Written for
othertrek_kink (which, BTW, I have been waiting for since approximately May of last year, so why is it that I only found out about it this week?), a kink meme dedicated to the Treks that aren't TOS or AOS. It's an anon kink meme, but this is totally not the kind of prompt I go anon for
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Comments 2
Oh my God, this was... so sweet. And in-character. And... and... AWWWWW THEIR LOVE. <33333333333 Seriously, my heart just grew three sizes.
I'd say, hurray for new P/Q, and some that is loving and romantic, since I do love happy happy joy joy romantic stuff with a lot of my pairings, but my head space with Q and Picard lately isn't very P/Q-ish. It's more like, Q stands around and talks a whole bunch at everybody (both because I like hearing Q talk and because I suspect Q likes talking very much), while he secretly pines for Picard. And Picard stands around listening to Q talk, and grumbling a bit in a captainly fashion, but secretly he doesn't mind too much. No actual P/Q action there. ;-)
That's why I love this so much. Wonderful and beautifully written P/Q, snuggling and in-character. Plus it's not easy to do, as you said, which makes it extra special. &hearts &hearts &hearts
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