Перевод на англ язык комментариев к pic 3 в статье "Новая экономика космоса" (ТМ 12/2011)

Jan 03, 2012 22:40

explanation of the pic 3

Article`s translationAmbitious projects

New Economics of the Space
Technika Molodezhi No 12/2011


Heat-shielding screens production for the last steps of orbital rocket-carriers

Phases of the process:

1. Start of the suborbital cargo shuttle. The highest point of its trajectory is in accordance with the height of ASD's orbit at perigee (100-300 km).

2. Cargo out-throw from the shuttle in a horizontal direction at the speed 40-80 m/s in the form of a line sequence of cargo fragments - the track.

3. Made of cargo fragments track's absorption by ASD's trap.

4. Suborbital shuttle return: braking in the atmosphere and vertical landing in the zone of the launch using jet engines and/or other possible means of landing - a parachute, a helicopter rotor, wings.

5. Accumulated substance transfer into the orbital storehouse. The transfer is underway by connecting ASD right to the storehouse or with the help of additional interorbital tugboats.

6. Transfer of substances needed to make heat-shielding materials, into the production block of the orbital complex.

7. Heat-shielding covers production (capsules and screens) made out of the accumulated at the orbit raw materials and then products transfer to the chain conveyor of connecting with the objects of protection - descended to the Earth apparatuses,i.e. with spacecrafts and the last steps of the orbital rocket-carriers.

8. Two-step orbital rocket-carrier launch.

9. Separation of the reusable winged blocks of the first step, return to the launch zone and soft landing of the blocks.

10. The last step of the rocket-carrier orbiting to the production-accumulative complex's orbit, nearing it, delievered cargo transfer to the orbital station, crew replacement and reception of returning to the Earth cargoes.

11. Orbital rocket step connection and/or returning spacecraft with heat-shielding capsules and screens connection, descended apparatuses refuel in order to create a descent impulse from the orbit (braking impulse) and, in some descent versions (schemes of return), the fuel stock is given for landing the apparatuses on jet thrust.

12. Descent of the protected step and the protected spacecraft from the orbit, braking in the atmosphere.

13. Dropping the heat-shielding covers, opening the parachutes and splashdown. A vertical landing of the orbital step using the thrust of the main jet engine, to do this the step is refuelled  in space by fuel (5-10% out of the step mass) on the basis of highly boiling (not cryogenic) components.

© 2011 Alexander Mayboroda
All rights reserved. Any copy materials only with permission of the author

asd, патент, low cost space access, $100/kg, орбитальные АЗС

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