Halloween Fanfic Party - Come As You're Not 2008

Sep 03, 2008 11:28

The idea of this is to write a fanfic that is unlike your own style. It sounds fabulous, and if I have time after finishing a billion other things, I'm going to try it.

Please read the party invitation and rules and pimp in your own journals, if you're of a mind.

Thanks to mer_duff for posting the link. :)

come as you're not, halloween, pimpin'

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Comments 7

conjure_lass September 3 2008, 15:22:20 UTC
What a FANTASTIC idea! I'm going to join! We'll see what I come up with. *rolls eyes*


akuni September 3 2008, 15:31:40 UTC
I think it's got potential to be so much fun! It's also got the potential to be an excuse to write badfic on purpose, which is fine if that's what floats their boats, but I hope more people take it as an opportunity to write seriously, just outside their comfort zone.


renjiluvah September 4 2008, 03:25:09 UTC
Hey- this sounds like fun. I think I want to try it too! It's gonna be hard though- writing in either a style I don't usually write in or for a pair I don't go for etc. Hmmm. :D


akuni September 4 2008, 04:41:43 UTC
Even a simple change is a good thing, I think. Write first person if you normally write third. Write present tense if you normally write past. Ease into the changes - if you're not ready to write the pair that's utterly counter to your OTP, maybe just try a favourite pair in a fandom you've never written in before! :)

This looks like such fun, it really does. :)


annieroo2 September 15 2008, 01:07:40 UTC
This sounds like so much fun. :D

I'm still experimenting with so many things though, that I really don't have a style to write out of. :P

Still if I can find some inspiration I might try humor since I seem to suck at it so bad. XD


akuni September 15 2008, 16:07:50 UTC
LOL well then it's a good time to learn! :)


(The comment has been removed)

akuni October 6 2008, 22:02:45 UTC
I'm so happy with myself that I got something written. *happy dance*

We'll see if my flist things I've gone completely bananas when I post it. *laugh*


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