Summer Lovin' Comment Fest!

Jun 10, 2012 16:44

Welcome to our first ever comment fest here at albuscorpius100! So exicting! :) The theme of the fest is Summer Lovin', so break out those bathing suits & let's get to it!

[Fest Rules & Guidelines]

For Prompters:

~ You may submit as many prompts as you like.

~ Please keep the theme in mind when prompting, but be creative!

~ Please title your comment "PROMPT."

~ This is an Albus/Scorpius community. All prompts and fills must be Albus and Scorpius slash or at least pre-slash. If other pairings are requested, Albus and Scorpius must be the result if it begins with one/both of the boys as part of another couple, or must be included heavily if a side pairing is requested as a part of the prompt. No other main pairings should be requested.

~ There is no top/bottom preference affiliated with this community. If you have a preference for your prompt, please include it in the prompt.

For Authors and Artists:

~ You may write/draw for as many prompts as you like.

~ This is an Albus/Scorpius community. All prompts and fills must be Albus and Scorpius slash or at least pre-slash. If other pairings are requested, Albus and Scorpius must be the result if it begins with one/both of the boys as part of another couple, or must be included heavily if a side pairing is requested as a part of the prompt. No other main pairings should be requested.

~ Please warn appropriately should you choose to write/draw things such as major kinks, unhappy endings, infidelity, etc.

~ Prompts can be filled more than once, both for fic and for art. Feel free to write for a prompt even if it's already been written, draw if it's already been drawn, etc.

~ All ratings are allowed and encouraged. Please do include warnings as appropriate.

~ You may post your fic as a comment or series of comments to the prompt you're filling, or you may comment to the prompt with a link to the fic in your own journal. Make sure your entry is public if you choose to do that.

~ Artists, please comment to the prompt with a link to the art in your journal. If the image is NWS, please warn for that in the comment so that there aren't any unfortunate workplace surprises when the link is clicked.

~ Please title your comments with "FILL: FIC" or "FILL: ART."

~ Fics can be any length - 100 words or more. Write as much or as little as you want.

~ If you're using your own idea instead of someone else's prompt, you can simply post your work or link to your work as a comment to this post. Please title it "FILLING OWN PROMPT."

And overall...

~ Be kind. We're all here to have a good time and share our love for this pairing. That means no flaming anyone for their prompts or fills. Kind comments only, or no comments at all.


Summer Lovin' Comment Fest

Banner by sophia_clark!

Please help to pimp this fest! Just copy & paste the text above anywhere you want to help spread the word! Thanks so much!

♥ Your Mod,


comment fest, mod post

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