JWP 2014 #05 --- Mute applause

Jul 05, 2014 18:35

Title: Mute applause
Theme: July Writing Prompt 2014 #05 - July 05
Prompt: Picture Prompt - makes the music mute

Author: Alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC (S1); based on ACD "Silver Blaze"
Characters: Sherlock
Word Count: 143
Summary: Sherlock plays his violin, only to get a mute applause.

A/N: *yawn* Long day, so not gonna write much. I beliebe this fill will be placed at the end of the second Arc, so right now it is chronologically the last one.
Have to work on the Master Post so we can see the order of the prompts (most importanly for myself or I am going to loose the overview ^^").


Sherlock takes a deep breath, then lowers his chin gently to his violin and begins to play.

The melody is slow and melancholic, then there is a rush - the notes hunt each other and get higher and higher.

With his eyes closed Sherlock reaches the peak, a high pitched, gleeful tone, only to suddenly crash to the lowest and deepest tone.
Long and slow strokes raise the most mournful tones from the violin, a sad melody growig quieter and quieter.

But right before the end there is a last high tone - a hope, a prayer and then silence falls over Sherlock's form.

Sherlock sighs, his shoulders sagging tiredly and he looks over to the hospital bed.

Only to look into tired, blue eyes filled with sleepiness, pain and adoration.

And Sherlock knows that this mute applause is the best he could ever get.

drabble/ficlet, bbc sherlock, story, ww july prompts

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