My paper is too big for my scanner so it's not all of it. Some on the sides were cut. >.< But it's most there. I also have some other things done but not scanned yet. ^^
So the mall closest to where I am is getting a sushi bar. I guess this is a good chance to actually try sushi that has fish in it. I've only had Inari Sushi (soybean curd stuff) and that's really good. I'm kinda scared to try other, though.
Woah, I'm actually posting in this thing, again o.o WEIRD! XD
Spring Break~ Yaay. Would be wonderful if I had any plans and my parents would stop making plans for me. x.X; SAVE ME XD X is this week end..Lucky all of you who are going. Peoples need to announce offical the events of this summer so I can plan now. Making sacrifices are impossible if you don't know what you're giving up. >.<;;
I usually like hanging out with my family. At times. But this holiday I'm not loving it. I guess I just wanna have something to do that doesn't involve sitting around talking to people about the same old things over and over. I wanna talk to my friends and go out and do something. Blah. Save me!! <3 ~Kaori~