JWP Amnesty #03 ~~~ Haunting Memory

Aug 07, 2012 09:16

Title: Haunting Memory
Theme: July Writing Prompt Amnesty Period #03
Prompt: Type some phrase to do with a Sherlock universe (ie. Reichenbach, The Reigate Squire, Watson + kittens, etc.) into DeviantArt, Google Images, or some other image generator. The first picture that appears must be your inspiration and basis for the fic.
Author: alaylith
Rating: PG
Universe: BBC
Characters: John, Sherlock
WordCount: 320
Summary: John is haunted by a memory and a voice.

A/N: My picture was this great artwork.

And finally there is a hint about what is going on! Or at least who might be responsible for John's woes. ;)


Only a small light illuminates the room and a dripping sound resonates in the tiled corridors.

The rope rubs into your wrists and the skin burns, as you try to free your hands.

Your legs are tightly bound to the chair you are sitting on and your head is the only thing you can freely move.

You strain your hearing and you peer into the darkness surrounding you, waiting for him to appear again.

Even though you are waiting, anticipating his return, you jump a little when a sudden breath touches your ear.

A dark chuckle and he steps around your chair to stand in front of you.

He raises his hand and you expect a blow, but instead he strokes your cheek gently with his fingertips.

Disgusted you turn your head away, but the hand then grasps your chin and you are forced to look into his dark eyes.

< You can’t be allowed to continue. >

The silky voice whispers and the other hand presses against your heart.

< You just can’t. >

And then you are engulfed by immense pain and the following darkness.

John awakens with a gasp, his harsh breathing loud in the room. He stares at the ceiling for a moment, before he coughs and falls back to his bed.

He slows his breathing and tries to suppress the shaking of his limbs, when he opens his eyes again and turns his head to the side.

Sherlock sits in a chair at his side, watching him with dark eyes and his lips are pressed into a tight line.

John looks at him for a moment, but then remembers the whispers from his nightmare and he finally turns his head to look away.

Sherlock remains in the room and a tiny part of John is glad about that.
He does not fall asleep again, however the voice haunts him for the rest of the night.

drabble/ficlet, bbc sherlock, story, ww july prompts

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