[Sherlock Holmes ACD] Hidden in Plain Sight

Jun 25, 2017 12:34

Title: Hidden in Plain Sight
Prompt: Gen Prompt Bingo - Crime lord
Rating: General Audiences
Universe: ACD / AU
Characters: Holmes, Moriarty
WordCount: 873
Summary: Being a crime lord just takes too much effort.


Holmes watches as Watson disappears down the hill while the Reichenbach Falls roar loudly behind him. He is glad that Watson fell for the fake message. Holmes knows his boswell well, he knew that Watson could never resist a call for medical assistance. He is such a good doctor and an even better man.

When he can no longer see his friend's shoulders Holmes turns around and continues slowly up the hill, the sound of the waterfall getting louder by the moment. It does not take long to reach the ledge directly above the precipice he had found weeks before and settles down to wait for his 'opponent'.
After a while James Moriarty appears on the other side of the path, carefully walking towards him while eyeing the abyss uneasily.

"A nice place you have choosen for this meeting, Master Holmes," the professor greets him and Holmes shrugs. "It will serve my purpose."
Moriarty, now standing directly besides him, chuckles deeply and then looks around. "And you even managed to get rid of the doctor. He is truely dim-witted, is he not?"

A hand shoots forward, gripping Moriarty tightly by the throat and he chokes desperately. Holmes' face is a dark mask of rage and his eyes glitter dangerously. "Never dare to speak of him like that. He is more than you could ever hope to be. I will not tolerate anyone slandering him in any way."

"Alright, alright," Moriarty chokes hoarsely. "I apologize, Master Holmes."
Holmes holds him a moment longer, then releases him with a small push. Moriarty stumbles back and gasps sharply. Holmes watches him impassively, then turns his look back to the rushing water behind them.

"Everything went without problems, I presume?"
Moriarty clears his throat once more and nods. "Of course, Master Holmes. We did everything as you commanded. Even though I still do not understand why you let your own empire fall like this? You had the whole city under your control! And now-"

"Now it still remains under my control, but sometimes you have to clean out the filth and debris" Holmes interrupts smoothly. "There were too many worthless pawns, too many holes in the web. After the dust settles it will be easy enough to start anew. My most valuable assets and trusted followers are untouched by this purge and my brother will take care of the business 'til my return."

Moriarty's eyes gleam greedily. "And in a few years we can rebuild the organisation to be even more powerful."
Holmes dips his head lightly, then takes a step closer to Moriarty. "Moran stayed behind?"

"As you commaned, he will keep low and await new orders," Moriarty answers and Holmes nods, taking another step closer.
"Now how exactly have you planned this, Master Holmes?" Moriarty asks and looks to Holmes with an amused grin. "I am curious about our 'deaths' and how you consider explaining our survival."

"My supposed death or hiatus as I call it, will be easily explained as will my survival. But it would be too suspicious for two men to come back from the dead. Besides you have fullfilled your purpose as deflection. As I said," Holmes continues, standing directly in front of his subordinate who had posed as the napoleon of crime for the last few years, taking the attention away from himself.
"It is time to clean out the filth."

And before Moriarty can react Holmes pushes him rigorously against the chest and Moriarty falls back over the edge. His screams mix with the rush of the waterfall and it seems like an eternity until they subside.
Holmes straightens his jacket and checks his pocket watch. The conversation took longer than he anticipated, but he knows that it will take Watson a while to come back. He pulls the letter from his pocket - the letter he wrote days ago and places it on a near rock with his walking stick. Holmes then makes new trails on the path to make it look as if there had been a fight with both participants falling over the edge.

He pauses once more on the edge and looks down into the abyss. Holmes never felt shame or regret for his deeds and crimes, but he feels sorry to have to do this to his friend. Watson will be beyond grief about his death, but Holmes hopes that his wife will be able to heal the worst of the pain until his return.
Watson, forgiving soul that he is, will welcome him back with open arms and Holmes will try to be a better friend to him then.

His next criminal organisation will be less widespread and less brutal. Holmes will spare more of the innocents and weak, not only to appease Watson's gentle soul but also to have more free time.
Being a crime lord just takes too much effort and time and Holmes has better things to spend his attention on now.

However someone has to have the control over the city, someone has to keep the criminals in check and direct their intentions.
This time around he will just try to do so more as a detective than a criminal.

It might be even more fun like this.


sherlock holmes, prompts, bingo, drabble/ficlet

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