Two Shots

Jul 23, 2011 17:31

Title: Two Shots
Author: Alaylith
Rating: G
Characters: Holmes, Watson
Summary: Watson remembers the night they encountered Killer Evans. (July Prompt 23)
WordCount: 622
Prompt: July 23 ~~~ Alternate FINIS
Requirements:  You must rewrite the end scene of a case, in any universe you choose (book, movie, television) - and in any way you choose.  If you want to make it angstier, feel free; if you want to add a gratuitous wrap-up scene that really needed to be in there (or delete the ennnnndless exposition), go for it; if you think it was unrealistic and want to just kill off all the characters, now's your chance.  Pick a story/episode/movie, and end it differently than the original.
Verses: Bookverse The Adventure of the Three Garridebs; original quotes all belong to their respective authors.

Author's Note: Something done a million times (don't care, this is one of my favourites ^^), but I am totally tired and already had a long day and have no time to think of anything else. But the good news is - I got my driving license! YES ! :D
The prompt is a great prompt, but I am just too tired to do something with it and this is the only thing I was able to manage now. In my quest to connect all prompts to a bigger story (officially called my July Story - I am open for any suggestions how I may really call the story later on) I just used an old trick I already used before. Watson remembers the alternative ending while he is kidnapped, thus this takes places after Blood Revenge. A loosy connection, but what can I do? ^^


Watson had found the final evidence that he lost his common sense since knowing Holmes.

Here he sits in an empty and cold attic, some days after being kidnapped and waits for his rescue.

And he is bored to death.

He chuckles and throws another pebble at the bucket some feet away. It misses and lands near his dozens brothers scattered around their intended goal.

He abandons his occupation of the last hours and leans back to stare at the ceiling.

A slight twinge in his side reminds him of one of his many old wounds and his mind begins to wander.

He remembers the case of Killer Evans and what happened that night…

His face turned upon us with a glare of baffled rage, which gradually softened into a rather shamefaced grin as he realized that two pistols were pointed at his head.

“Well, well!” said he coolly as he scrambled to the surface. “I guess you have been one too many for me, Mr. Holmes. Saw through my game, I suppose, and played me for a sucker from the first. Well, sir, I hand it to you; you have me beat and -”

In an instant he had whisked out a revolver from his breast and had fired two shots. I felt a sudden hot sear as if a red-hot iron had been pressed to my thigh. There was a crash as Holmes’s pistol came down on the man’s head. I had a vision of him sprawling upon the floor with blood running down his face while Holmes rummaged him for weapons.

Then Holmes appeared at my side and looked down at me with worry in his eyes.
“You’re not hurt, Watson? For God‘s sake, say that you are not hurt!”

Pain numbed my senses, but it was worth a wound - it was worth many wounds - to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask. The clear, hard eyes were dimmed for a moment, and the firm lips were shaking.

“It’s nothing, Holmes. It‘s a mere scratch,” I said, even though the pain was almost unbearable. But the pain did not originate from my leg…

Holmes noticed that something was amiss and he frowns angrily. “Do not lie to me, Watson!”

He used his pocket-knife to cut my trousers, but there was only a scratch. “See, I said everything’s…” A new wave of agony took my breath away and his head snapped up. Then he paled and with a shaking hand opened my waist coat to reveal the bleeding wound at my side.

“Two shots…,” Holmes murmured, shock tinted his voice and for a moment an expression of anguish and panic flittered across his face.

My vision started to dim and I felt how Holmes caught me as I dipped to one side.


I blearily looked up at him and tried to smile reassuringly, but blackness overcame my senses.


The last sound I heard was a single shot in the all consuming silence.

Watson shudders as he remembers Holmes’ haunted expression when he awoke several hours later.

Holmes refused to say anything about what had happened, but Lestrade told Watson some days later that when Scotland Yard arrived Holmes was clutching him and yelling at them to get a doctor.

And a few feet away lay the cold corpse of Evans, killed with a single shot to the heart.

The official reports say that Holmes shot Evans in self defence when he shot at them, but Watson knows the truth.
He remembers the single shot he heard when he lost consciousness and he remembers the anguish he saw in Holmes’ eyes.

He is glad that it was only one shot.

It could have been two.

sherlock holmes, story, ww july prompts

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