As promised to those who requested it,
alax is up for this one last day to allow anyone wanting links or pics from this lj to get them. (Please don't take my personal icons though - I may use them again!)
After today, all new caps, fics, etc will be up only at
The Penthouse. You'll be able to find new icons at
upforgrabsFor the time being, I am not writing SV
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Comments 19
*follows you around
I was mean to ask you, I hope I am not bothering you with this but, there is any chance to continue the "There" series?.
Don´t hate me please!. g
I can't see it continuing at this point - I'm mostly out of fandom now, and I'm not writing any SV. Maybe someday if I get more time again. My son's autism has really taken over our lives, and I just don't have the time to give the kind of attention to my writing that I have to give.
Thanks for asking though sweetie! And you can still find all my old fics on the Penthouse site - I'm not dearchiving anything.
Thanks for answering me, Bless you and a kiss for your little one, I am always reading you even if most of the time I don´t post because frankly, I don´t even know what to say to you except from reminding you that there are people out there who are so proud of knowing you and knowing how strong and beautiful people can be. Like you.
Of course, I'm sneaking time every once in awhile to cap or post in myashke... but yeah, I miss fandom. ::sigh::
Keep those boys warm for me!
Will do. Hee.
And I fully intend to keep tabs on you. Don't think you're getting away that easily. [/scary Luthoresque evil moment]
I'm friending you at myashke also, hope you don't mind.
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