Looking for something to do, I decided to give a second thought to the Bachelor Challenge for Pascal, I was planning sometime ago. At this point, I'm not promising anything, it's just an idea, but the bachelorette challenge was really fun and very easy to play, and that's just what I need now.
Of course, if I do this, I'll post about it, but don't
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Comments 28
Alexandra because she might add some excitement to his life.
Vivian because again, Family and Knowledge work well together.
And that's because I had to choose. I personally would have voted for Cassandra and Florence myself as well :)
*nods* Those two are perfect for the Curious in general, but in my experience, Flor gets along great with Lazlo, but is too playful for Vidcund; when Lalzo and Cassie can be great friends, but he's too nuts for her lol Pascal instead is right in the middle (I mean, in personality), so gets along marvelously with both.
However, Pascal needs someone who understands and accepts all his weirdness, but also a bit more of a challenge on his life. He's not a simple guy, not at all! (reason why I'm reserving a space for the Cordials :P)
Clearly OUT in my opinion are Jessica and the two Romance sims, since Pascal is (a) still alien pregnant or (b) has a child, and that would likely turn the Romance-types off.
And jic, Pas already has his baby ^_^ I posted a small sneak peek a while ago.
She's a toddler called Cameron. (Like usually in my games)
Thanks for commenting. I love the feedback :)
I like the idea of having only single ladies in the mix (well, with the exception of Cassie) and a mix of women with children and without. So my votes had to go to Brandi, Vivian, and Alexandra.
(and good thing you didn't have any Strangetown women in there--I found that Pascal really takes a liking to Olive Spectre!)
And have you seen Vidcund!? ROFL! He can be surprisingly and unexpectedly shameless around her. She's is seriously something. <3
But I'm not considering elders either, and even though I though about including YAs (like Klara or Stella, who'd probably work great with him too), there's more than enough single adults already.
And I'm surprised Alexandra is getting a bunch of votes too. I didn't think she would. It's very interesting. :)
I bet Alexandra is getting votes because she's a single mother. People want to see a sims Brady Bunch!
I've played Pascal with both men and girls, but still can't find his perfect pairing (except my simself, maybe :P). Pas/Nerv can be really sweet, for example, but I've always seen their relationship very close, but more fraternal, than anything.
I did a bachelorette challenge once and it was so much fun and pretty cheesy, hehe! (but only with sims I made myself and only 8 sims incl. the bachelorette)
I voted for Patricia, Cleo and Alexandra :)
And thanks for voting!!
I'm excited to see who will complete the list ;)
I played this one:
I read that one (or one very similar), but honestly, I suck at following rules by the letter, so usually tend to adapt the challenge a bit to make more easy for me, and to fit the game theme.
My previous challenge included a vampire and a werewolf so everything had to happen during night, and there was a servo too so no hottub. This time my bachelor has a child and everything is set on a beach lot, so I'm planning to add a few family friendly and outdoors activities on the schedule. :)
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