must be the weirdest weekend. Ever! I did not say anything to anybody and yet I got defriended. Why? Because I am a friend of certain people? Thank you very much. Finally you are showing your true colors! So, anyone else? It is the week to defriend ala_tariel! The less so called friends I have, it is the better and the merrier.
....for a while now, there's someone who defriended me out of the blue, a while ago and yet still lurking my LJ. I wonder what she's up to.....PATHETIC really.
I watched "V" episode Pilot last night. Today, when I read about Morena Baccarin -- she's playing Anna, the leader of the Visitors -- turned out she was in Still Life with Jensen!
I would like to wish you all my friends a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011. I wish you a BIG luck in 2011. May the New Year be a great and prosperous year for you all, full of love, joy, and happiness.
I just read that tomatoes can lower blood pressure. Effectively. No wonder I feel dizzy lately. I'm dizzy now. I ate one tomato religiously every night in the last fortnight.'s me being stupid again. So, any idea how to raise blood pressure in a quick way?
Title: Jared Knows Best Author: ala_tariel Rating: PG. It's a schmoop and nothing but the schmoop. :D Pairing: Jensen/Jared Words: 3,600 or so Disclaimer: It is not real; only in my head. My fantasy. Beta: layne67. She's an angel, really! ♥ Summary: Jensen’s journey to meet Jared. This is the continuation of Mother Knows Best.
Is it just me or...? Because I feel today is very weird. A lot of strange and unusual things happened to me. Such as the internet. It went down almost every 10 minutes. My friend, alvieramarisha, couldn't access her FB. While I was just doing fine with it. layne67 sent me a text message in the morning. She couldn't access her LJ
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