lack of beds the first days. I was hoping Klara or Sharla would agree to sleep with their guys, but not even after all the makeout their relationships was hight enough. Only Beau and Tina end up sleeping together after the casual woohoo.

ACR was causing a few problems with the casual WH, tho, Chester and Klara actually tried but they both got frozen, and so did Beau and Tina once earlier, but after changing the beds and a fews settings it was fixed (or so I hope, we'll see if it happens again during the second day)

Continue to Day 02

And have a great weekend everyone!! :)
(I'll be back on Monday)

big sim, nonstory:big sim

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