JWP Amnesty #06 ~~~ Truth hurts

Aug 07, 2012 09:47

Title: Truth hurts
Theme: July Writing Prompt Amnesty Period #06
Prompt: Gratuitous and shameless H/C/Schmoop. Cosy firelight, fuzzy slippers, hot tea, fleecy blankets, small gestures, kittens and unicorns, whatever brings out the schmooper in you.
Author: alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC
Characters: John, Sherlock
WordCount: 500
Summary: The truth is even more painful than the lies...

A/N: TADAAAA! Finally you get to know what is going on! At least generally, the details will follow. :)

Hope you like the big bad secret and hopefully I am able to surprise you (and not disappoint you). ^_^


When John wakes from the general anaesthetic, his eyes immediately land on Sherlock’s dark face. “Wh’pend?” he slurs and Sherlock lays a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“Hush, John, everything is okay.”
John shakes his hand and fumbles with his hand beneath the blanket, but he is still too groggy to free it. “No, ‘sot - sothing wrong. You…”

“Shhhh,” Sherlock murmurs and rubs a comforting circle with his thumb on John’s shoulder. John tries to fight, but his eyes grow heavy and close.

It’s not long after that John awakes again, this time not feeling the effects of the drugs any longer. Sherlock’s still at his side and John blinks sleepily at him.

“Sherlock…,” John murmurs clearly and Sherlock dips his head to one side. “Better now?”

John nods and rubs his eyes with his hand. “It’s over?”

When Sherlock does not answer John opens his eyes again to look at him. “Sherlock?”

“John…,” Sherlock says and draws a deep breath. He sits forward and rests his hand on John’s shoulder again.

“What’s wrong?” John asks, fear taking over and he grasps Sherlock’s sleeve. “Was anyone hurt? Did I kill anyone?”

Sherlock shakes his head. “No, John, nothing’s wrong…”

“But…” John starts and Sherlock feels bitter anger rising in his chest.
“Nothing’s wrong, John. There never was anything wrong.”

John blinks for a moment, but then realisation dawns and he lays his hand over his heart, feeling the thick bandage. “I felt it…”

“There really was an implant, but it was harmless. It was nothing.”
John stares at him, his face pale and his eyes dark. “Nothing… There was nothing wrong…?”

A few moments of silence and then John growls angrily, trying to leave the bed.

“John, stop,” Sherlock admonishes him and holds him still, but John grasps his arms and tries to free himself. “John, stop it - you are hurting yourself.”

“Let me GO! Sherlock, for heaven’s sake… LET ME GO!”

John continues to struggle, but Sherlock is stronger and keeps holding him down to the bed. John’s harsh breathing finally turns to gasping sobs and he falls back on the bed, his hands grasping Sherlock’s clothes.

“Lies… It were all lies… All the time… All the time I worried about NOTHING!”

John got louder with each word and finally he shouts hoarsely. “THAT SICK BASTARD!”

Sherlock keeps his face emotionless, just carefully holding John down so that he can’t injure himself.

But when John lays back and tries to swallow his sobs, Sherlock loosens his grip and leans over John.

John opens his eyes and looks directly up to Sherlock, his eyes full of tears he is unwilling to shed and full of darkness and pain.

Sherlock silently returns the look and when a tear finally slips free from John’s eye, Sherlock just leans down to touch his brow against John’s and both close their eyes.

There is still a lot to discuss and many questions to answer, but right now all they need is to hold on.

sherlock holmes, bbc sherlock, story, ww july prompts

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