[Sherlock Holmes ACD] Beyond Reality

Jun 25, 2017 13:15

Title: Beyond Reality
Prompt: Gen Prompt Bingo - Virtual Reality
Rating: General Audiences
Universe: ACD / AU
Characters: Holmes, Watson
WordCount: 462
Summary: True friendship reaches even beyond reality.


Holmes and Watson laugh as they enter their living room.
"You will never let him live it down, will you, Holmes?" Watson asks with a deep chuckle and Holmes snickers, throwing himself into his chair. "Never!"
They look at each other, before laughing again and Watson lets himself fall into his chair besides Holmes'.
"Poor Lestrade, no wonder he hesitates so much before asking for your help if you torture him so."

Holmes grins brightly and Watson shakes his head, leaning forward to take up his journal, but he cringes suddenly and a shadow falls over his eyes.
Holmes looks over sharply to see Watson's body flicker and growing transparent for a moment. He sighs sadly.

"Watson?" he calls gently and Watson jumps, his body becoming solid again and he lifts his hand to his head, massaging his temple. "That was..."
"You look tired, old fellow," Holmes says. "It was a long day. You should go up to bed, Watson."
Watson nods, his eyes still dark and distant as he continues to rub his forehead. "Yes, you are probably right. I really do not feel... Sleep is probably all I need."
"Then go on, old man, I will not stay up long myself," Holmes says and watches Watson with sad eyes as he leaves the room.

Holmes listens to the steps on the stairs, stands up and picks up his violin to play some soothing tunes. He plays until he is sure that Watson is asleep and then lowers the instrument with a sad sigh once more. Holmes leans his head back into his neck and closes his eyes for a moment, before opening them and looks up at the ceiling.

"Save progess and backup file on my private server, access code 221B. Exit program."

Sherlock Holmes closes his eyes as the room grows dark around him and opens them again to a white room. He sighs and pulls of the helmet, before looking to his side. John Watson lies still in the hospital bed, his eyes closed and his body connected to an endless array of tubes and wires. Holmes stands up and stops at Watson's side, taking his closest friend's hand into his own.

"Sleep well, old fellow, I will see you tomorrow," he says and chuckles, as the old fashioned words fall so easily from his lips. He checks the machinery once, then turns around and leaves the hospital room, already thinking about the new 'cases' he could program to spend time with his comatose friend.

While it saddens him to only be able to see Watson in the virtual reality at the moment, he is still thankful for it and cherishes every moment.
If only his friend were not so fond of ancient detective stories, Holmes thinks ruefully.


fanfiction, sherlock holmes, prompts, bingo, drabble/ficlet

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