Guess what doesn't want to work for me!

Jan 26, 2006 19:13

That's right, it's the site we love, Therefore, I must place my fic here.
FS, as I said it would be, avec Ellie, with her sweet little voice saying Sam-Dad thank you, Grapeofdeath =) *squishes her*
The end's a bit crap, I'm sorry, I got so far and my brain stopped working.
I've also listened to tapes of me talking to bessie mate when I was about 6 or 7, and I kept going on and on... rather like now, which is why Ellie talks like this. Um, yes, go read.
Thank you Sheepy, changed now *pokes*

Daisy Chain

Legs crossed, head bowed, tongue poking out of the side of her mouth, seven-year-old Elanor was concentrating on making the Shire's longest daisy chain. Without her father's help, seeing as he had proved himself useless at doing anything apart from breaking the daisies before Ellie could get her hands on them.

"I think it's bigger than the one I made last week already." Ellie said, crawling along the floor and laying the chain out in a straight line.

"Are you sure?" She nodded and picked one of the daisies growing by her feet.

"Yes. I made that one with May and we put them both together. But she cheated and, um," She paused and dropped the daisy on the grass. "Because she got Juniper to make one with her before I got there. And then she put Juni's with hers and told me she made all of it. But Tom said he'd seen her do it so I know she was lying." She added another daisy and looked at Frodo.

"Daddy? Daddy, do you think it'll be finished by the time Sam-Dad gets home?"

"Well, that depends on how many more daisies you need for it to be finished. Do you plan on clearing the Hill?"

"I don't know. I need to make it longer than May's, because she said no one could make one longer than hers without using all the daises in the Shire. And I have to prove her wrong because you shouldn't lie."

"Of course you shouldn't. You'll have to stop soon though, it's starting to get dark."

"That's ok, I'll do some more tomorrow. Do you think Sam-Dad knows how many daisies there are in the whole entire Shire?" Frodo shrugged.

"I'm sure he does."

"Do you think he knows how many daisies there are in the whole of Middle Earth?"

"You can ask him when he gets home." Frodo answered, picking up his daughter, daisy chain and all, and started to walk towards the door of Bag End. "Come on, before you can't see the daises and start picking grass."
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