COMSAR Permission Post

May 14, 2020 12:01

The Commission on Mutant/Special American Relations, Bureau of Research and Investigation New York Division (COMSAR) will be out interviewing and observing agents of The Company and their known associates.

Due to the primarily civilian makeup, most interviews will not be overt. Agents of The Company will be observed from afar by COMSAR sponsored representatives, primarily satellite government employees, including some covert agents. In most cases, it will not be obvious they are observing your character.

Admiral Calavicci (alavicci_cay) and Commander Thrace (ace_thray) will be conducting "open interviews" at some point, but until then, they will also be posing as civilians and trying to get a feel for as many Company agents as possible.

We're asking that anyone willing to give a little "insider information" do so here. It does not need to be serious, useful, threatening or helpful in any way. COMSAR appreciates information that would make them appear to "know all the right stuff," but obviously that's not always what's going to get the best reaction every time.

A great example: So-and-so's mom caught George Costanza eating a pastry out of the trash. Not the most damning thing in the world, sure, but it's probably something COMSAR wouldn't mind mentioning, should Mr. Costanza start getting a little mouthy.

As always, please post any questions, comments, or permissions here. If, for any reason, you don't want to openly post your permissions here, feel free to PM alavicci_cay or ace_thray at any time.

^bnw, +comsar, permissions

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