Random Natterings and an Art Rec

Dec 04, 2010 07:08

 Well, my mid-term seminar/review went well, so it appears that I should continue to remain employed for another 2 years.  In fact, my chair has told me to start submitting names to write promotion letters for me.  If all goes well, I will finally make it to full staff (the equivalent of full professor, if I were in a real academic institution, and ( Read more... )

recs, life, geekiness, good news

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Comments 5

therealsnape December 4 2010, 13:00:13 UTC
Oh, Merlin, that Snupin story was hilarious! Brilliant! McCatwoman. An American Werewolf. The whole discussion leading up to it. (And aboot is a word. Are we doubting McG here? The insubordination of former pupils knows no bounds.)

And thank you for the science explanation. For once, something scientific more or less reached me. The 'less' parts are because of my utterly unscientific mind, which is best described as light and fluffy. They should promote you at once.


dickgloucester December 4 2010, 13:25:38 UTC
It IS fascinating - even for a non-scientist.

And congrats on promotion noises!


atdelphi December 4 2010, 14:57:11 UTC
Congratulations on the review! Also, thank you for the great write-up of the arsenic/phosphorous finding, because I've been excitedly trying to explain that to a couple of people and have mostly been bungling it.


kellychambliss December 4 2010, 15:24:39 UTC
Congratulations! And I have no doubt you'll be promoted. Look how well you can explain things. I always follow space-related news (several of my relatives spent most of their careers at NASA -- dad, grandfather, two uncles, so our whole family are space-program addicts). So I'd seen a brief article about this, but I didn't understand the implications until now. Thank you!

Oddly enough, I was typing up my own review of that grand Snupin comic at the same time you must have been posting this. It's the first work on that site that has inspired me to register so that I could review (not that I've read much Snupin, but it's definitely starting to grow on me). I think I know who the artist is, too -- always so clever.


lash_larue December 4 2010, 16:05:43 UTC
That was indeed funny, very clever!

I have mixed feelings about the arsenic discovery however. How are little old ladies going to kill people after the change?


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