Art: "Rebirth" by marlee813

Feb 23, 2013 00:11

Title: Art for "Rebirth", an mpregbigbang story by marlee813
Artist: alby_mangroves
Fandom: The Eagle / Eagle of the Ninth
Pairing: Esca/Marcus
Characters: Esca Mac Cunoval, Marcus Flavius Aquila, baby Mac Cunoval
Rating: PG-13
Media: Conte Crayon and charcoal on Riegel Natura
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing. No harm or disrespect is intended.

Story Summary: Ever since the death of this family at a young age, Esca has never cared about anything, not even himself. After years of reckless behaviour, one night he goes out drinking and clubbing and blacks out. The next morning he wakes up alone and feels.... different. With the help of his doctor, Marcus, and the life growing inside him, he begins to find meaning in his life again.


Notes: When I claimed a summary in this fest, I had no idea I'd get sucked into a new fandom. I had to google The Eagle and its actors to see if I could get behind the pairing and draw them. Of course, I saw Jamie Bell and almost fell off my chair in the sprint for the claim- it wasn't pretty. Eagle fandom, you guys are amazing, I hope you don't mind me crashing the party- I'll bring beer!

The story itself, a modern AU, is going to be fantastic, but unfortunately, Marlee813 has been unable to complete and post with me tonight, due to sudden RL events. However, I'm certain it will be completed soon. You can do it, lovely! *\o/*

Thanks to chosenfire28 for her patience and all the hard work she puts in to modding all over fandom. Thanks to the wonderful amphigoury for the Beta and for always being willing to help, and to planejane and sineala for their encouragement! I must also thank riventhorn for making sure I wasn't just interested in this fandom but that I fell completely in love with Esca and am vomiting feelings everywhere. Thank you very bloody much ♥♥♥

1. Cover Art

2. Esca

3. Marcus and the Baby

4. The Kiss

AO3 | Tumblr | DA

Thank you

mpreg big bang, artwork: esca, artwork: marcus, fanart, fandom: the eagle, artwork: esca/marcus, art, artwork: oc

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