[Sherlock Holmes ACD] --- They are the Tiger (JWP#06 2015)

Jul 06, 2015 12:32

Title: They are the Tiger
Theme: Watson's Woes July Writing Prompts 2015
Prompt: #6 Quotation Prompt. "Imitate the actions of a tiger." --Shakespeare, Henry V
Author: Alaylith
Rating: General Audiences
Universe: ACD
Characters: Holmes, Watson
WordCount: 61
Summary: They are the Tiger.

A/N: Be warned, this is a bad poem-whatever-look-a-like; the hot weather must have melted my brain in the last few days... The idea sounded better in my head; I should have just left it there. :/


Holmes is a panther.
Black and deadly, silent and clever.

Watson is a lion.
Gold and fierce, strong and loyal.

Black and Gold,
entangled and combined,
like day and night.

Together they are one,
the King of the Jungle
and their jungle is London.

They are the Hunter.
They are the Protector.
They are the King.

They are the Tiger.

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