JWP Amnesty #07 ~~~ Chicken soup

Aug 07, 2012 10:10

Title: Chicken soup
Theme: July Writing Prompt Amnesty Period #07
[Playing in another sandbox]
Playing in another sandbox. We all have those crucial stories we've always loved and which shaped our perceptions of characters, those ones we read over and over and love just as much the hundredth time through as we did the first time. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and now's your chance to flatter someone. Choose a fanwork (anything from published pastiche to something right here on LJ or ff.net) and write a scene inspired by it, missing from it, or in that universe. It's fanfic of a fanfic, in other words. This is your chance to pay tribute to those stories you've loved and learned from as a writer and a reader; only be complimentary and complementary to their universe, and make sure you credit appropriately and ask their permission if at all possible.

Author: alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC
Characters: John, Sherlock
WordCount: 415
Summary: Sherlock makes soup for John.

A/N: Sadly the author did not answer my request, so I tried to reference to his/her story only in subtle ways.
The story is Risotto by Richefic, one of my favourite authors for NCIS stories and thankfully Richefic also has some awesome BBC Sherlock stories, too. :)

And with this ficlet I finished all prompts for the July Challenge and the Amnesty Period! :D
Going to make a chronologial Master Post soon and then there are still some things that I wish to write, so there will be some more ficlets for this story!

But as my vacation will end this weekend I can't promise as to when I am going to continue this... :/

Hope you liked it thus far and thanks to all the wonderful reviews I got along the way! ^_^


John awakes from his slumber on the couch, hearing alien noises coming from the kitchen. He rubs his eyes and pulls the afghan more tightly around his shoulders, before he stands up and walks towards the kitchen.

Sherlock wears an apron and chops vegetables while he regularly looks to an open cook book at his side.

“What are you doing?” John asks finally and Sherlock looks up. “I am cooking.”


“Just because,” Sherlock answers with a quick grin and John snorts, remembering a similar conversation not too long ago.

“And what are you cooking?” John steps up to him to look at the recipe. “Chicken soup?”

“It’s good for sick people,” Sherlock explains and John smiles tiredly, before he sits down on a chair and watches Sherlock work.

Sherlock concentrates really hard, always checking the recipe and doing everything as exactly as possible.

Finally the soup is cooking on the stove and Sherlock sits down opposite from John. “See, it's simply basic science.“

John chuckles, but then shudders and wraps the blanket more tightly around his shoulders. “Go and lie down again, John,“ Sherlock says. “I’ll bring you your soup.”

John nods and returns to the couch and falls asleep a few moments later.

The next time he wakes up he sees Sherlock beside him with a bowl in his hands and a curious expression on his face. John would almost say Sherlock looks abashed.

John sits up, takes the bowl and looks into the soup. “Huh? Didn’t you have ginger in your soup?”

Sherlock clears his throat and looks over his shoulder to the kitchen. “Well… Let’s just say that I thought it would be better if you eat a correct soup and…”

“So you made one of the cans, I can see that,” John interrupts. “But why exactly? What’s wrong with your soup? You made it perfectly, I saw that.”

Sherlock still avoids eye contact and John finally gets an idea. He grins shamelessly.

“You forgot the soup and burnt it, didn’t you?”

Sherlock stiffens and John laughs lightly. “It’s okay, everyone makes mistakes. Even boring ones like burning soup.”

Sherlock growls, but John can see the playful twinkle in his eyes. “You won’t get any Romanée Conti if you don’t shut up.“

John chuckles and then sees the second bowl on the table. He points with his chin at it.

“Shall we eat before it gets cold?”
Sherlock smiles warmly and sits down beside him. “I’d like that. Very much indeed.”

drabble/ficlet, bbc sherlock, story, ww july prompts

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